Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 591

Tier 4 Great Achievement!

The moment Shang Xia completely refined the Four Seasons Spirit Sha, the four natal Spirit Shas instantly gathered together, and everything seemed to be a matter of course.

If Shang Xia is willing, he can even cross the threshold from the fusion of the four evil spirits at any time, and step into the great perfection of the Wusha realm with the help of the "four elephant palms" he has already practiced.

However, at this last critical step, Shang Xia was not indulging in the joy brought about by the improvement of his cultivation, but soberly and rationally stopped the dantian origin\'s desire to go further.

He wants to advance to the fourth level of great perfection, and the fourth-level great supernatural power he uses cannot be the "four elephant palms", but should be the "twenty-four solar terms magic knife" created by himself!

More importantly, whenever Shangxia reached this point, Sifangbei should respond.

Although Shang Xia has sufficient confidence and confidence in his cultivation of the fourth-order great supernatural power at this time, he still wants to see the supernatural power deduced by Sifangbei based on himself, and the path he will walk on his own. What a difference!

However, this time on the body of the Sifangbei, his fourth-order great supernatural power was not deduced immediately.

In Shang Xia\'s mind, the "rumbling" Sifangbei, perhaps because all his thoughts were put on devouring the Sifangbei, and he had no time to care about it; As easy as it is, it takes a certain amount of time to brew.


And in the void where this "Original Sun" is located, there are still land islands of other forces entering one after another.

It\'s just that for the forces that entered this void at this time, most of the land islands they controlled were small and medium-sized land islands.

Among them, the Changbai faction occupies a small land island with a radius of about 1,400 miles, which is almost equivalent to a medium-sized land island.

It was not too late for Changbai Ludao to enter this void. As early as after the second collapse of the "Original Sun", they had already begun to absorb the origin of heaven and earth in the void.

In fact, Changbai Lu Island was originally a medium-sized land island with a radius of more than 1,500 miles. However, in order to get to this "original void" as soon as possible, they made some sacrifices halfway, which caused the main body of Lu Island to suffer. Create a lot.

But they think that such abandonment is totally worth it, at least until they discover and recognize Tongyou Ludao.

The position where Changbai Ludao entered the original void happened to be separated from Tongyou Ludao by the "Day of Origin", and it was about below Weiyang Ludao.

However, there is no concept of up, down, left, or right in the void, and all forces can just point the surface of the land island towards the "Original Sun".

Because of the location of Changbai Island, they did not discover Tongyou Island in the first place.

However, as the "Original Sun" collapsed one after another, the void between the two land islands was no longer blocked. The warriors on Changbai Island quickly recognized the existence of Tongyou Island, especially Tongyou Land. The original beam of light above the island made the Changbai warriors even more jealous to the point of madness.

"Is that the land island controlled by Tongyou Academy?"

Changbai faction Li Yunchao stared at the slightly dark medium-sized land island deep in the void with his eyes wide open, and asked in surprise.

"Looking at the topography of the island, it is undoubtedly the area where the Tongyou Academy was originally located!"

Yan Su\'e followed behind him, and said with a wry smile.

"Hmph, their luck is pretty good, but I don\'t know if they will be able to hold on in the end!"

even as

The director of Changbai Ludao Island, the master of the fourth rank, still couldn\'t hide the jealousy in his tone.

"I heard that Senior Yan\'s closed-door retreat is not far from the residence of Tongyou Academy. I think there are many people who are familiar with Senior in the Tongyou residence. Didn\'t they go to say hello?"

A malicious voice suddenly came from behind the two, and Pan Yunbi walked up to Yan Su\'e, sizing Yan Su\'e up and down with a bit of scrutiny in his eyes.

Yan Su\'e didn\'t change her expression, she only lowered her eyes slightly, and said, "Of course I\'m gone."


Pan Yunbi didn\'t expect Yan Su\'e to admit it so generously, and her eyes were a bit astonished for a while.

Even Li Yunchao, who was standing in front of the two, moved slightly, as if he wanted to turn his head, but he finally stopped him.

Pan Yunbi turned her gaze, giggled, and said, "Then I have to ask seniors for advice. I don\'t know what we talked about with those old friends? Seniors have been away for a long time, could it be that they still lingered in the Tongyou residence for a while?" Is it time?"

Yan Su\'e sighed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It\'s my old man who was careless. I originally wanted to find out the details of the Tongyou garrison, but I never wanted to be injured by the other party. After that, I had to find a place to recuperate until Manyuzhou Lu returned to the station shortly before the collapse."

Li Yunchao nodded slightly. He knew that Yan Su\'e was indeed injured when she returned to the station, but she had already controlled her injury at that time, and it was difficult for people with insufficient cultivation to detect it.

However, Pan Yunbi obviously didn\'t want to let Yan Su\'e go so easily, and said with a light smile: "This makes the younger generation curious, the senior has already reached the fourth level of mastery, as long as he doesn\'t go deep into the core area of ​​the garrison guarded by a large formation, even if he loses to that With Shangbo and Yunjing joining hands, is it possible that they can\'t escape completely?"

Yan Su\'e sighed slightly, and said: "It\'s fine to pay Yunjing, but Mrs. Pan may have underestimated that Shangbo. This person\'s strength is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary fourth-level Dzogchen warrior."

Pan Yunbi said sarcastically, "Could it be another Kou Chongxue?"

Yan Su\'e said calmly, "It may not be impossible!"

With a sneer on Pan Yunbi\'s face, she obviously didn\'t believe it, but just as she was about to speak, Li Yunchao in front of her suddenly raised her hand, and then kept silent.

Li Yunchao said: "Patriarch Yan has seen Shangbo\'s fourth-order supernatural power? The injuries on his body are also thanks to Shangbo?"

Yan Su\'e paused slightly, but did not answer right away.

Pan Yunbi immediately sneered and said, "What, Senior Yan has something to hide? Or have you never seen Shangbo\'s fourth-order supernatural power?"

Yan Su\'e said: "Of course, I have never seen Shangbo\'s fourth-order supernatural powers!"

Pan Yunbi immediately stopped hiding her doubts about Yan Su\'e, and said with a sneer, "Senior, do you want to say that Shangbo is so strong that you don\'t even need to use fourth-order magical powers, and you can hit you hard just by joining forces with Yunjing? Yan Su\'e Su\'e, you should find a reasonable and convincing reason!"

At this time, even Li Yunchao, who had been standing in front of the two with his hands behind his back, couldn\'t help turning his head to look at Yan Su\'e after hearing the words.

However, Yan Su\'e\'s expression was still calm, and she said: "Although the two of them teamed up alone can defeat the old body, but if the old body wants to leave, it is not difficult to get out of the whole body..."

Pan Yunbi sneered and said, "I want to see what you have to say!"

Yan Su\'e continued as if she hadn\'t heard of it, and continued: "But in the Tongyou garrison, there are not only warriors whose cultivation level is above the fourth level or the fourth level, or whose combat power has reached such a level.

Bo and Yunjing were injured by this person precisely because of the existence of this person, and they were caught off guard by this person! "

Pan Yunbi sneered: "It\'s getting more and more ridiculous. Where did Tongyou Academy get a third fourth-tier warrior? Could it be that Liu Jitang came back from the dead?"

Li Yunchao\'s heart moved, but he was a little more convinced by Yan Su\'e\'s words.

Because Changbai Holy Land has been paying attention to Tongyou College for these years. As early as Yan Su\'e returned from abroad, he already knew that Yan Su\'e\'s wound was neither a gunshot wound caused by Shang Bo, nor Yun Jing. s method.

If there is really a third martial artist in the Tongyou garrison who is as strong as the fourth and fourth ranks, all of this will make sense.

It\'s just... is there such a powerful fighting force hidden in the Tongyou Academy?

Li Yunchao looked at Yan Su\'e suspiciously, and said, "Who are you talking about? Could it be that the Tongyou Academy recruited a fourth-tier and fourth-tier native expert on Manyuzhou? "

Yan Su\'e shook her head and said: "No, it\'s Shang Bo\'s grandson. This person\'s name is Shang Xia, and the wounds on my old body were bestowed by this son!"

However, as soon as Yan Su\'e finished speaking, Pan Yunbi pointed at Yan Su\'e and said loudly: "You are lying!"

Yan Su\'e sighed lightly, but did not defend herself.

Seeing this, Pan Yunbi became even more imposing: "Do you think that only the four major tribes know the direct lineage of Tongyou Academy well? Oh, you are wrong, Tongyou Academy has been under the attention of the Holy Land from the beginning to the end! What you said That Shang Bo\'s grandson Shang Xia, this son is indeed a martial arts genius, but this person has only entered the Fourth Heavenly Layer for two or three years, and his cultivation is still hovering at the first level of the Fourth Level. How can Kou Chongxue, Shang Bo and others give you the rare treasure body protection that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the fourth-tier and fourth-tier masters? Not to mention, senior, you are already a fourth-tier master now, and you are only a step away from stepping into the fourth-tier great perfection You are a master! How could you be hurt by this kid? It\'s a joke in the world!"

Yan Su\'e listened to Pan Yunbi\'s reprimand with a calm expression, and only after she finished all she wanted to say in one breath, the old patriarch of the Yan clan raised his head and said slowly: "Both, Have you ever heard of the \'four evil fellow practitioners\'?"

Pan Yunbi sneered and said, "Cultivator of the four evil spirits? What is that? Refining the four natal spirit spirits at the same time? Yan Su\'e, can you find a reason that makes people feel ridiculous?"

Before Pan Yunbi finished speaking, she saw that Li Yunchao in front of her had turned around again, and stretched out her hand to stop her from continuing. Instead, she looked at Yan Su\'e with piercing eyes, and said, "Patriarch Yan means to say, The grandson of Shang Bo followed the path of fellow cultivators of the four evil spirits, so in just two or three years, he was able to have the strength comparable to that of a warrior of the fourth rank and fourth rank?"

Yan Su\'e nodded slightly, and sighed: "Four evil cultivators, it is really a name that is so old that people almost forget it, but I know that as a holy place of martial arts, there must be something about this name among the senior leaders of Changbai sect. It is a record of a cultivation method."

Seeing that Li Yunchao suddenly fell into deep thought, Pan Yunbi couldn\'t help but said, "How is this possible? Our natal spirits are refined one after another, and we don\'t know how many life and death difficulties we have to go through in the process. The form is completely destroyed. If it is true that the four evil spirits are cultivating together, how can we ensure the balance between the original spirit evil spirits?"

Yan Su\'e said lightly: "What if the fellow practitioners of the four evil spirits started taking the advanced potion together?"

Pan Yunbi was confused for a while.

However, Li Yunchao said in a low tone at this time: "Kou Chongxue and Shangbo are really willing!"