Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1698

"She has just advanced to the sixth level, how can she be allowed to go to Outland?"

Chu Jia looked at Shang Xia in surprise, but found that Shang Xia looked unhappy, but he didn\'t seem to be as angry as he imagined.

"You already knew?"

Chu Jia suddenly came to her senses and asked, but she immediately said in surprise: "Could it be that this little girl made a deal with the head of the mountain, right? The head of the mountain promised her to go to Jeju to attack the sixth heaven, and even gave her a A star fruit, and she went to Outland to explore the ruins of the surface world after she successfully advanced..."

Shang Xia was stunned when she heard the words, and then interrupted her with a laugh: "What are you thinking, how could the head of the mountain do such a thing?"

Chu Jia also realized that her thoughts were too dark, and said angrily: "Isn\'t it true that caring makes chaos!"

Shang Xia coughed unnaturally, but Chu Jia chuckled in exchange for it, so he quickly said: "Although I don\'t know why the head of the mountain would allow this child to attack the Liuhe mirror at this time, the head of the mountain didn\'t say it clearly. But this child is not confused in her heart, she knows that what she does is definitely inappropriate, and it will cause criticism in the academy, and with this little girl\'s haughty temperament, she will definitely find a way to make it up."

Chu Jia said dissatisfied: "Since you guessed that she would definitely do something to make amends, why didn\'t you take precautions beforehand and let her go to the outer domain?"

Shang Xia said helplessly: "I\'m careless, I\'ve been too bet on you trying to rearrange the mutation array these few days, but I left this matter behind, and even I didn\'t expect this girl to be so Get out quickly."

Chu Jia asked: "You really didn\'t notice it at all? Are you not worried at all?"

Shang Xia looked up at her, and said: "This girl is even better than me in the Five Elements escape technique alone, whether it is running for her life or walking through the formation restriction, she is first-class. Given that I am currently unable to leave Guantianyu, and the head of the mountain is still injured, she may be the only person in the academy who is most suitable to go to Outland to investigate the ruins of the plane world!"

Although Shang Xia said so, in the process of compounding, reorganizing and arranging the sixth-order mutation formation talisman, Chu Jia still felt the anxiety that he inadvertently revealed.

However, not long after, another messenger talisman flew from under the sky barrier and fell directly into Shang Xia\'s hands.

Chu Jia just glanced at the specially made communication talisman, then smiled with a special meaning, and said, "Sister Haimin, right?"

Shang Xia coughed subconsciously, and quickly infiltrated the message talisman with divine intent to check its contents.

However, soon Shang Xia\'s face changed, and even with a hint of anger between his brows, he said loudly, "It\'s just nonsense!"

Chu Jia was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

Shang Xia didn\'t answer, so she reached out and snatched the communication amulet from Shang Xia\'s hand to check the contents inside.

At this time, Shang Xia said: "Zhu Nang set off for Lingmang Realm again, this time Huang Yu also followed, and the girl Yuanyuan not only avoided the two people\'s eyes and ears and hid on the star boat, she even hid on the star boat. He even boldly brought Wei Zheng, a little bastard, up there."

Chu Jia browsed the contents of the communication talisman, raised his eyelids and glanced at Shang Xia, and said, "Huang Yu is also a second-rank real person after all, and he should travel to many places as an undercover agent. He has rich experience, but he doesn\'t know his injuries. To what extent has it recovered? As for the little bastard Wei Zheng in your eyes, he is now a warrior of the fourth-order martial arts realm, and in a normal sense, he can be regarded as a small master."

"What\'s more, behind them, there is also you, the hall master of the formation hall. Which of these people does not have two or three sixth-order martial arts made by you yourself? Opponents below high-grade are easy enough To deal with it, even if you run into a Gaopin real person, there may not be no possibility of escaping."

Shang Xia let out a long breath, and said with a headache: "You should continue to look back, Huang Yu made Mu Jianyin\'s belly bigger, and this is probably the root cause of him actively going to Outland to participate in the exploration of the remains of the plane world. And after Mu Jianyin came to the door, Wei Qiongyi found out about it!"

Mu Jianyin was the leader of the Academy\'s Early Life Affairs Department, and his sharp swordsmanship was rare in the academy, and he was also a man of the hour in the academy back then.

Later, Tongyou Academy rose rapidly. Although Mu Jianyin was gradually caught up or surpassed by many younger generations, she has always been able to keep up with the overall development of the academy. Now she is the most promising potential of the academy to advance to the sixth heaven. Seeds, even because the accumulation time is longer and the foundation is stronger, her hope of being promoted to the sixth heaven in the future is even greater, and her potential is even greater.

Hearing what Shang Xia said, Chu Jia first spat lightly, and then chuckled lightly.

Shang Xia sighed helplessly, and said, "It\'s only been a year since Feng Ziyuan was killed, and the injury hasn\'t healed all day long, so just do some shit!"

Although the news from the plane world has been delayed for several days, in fact, the starship controlled by Zhu Nang and others must have not left Guantianyu at this time. If Shang Xia has the heart, he can capture everyone on board. But he obviously didn\'t intend to do so.

Chu Jia thought of something at this time, and asked: "I have heard you say that when Xingzhou enters and exits the gaps in the barriers of the boundary, it often encounters a huge world of the sky, which swallows its original breath, and you call it \'heaven. domain breath\', it was you who held the formation yourself, and it was not easy to travel through the gaps in the boundary barrier, but now why can you easily get in and out of it? After all, the real Zhu Nang is only a first-rank real person."

After Shang Xia finished carving the last huge talisman on the ground, he got up and returned the formation path in his hand to Chu Jia, explaining: "Actually, it\'s nothing, it\'s just that Zhu Nang is carrying the talisman that I made by myself. \'Heavenly Escape Attraction Talisman\', when entering and leaving the gap in the boundary barrier, once activated, it can temporarily borrow high-grade power from me, and I can even separate a ray of original true spirit to assist him Drive the starship to shuttle through the gaps in the boundary barrier."

Chu Jia was suddenly stunned, and then immediately asked: "What if it is outside the domain? For example, outside the ruins of the plane world?"

Shang Xia shook his head helplessly and said: "Due to the increase of the distance outside the Tianyu world, the effect of this talisman will definitely be weakened, and the existence of the boundary barrier will further limit my power. It would be good if the \'Heavenly Escape Attraction Talisman\' can borrow the power equivalent to the third rank."

"Of course, thanks to my promotion to the Seventh Heaven now, the effect of the \'Heavenly Escape Attraction Talisman\' will also increase to a certain extent. If I really encounter danger outside the territory, it will be able to burst out comparable to high-grade magic in a short period of time." It’s just that this kind of explosion can only be a one-shot deal, and after using it, all that’s left is to run for your life.”

Chu Jia immediately rolled his eyes at him when he heard the words, and said, "So you still hide such a backhand, no wonder you look like you are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai."

"But then again, why do you look more and more like the head of the mountain now, always looking like everything is under control?"

Faced with Chu Jia\'s question, Shang Xia could only wave his hands helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Everything is under control? This meteorite under our feet may not be the case! If we fail again this time, we will lose it on the star robe of Master Wei." You can temporarily let go of the other four mutation formations."


Happy New Year\'s Day 2023, fellow Taoists!