Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1699

In order to verify Shang Xia\'s conjecture about the recombination of the seven-way and sixth-order mutation talismans, Shang Xia and Chu Jia found a meteorite with a diameter of nearly five miles in the void of the plane this time, and after a comprehensive survey Afterwards, it took a long time to carve and arrange the enlarged seven mutation formation symbols in a large scale according to the deduced specific orientation, and now it has finally been roughly completed as a whole, and only the final verification is awaited.

"I think you\'re still being too careful. Didn\'t you already integrate five of the seven mutation formations when you were in the Sixth Heaven\'s Great Consummation?"

Chu Jia re-checked the mutation array symbols arranged on the huge meteorite, and after finding nothing wrong, Tong Shangxia said in a somewhat complaining tone.

Shang Xia said with a wry smile: "Don\'t think that the integration of the complete five mutation array talismans is very close to the seventh-order martial talisman that may be recombined from all seven mutation array talismans. I originally thought the same as you, but when I After being promoted to the Seven Star Realm, I realized that my previous thinking was completely wrong, and there is a world of difference between the two."

Chu Jia scolded: "You don\'t need to say that? Things like this are also common in the layout of formations. I just have a little confidence in you."

Shang Xia smiled and turned to look at her, but Chu Jia turned her head to avoid it.

Shang Xia smiled slightly, and sighed softly: "The seventh-level spiritual materials are not easy to find, so we can only be cautious."


A certain autumn night in the thirty-eighth year of Lingfeng\'s calendar.

The night sky of Lingfeng Realm, which is still in the process of promotion and transformation, is suddenly illuminated by a huge light source, even if it is the waning moon that has gradually slanted to the west, at this time, I feel ashamed under the light cluster hanging in the void like a jade plate .

And at this moment, almost all the warriors in the Lingfeng Realm whose cultivation base is above the fifth heaven felt it at the same time. Many people walked out of the rooms, secret rooms, and secret realms, and were soon caught by the huge giant hanging above their heads. Attracted by the light group.

At the same time, these high-ranking fighters can all notice that under the illumination of the huge light cluster, the vitality of the world in the entire Lingfeng world has gradually become active, and even some of the natal yuangangs are close to the brilliance of stars and the like. Every martial artist can feel that the night sky seems to be more suitable for martial arts practice.

Many sixth-level real people in Lingfeng Realm, even ignoring the fact that their injuries have not fully recovered, one after another appeared on the sky barrier, and then all of them looked solemnly at the tens of thousands of miles away. the void.

"Will he make another bright moon?"

Looking at the light source in the starry sky, Liu Jingsheng could not help but ask as he sensed the rising brilliance of the stars around him.

Outside the sky barrier, warriors can more clearly perceive the changes brought about by the light source emitting the brilliance of stars in the depths of the void.

"I think it\'s more accurate that he wants to create another sun star!"

Li Jidao couldn\'t help but say something, then looked at Gai Qingzhu in the direction of Youzhou with a little hesitation, and asked, "Gai Zhenren, do you know what Shang Zun is doing?"

Gai Qingzhu shook his head indifferently, and said: "How can I figure out what the seventh-rank lord does? But some time ago, Shang lord invited Master Chu, and it should be the handwriting of these two, right?" ?”

"It\'s useless to talk too much, who dares to take a look with me?"

Fei Xuzi of Beihai Xuansheng School asked directly.

However, as soon as the words fell, Huang Jinghan interrupted: "Don\'t go there yet. Although the light source is getting brighter and brighter, it is getting smaller and smaller. It should be Shang Shangzun and Chu Zhenshi who are carrying out some secret techniques. It seems that there is something wrong with us going to check in such a reckless manner."

Fei Xuzi; Fei Xuzi was startled when he heard the words, and immediately stopped thinking about going to check.

He suddenly remembered that since Shang Xia successfully completed the promotion to the Seventh Heaven, Zhang Xuansheng began to gradually hand over many matters of the Beihai School to Fei Xuzi, while he himself became more and more reclusive, and before that, he had repeatedly asked him to be sure in the future. Be cautious, don\'t fight against Tongyou Academy in everything, and don\'t delve too deeply into everything related to Tongyou Academy.

Seeing that Fei Xuzi was silenced by Huang Jinghan\'s words, and the others became more and more curious about the light source, they turned their eyes to Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei, the two real people of Tongyou Academy.

But before the two of them could respond, a messenger talisman flew from the depths of the void to Gai Qingzhu.

Gai Qingzhu took the communication talisman, and the content inside was immediately sensed by him, so he raised the communication talisman in his hand, and said with a smile: "Master Chu sent a message to inform that she is trying a new type of formation method with the Lord in the depths of the void. Arrangement, now the formation method has been successfully arranged initially, but the power of the formation method is relatively large, and only the Supreme Master can control it at present, so you should not go there, and this light source will go out by itself in about ten days. "

As soon as they heard it, everyone understood that Chu Jia\'s message talisman should be Shang Xia\'s meaning, so they each exchanged a few words on the sky barrier and then dispersed.

And in the void tens of thousands of miles away, under the protection of Shang Xia, Chu Jia watched the meteorite whose surface was arranged into a talisman array by seven mutation talismans. Under the converging, the brilliance became brighter and brighter, but the meteorite, which was originally about ten miles in diameter, was also disintegrating from the surface layer by layer.

However, Shang Xia and Chu Jia had expected this in advance. In the process of engraving the formation on the surface of the meteorite, they had actually penetrated the power of space into the formation rune, which made the meteorite even when it was unable to carry the formation. However, the talisman array itself permeates into the meteorite layer by layer, so that the array can always be maintained, so that it can persist for a long time.

"It\'s still your way!"

Under Shang Xia\'s support, the power of the meteorite covered by the seventh-order talisman was completely blocked, and she was able to observe the specific changes of the seventh-order talisman at close range, which was important to her. It can be said that it is a rare opportunity.

Shang Xia laughed and said, "At first I just wanted to give it a try, but I wasn\'t completely sure. Now it seems that I\'m lucky."

Chu Jia has long been immune to Shang Xia\'s hypocritical rhetoric of "good luck". Hearing this, he wrinkled his nose and said, "This meteorite itself is quite valuable. With the intensive refining and purification of the star essence, the quality of the remaining essence must be extremely high, and the value is also extremely high."

"This attempt not only verified the feasibility of the seventh-order martial talisman, but also proved the feasibility of the talisman formation. At the same time, we can also obtain a spiritual material with a high grade and great value. It can be said to serve multiple purposes."

Shang Xia added with a smile at this time: "In fact, there is another point, that is, we can still try to keep this talisman array in this spiritual material, and maybe we can directly obtain the embryo of a high-grade rare treasure. "

Chu Jia was stunned when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "It can still be like this? In this way, can\'t we not only use this method to extract high-level spiritual materials, but also directly forge high-quality weapons? Jobs are also taken!"

"How is this possible?"

Shang Xia couldn\'t help laughing when he heard the words, pointed at Chu Jia and pointed at himself, and said: "A grand master of the sixth-level talisman and a grand master of the sixth-level formation way, are they all given for nothing? It costs so much To spend so much time and consume so much material, just to extract the embryo of a superior weapon?"

Chu Jia rolled his eyes straight at Shang Xia\'s long speech, pointed at the meteorite that was still shrinking and said: "You should think about what kind of weapon you should use the essence of this meteorite to make!"