Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1697

"You mean this thing can come in handy?"

Chu Jia took out a small jade knife from the purse that was going to add you a little amusedly, threw it straight to Shang Xia, and said, "This is a magic sword, it is used to carve and modify the lines of the formation. It\'s enough, but the pattern of the talisman seal and the pattern of the array are two completely different inheritances, are you sure you can use this to carve the talisman?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "How will you know if you don\'t try?"

Chu Jia shook his head and said, "I think you are crazy."

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Don\'t forget, the original essence of the seven mutant formation symbols that I am going to recombine this time is a formation symbol first, but compared with the real sixth-order formation symbol, the mutation formation symbol is more complicated , and even more peculiar, this is because it incorporates some of the characteristics of the seventh-order martial talisman."

Chu Jiadao: "Of course I know this, but the essence of the mutation formation talisman is not to arrange a fixed formation, but to provide assistance for high-level warriors to form a combined attack formation."

Shang Xia first smiled when he heard the words, and then suddenly asked: "How do you know that these six mutant formation symbols cannot be used to arrange fixed formations? Have you tried it?"

Chu Jia stared blankly at Shang Xia, subconsciously said: "Isn\'t it?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Whether it is or not, you will know if you try it? Don\'t forget that we also have an internal agent who has just retired from the Xingyuan Dojo. Xing Yuanwei\'s combined attack formation is all too familiar!"

Shang Xia was talking about Feng Ziying, of course, his other identity was called Huang Yu, and his other identity was called "You Shang".

But now this one is keeping a low profile after returning to Tongyou City, and has been enjoying the two-person world with Wei Qiongyi.

However, what is strange is that his real identity has never been recovered, and he still uses Huang Yu\'s vest to this day, even his and Wei Qiongyi\'s children have always continued to use their mother\'s surname.

When Huang Yu was invited by the two, he still seemed reluctant to some extent, but after Chu Jia confessed the two\'s thoughts and plans, this one did his best to cooperate in the future.

But after he told the two of them all the secrets about the Xingyuanwei\'s joint attack formation that he controlled, and assisted them in a few attempts, he said goodbye and left, leaving only Shang Xia and Chu Jia to continue to mutate The layout of the array of talismans, and the attempt to compound and recombine them into a new seventh-order martial talisman.

However, not long after, the sublimation energy and the vision of heaven and earth from the plane world forced the two to suspend what they were doing.

"Anyone would attack the sixth heaven at this time?"

Chu Jia, who was also standing in front of the threshold of the Wuxu Realm, had a very keen perception of the warrior\'s impact on the sixth heaven, and made a judgment almost immediately.

It\'s just that this also made her feel puzzled, and she didn\'t understand why someone would choose to take the risk of attacking the Wuxu Realm at this time.

Obviously waiting for Lingfeng Realm to complete the metamorphosis of the Yuan-level Upper Realm before hitting the realm barrier has the best effect and is the safest.

It\'s just that the doubts in Chu Jia\'s heart didn\'t last long, when he suddenly noticed that Shang Xia beside him looked extremely ugly.

"It\'s that little girl Hai Yuanyuan!"

Before Chu Jia hesitated to ask, Shang Xia directly told her the answer.

Chu Jia was startled when he heard the words, and then realized that Shang Xia\'s ugly look was probably not just because Hai Yuanyuan was behind his back and hit the Liuhe mirror.

The reason is very simple, Tongyou Academy currently has so many fifth-level masters standing in front of the threshold of the sixth heaven, why should they give up one of the only two opportunities to Hai Yuanyuan?

Although everyone understands that once Lingfeng Realm completes the metamorphosis of the Yuan-level upper realm, then the carrying limit of the plane world for the sixth-order real people will be greatly relaxed. Steps, left and right are just a period of time at night.

But the problem is that even with the protection of Shang Xia, the Seventh Heaven, who can guarantee that the promotion to the Yuan-level Upper Realm will be successful before the Lingfeng Realm has truly completed its transformation?

What if it falls short in the end?

After all, in the end, everyone will inevitably attribute this reason to Hai Yuanyuan\'s identity.

Her teacher is Shang Xia Shang Zun, so naturally she can get the moon first!

Chu Jia thought for a while, and said, "That\'s okay, Yuanyuan must have obtained the promise from the head of the mountain to successfully entrust the original true spirit in Jeju."

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but shook his head and said, "I can\'t figure out why the head of the mountain would agree to her!"

"Why don\'t you just ask the head of the mountain?"

Chu Jia spoke from the side.

"Already asked!"

Chu Jia was startled by Shang Xia\'s answer, she didn\'t notice any actions Shang Xia had just made.

The behavior of the seventh-level lord is no longer what she, a warrior who has not yet advanced to the sixth level, can guess.

However, as soon as Shang Xia\'s words fell, Chu Jia saw his expression, and his expression suddenly became a little uglier.

"What\'s wrong?"

This was the first time Chu Jia saw Shang Xia\'s face so ugly.

Shang Xia said in a deep voice: "In order to ensure that she can advance as successfully as possible, the head of the mountain decided to give her one of the only three star fruits on the star tree!"

Chu Jia was slightly taken aback, and said in a calm tone: "It seems that the head of the mountain values ​​her very much!"

Shang Xia sighed softly, his slightly annoyed expression had gradually calmed down, obviously realizing that since the matter had already happened, it was useless to think about it.

Chu Jia glanced at him, changed the subject and asked, "Has her condition stabilized?"

Shang Xia nodded and said: "Everything is going well. The original true spirit rests in Jeju. Although the cultivation base has not yet stabilized, it has truly stepped into the realm of the sixth heaven."

Chu Jia let out a sigh of relief, and said, "That\'s good. Anyway, the academy now has another sixth-level real person, and the overall strength has been enhanced again."

Shang Xia\'s eyes flickered for a while, obviously at this time his mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

But he still didn\'t say anything in the end, but turned his attention back to the fixed formation composed of seven different sixth-order mutation formations.

At this time, on the ground where the two of them were, on seven large stone slabs each smelted from the core of the meteorite, each of which was three feet square, each had a picture carved by Chu Jia himself with a magic sword. A complete mutation array rune pattern.

"This method obviously doesn\'t work!"

According to the position calculated by Shang Xia, Chu Jia placed the seven stone slabs engraved with the mutation formation symbols one by one, but the expected qualitative change did not happen.

Shang Xia stared at the seven stone slabs inexplicably, but asked, "What do you think is the reason?"

Chu Jia replied without thinking: "Two reasons! First, Xingyuan Wei wears star robes on his body, and the robed people who form the joint attack formation are changing all the time, but now we want to build it into a star robe. A fixed formation; the second is that the people in the robe are always concerned about the connection of their original vitality, and the carvings of the mutation formations on the seven stone slabs can\'t do this."

Shang Xia thought for a while, walked to the center of the seven stone slabs, let go of the source of the Big Dipper in his body, and instantly connected with the mutation formation symbols on the seven slabs, the rich starlight instantly began to expand, and even Shang Xia\'s own aura In an instant, it began to skyrocket. Even Chu Jia was suppressed for a while under his deliberate protection, and even breathing began to become difficult.

However, this situation did not last long, as the source of the Big Dipper flowing between the runes of the mutation array on the seven stone slabs gradually became obscure, and the stone slabs began to disintegrate no matter how hard they could withstand the backlash of the seventh-order source power , and Shang Xia\'s originally inflated qi suddenly fell back quickly, until he gathered up all the overflowing qi again, and returned to the situation where he looked like an ordinary person.

It wasn\'t until this time that Chu Jia finally breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "You were just..."

"Blessed by the power of the stars, the cultivation base Qi machine went straight to the peak of the first rank of the seven-star realm!"

Shang Xia\'s gloomy expression was finally revived again.

"So this idea is actually feasible, but it\'s a pity..."

Chu Jia looked at the seven stone slabs that had been completely broken, and continued, "The quality of these slabs is not enough to support such a fixed formation?"

"Then change to a better quality stone, and this time, don\'t make seven stone slabs separately, but try to concentrate the seven mutation symbols on a whole stone slab."

Shang Xia said firmly.

Chu Jia knew that Shang Xia was actually preparing for the recombination and reorganization of the seven mutated formations on the star robe of the main guard, but as a formation master, she naturally had to consider the use of the mutated formations as a purely fixed formation from her point of view. possibility of law.

So she said: "It\'s just that there is still a problem in the middle, and that is the replenishment of vitality required for the operation of the formation. It\'s fine if the guardian star robe is worn, after all, it is worn on the body of the warrior. Naturally, the warrior\'s own source can be used at any time." However, if a fixed and large-scale formation is formed, it is obviously not feasible to simply consume the source energy of the warrior\'s dantian to make the formation."

Unexpectedly, this time, Shang Xia already had a plan in mind, and said with a smile: "Perhaps there is a way to solve this problem at the Star Observatory!"

Seeing Chu Jia\'s puzzled expression, Shang Xia pointed at the carved runes on the broken stone slab, and said, "The water of stars!"

Chu Jia was stunned when he heard the words, and then "giggled" and said with a smile: "It is indeed possible! But if it is really successful, do you think I have improved a seventh-order formation technique, and went directly to the seventh-order formation master? "

Shang Xia thought for a while and said with a smile: "Although the name is not true, but if you show it to people who don\'t know the details, you can really scare people!"

After the two re-adjusted their direction and saw the hope of success, they quickly devoted themselves to the compound improvement of the mutation array symbol again, and time began to flow rapidly during this period, until they were caught by a message disturb!

Hai Yuanyuan secretly followed Zhu Nang and left Guantianyu!