Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1660

Among all walks of life in Guantianyu, there are naturally more than one family who clearly possess the inheritance of the stargazer, but it seems that the only one who can easily succeed at present is the Lingfengjie family who is the target of public criticism.

But what I have to say is that the situation that the sixth-order real people in the Lingfeng world have set up in front of them is that they have to jump into it even though they know there is a pit.

"Although there is chaos and disorder in the turbulent void, if everyone can form an formation, they will be able to resist the upside-down and chaotic space inside."

Daoist Pei Lu took the lead and said, "This time, I\'m waiting for the forces from all directions to come. Naturally, the best way is to choose a few of us with the highest cultivation bases to form a joint attack formation and then force a surprise attack to break into the Lingfeng Realm. The face is empty, but I guess you all have concerns, so let\'s go with the people you can trust!"

After all, from the perspective of the overall cultivation alone, the seven sixth-level real people in the Lingguan world, who should be the weakest in strength, formed a joint attack under the leadership of real Pei Lu, and entered the turbulent void first.

A relatively unfamiliar high-grade real person from the side of Lingjun Realm directly asked the real person Yuanchan, "She...why? Could it be that Zhuo Gudao left something behind her?"

Master Yuan Chan replied casually: "Which one do you think has the most complete inheritance and the highest attainment of stargazers in Guantianyu?"

The high-quality real person thought thoughtfully: "You mean that there are stargazers with higher astrology skills in the Xingyuan Dojo, who can complete the suppression of the stargazers in the Lingfeng world? Go through the turbulent flow of the void instead of setting up a space channel and go directly to the void of the plane?"

Daoist Yuan Chan still replied casually: "Because this is the plane void of Lingfeng Realm, the stargazers in Lingfeng Realm occupy the home field, even if the stargazers in Xingyuan Dojo can overwhelm Lingfeng Realm, At most, it is nothing more than helping Pei Lu and others find a path in the turbulent void, without being disturbed by the stargazers in the Lingfeng Realm."

The high-quality real person said happily: "Xingyuan Dojo really has a more brilliant stargazer inheritance."

Only then did Master Yuan Chan cast a sidelong glance at the other party, and said flatly: "Xingyuan Taoist Temple is the site of Zhuo Gudao, you have to think about it clearly!"

That high-quality real person couldn\'t help but smile.

At this time, Yuan Chan\'s eyes turned to another direction, and said: "Lingyujie is also ready to act, we will follow Lingyujie and prepare to act."

The high-quality real person looked at the Linglang Realm and Liang Tujie people in another direction, pouted and said, "Then what should they do?"

Master Yuan Chan smiled coldly, and said contemptuously: "Don\'t worry about it, they will go in!"

"All we can do is delay as long as possible!"

In the turbulent flow of the void, more than a dozen real people of the sixth rank from the Lingfeng Realm were able to gather together. After Kou Chongxue lightly coughed twice, he told everyone their purpose of using the turbulent flow of the void to attack all forces at this time.

"Just delaying time?"

Huang Jinghan was the first to express his support for Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia among the real people in the spirit world, and he was also the first to question: "How long do we need to delay? Will Xiao Shang complete the advancement of the seventh heaven soon? ?"

Kou Chongxue forced a smile and said: "Everyone may not know, Master Gu Yi from Yuanming Realm has generously helped Shang Xia, which greatly shortened the time for him to advance to the Seventh Heaven."

As soon as Kou Chongxue finished speaking, the other real people turned their attention to Gao Qin who was standing with Shang Xia\'s avatar.

However, Master Gao Qin was silent at this time, with an expression of indifference on his face, his cold and arrogant appearance made people speculate about the previous agreement between Shang Xia and Gu Yi. Somewhat convinced.

But after all, this matter is of great importance. Even with Kou Chongxue\'s personal guarantee, without a specific time limit, everyone still has no idea.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s external avatar smiled and said: "Everyone, just delay as long as possible while ensuring your own safety. The rest can be left to the real body to deal with."

The opening of the incarnation outside the body made the others look at each other in dismay.

Feng Ziying asked hesitantly, "You... still have the strength to make a move?"

Everyone also looked at Shang Xia\'s incarnation in surprise, partly because of Feng Ziying\'s astonishment, and partly because of the incarnation itself, which had an aura no lower than that of the fifth-rank Guizhen Realm.

The avatar outside the body smiled, and did not directly respond to Feng Ziying\'s inquiry, but continued: "There is one more thing I need to tell you, and that is that we will welcome help again soon!"

"Help, from Outland?"

Feng Ziying quickly asked everyone what was on her mind.

The avatar outside the body smiled and said: "It is true that it is from the outer domain, but it has nothing to do with the Yuan-level upper realm, and there is no force related to the seventh-level master behind it."

Feng Ziying still wanted to ask again, but at this moment, Kou Chongxue\'s stargazer suddenly changed, so he said with a smile: "Someone has already entered the turbulent void, and I\'ll leave it to you all!"

All the sixth-level real people in Lingfeng Realm immediately started to act according to the established strategy.

After entering the turbulent void, Immortal Pei Lu led several real people from the Spiritual World to drive straight in, seemingly undisturbed and affected by the turbulent void of the plane.

"Master Pei?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Liu Jiuzhen whispered a reminder behind him.

Master Pei Lu let out a "huh" and said, "Did Lingfeng Realm react so quickly? It seems that they have indeed researched something about the part of the stargazer inheritance that was stolen from the observatory."

Despite what he said, the real person Pei Lu opened an umbrella-shaped treasure, and the other six real people behind him also opened a similar-looking umbrella-shaped treasure.

The moment the seven umbrella-shaped treasures were opened, they were connected to each other immediately, and the seven people including Daoist Pei Lu also disappeared in the turbulent flow of the void in an instant.

At the same time, the sixth-order real people from Lingfeng Realm formed two teams.

The first one, headed by Kou Chongxue, Gao Qin and Shang Xia\'s external incarnations, is mainly responsible for attacking the enemy\'s formation when encountering the enemy, while the other one is responsible for follow-up support, cover, outflank and retreat.

Kou Chongxue, who was originally leading the way, suddenly paused at a certain moment, and then continued to leave a guide to continue to go deeper into the turbulent flow of the void.

"The guidance on the stargazing guide has suddenly changed!"

Kou Chongxue sent a sound transmission to Shang Xia\'s external avatar.

"I know that someone suppressed Xin Lu and Yan Ming in astrology."

The avatar outside the body replied.

"Then it\'s not difficult to guess the identities of these people. They must be people from the original Xingyuan dojo in the spiritual world, and only they can surpass us in astrology."

Kou Chongxue said again via voice transmission.

The avatar outside continued: "There is one thing you don\'t know. In fact, only Xin Luhe and Yan Ming are fighting against the stargazers of the Xingyuan Dojo in the Spiritual World. Xiao Yuan...he passed out."

"Well, what\'s going on?"

Kou Chongxue asked quickly.

The avatar outside said helplessly: "He used stargazing to see Master Gu Yi, and then passed out."


There is a high probability that he has been recruited and is in isolation at home.