Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1659

In fact, as early as when Kou Chongxue was preparing to expose Feng Ziying\'s identity rather than kill the masters in the Lingguan world who went to the Lingfeng world to interfere with Shang Xia\'s promotion, he had already secretly informed the Lingfeng world that they were in the void meteorite belt of the Lingyu world. Starship fleet evacuated.

At this time, the starship fleet in Lingfeng Realm has already been monitored, and the meteorite belt they are in has been secretly surrounded.

However, what everyone in the outer domain does not know is that as early as when the fleet of Lingfeng Realm entered the void of Lingyu Realm and finally decided to berth in this meteorite belt, several well-known formation masters in Lingfeng Realm Under the leadership of Chu Jia, they started to build a huge formation defense system in the meteorite belt.

However, what is unknown to outsiders is that the core of this huge array system is not actually defense, but teleportation!

As for the layer upon layer of defense arrays displayed outside the meteorite belt, their fundamental function is to delay the opening of the core ultra-long-distance five-element teleportation array!

Therefore, when the external surveillance and even the forces that are ready to attack at any time are suddenly alarmed by large-scale space turmoil that cannot be completely covered, it is already too late.

When they forcibly broke through the defensive formation system outside the meteorite belt and broke into the central core area of ​​the meteorite belt, there were only a few empty small starships left there. Gone without a trace.

Even under such circumstances, when Kou Chongxue took Feng Ziying and Feng Ziyuan to pick up the Starship Fleet of his own world that returned to the outskirts of Lingfeng Realm through large-scale void teleportation, when he sent Shang Xia and the current Lingfeng Realm The situation he was facing, as well as the differences among the major sects in the world, explained the reasons to everyone very frankly.

In fact, these people are not ignorant of the changes that have taken place in the Lingfeng world before.

In particular, the three major caves of Beihai, Weiyang and Shendu must have the means of timely and secretly communicating with several sixth-level real people of this faction.

Kou Chongxue also made preparations for the spirit world masters of the various sects to part ways.

However, what he never expected was that when he found out that Kou Chongxue was going to block other forces outside the turbulent void, all the real people in the spiritual world, headed by the new third-rank real person Huang Jinghan of the Yuanchen faction, agreed to join forces to fight against other forces against the world. interference.

However, even so, there are no more than thirteen or four real people of the sixth rank gathering outside the turbulent flow of the Lingfeng plane at this time. Excluding Kou Chongxue, real Gao Qin and Shang Xia\'s incarnation, there are still three high-ranking people. There are the seven spiritual masters from various sects who were lurking in the meteorite belt before, and then Feng Ziying and Feng Ziyuan, as well as Zhu Nang and Dou Zhong, two first-rank masters.

Compared with the power of the three parties, this level of strength is still extremely different.

The three forces feel that the total number of sixth-order real people outside the void and turbulent flow of the Lingfeng plane has reached 21, which can just make up three seven-person joint attack formations.

Among them, the number of high-grade real people whose cultivation base has reached the fourth-grade Taoist realm has reached seven, accounting for one-third of the total number of sixth-grade real people.

If we add the seven sixth-level real people from the Linglang Realm and the Lingtu Realm, of which Gaopin accounts for five, then the total number of sixth-level real people who invaded the Lingfeng Realm this time will reach 28, of which Gaopin There are as many as twelve real people in Pin, and the number of people alone exceeds twice that of Lingfeng Realm!

In fact, it is not that the underlying strength of the Linglang Realm and the Lingtu Realm is better than the other three parties, but because the other three parties are still focusing on the Yuanping Realm at this time, so the Lingjun Realm and the Lingyu Realm came here this time Among the sixth-order real people, there are two or three foreign experts mixed in.

As for the seven real people from the Linglang Realm and the Lingtu Realm, it is purely because the world background of their respective planes cannot be compared with the other three forces. After the previous inaction caused Kou Chongxue to be injured, the promotion of the Lingfeng Realm became With a thorn in their hearts, they all came outside the Lingfeng Realm to see the final progress of the matter, but unexpectedly their deeds had already been exposed, and they were called out after encountering the real people in the Lingfeng Realm. After Xingzang, he immediately sat on the wax on the spot.

Of course, more than a dozen real people from the Lingfeng Realm chose to invade other forces outside the turbulent flow of the void in the plane, mainly to keep the war out of the void of the plane as much as possible, so as not to interfere with Shang Xia\'s advancement.

But in fact, even Kou Chongxue knew that it was impossible to block the opponent, and all they could do was to delay the time as much as possible.

However, once the opponent breaks into the void of the plane, under the circumstances that Shang Xia\'s impact on the seventh heaven will inevitably be disturbed, the power that Lingfeng Realm can mobilize will be even stronger.

At least the seven Dongtian Masters residing in the plane world at this time can participate in the battle, including the two high-grade Dongtian Masters, and only they can maximize the advantages of occupying their own home court.

Kou Chongxue is not worried about whether the previous differences between the various factions and the resulting series of suppressions and schemes against Shang Xia\'s promotion to the seventh heaven will become the reason for the passive resistance of the Dongtian real people in this world.

Because when the seven spiritual masters from various sects chose to advance and retreat with Kou Chongxue, these worries no longer existed.

Those people actually understand the truth of the cold lips and teeth better than anyone else.

What\'s more, there is Shang Xia who is in the process of attacking the seventh heaven!

 If the intervention fails this time and Shang Xia succeeds in stepping into the Seventh Heaven, then of course nothing will be mentioned.

Although this possibility seems very unlikely to the experts of other forces.

But even if Shang Xia failed to be promoted in the end, it would be fine if he died right away.

But if they are not dead, and even retain considerable strength, then these interveners will inevitably become the targets of revenge for Shang Xia, who is very likely to fall into madness.

The record of this young man from the Lingfeng Realm in the Void Realm of the Lingyu Realm is vivid in his memory. He is a person who can not only fight against the existence of the seventh-order existence several times, but also can do it every time. To the ruthless man who retreated from the whole body!

From this point of view alone, it is not entirely unreasonable for this person to coerce a plane world whose promotion time has only been promoted for thirty or forty years to forcibly promote to the Yuan-level upper realm again!

"...Where to go, the real people of Lingtu Realm and Linglang Realm can decide for themselves!"

After speaking this passage, real Pei Lu from Xingyuan Dojo of Lingguan Realm actually led the sixth-level masters of Lingguan Realm to attack Lingfeng Realm first.

Moreover, this female Gao Pinzhen hot shot towards real Gao Qin, and at the same time led the formation of the other six real people to encircle Feng Ziying and Feng Ziyuan.

Real person Pei Lu took the lead but did not choose the most powerful Kou Chongxue, but real person Gao Qin and her were both female real people and were of the fifth rank, so the others would naturally not say anything.

What\'s more, there are Feng Ziying and Feng Ziyuan, the camp owners of the original star guards. The former\'s real identity is doubtful, while the latter has received guidance and help from the real person Pei Lu in the past growth process.

Because of this, Zhen Pei Lu would never let these two go.

As soon as the seven real people in Pei Lu\'s party moved, the seven real people from Lingjun Realm and Lingyu Realm followed suit one after another, and formed horns with each other, forming a faint encirclement trend against more than ten real people from Lingfeng Realm.

Although there is no tacit understanding between the three forces, it is not difficult to achieve the most basic cooperation with their rich experience in fighting and killing in recent years.

However, at this moment, Kou Chongxue\'s choice was once again beyond everyone\'s expectations, and he said in a deep voice, "Everyone, retreat!"

Under the pressure of the three forces, more than a dozen real people in the Lingfeng Realm did not choose to block their opponents as much as possible, but retreated into the turbulent void of the void in the Lingfeng Realm at the same time .

What is this operation?

Could it be that the desperate posture put on by more than a dozen real people in the Lingfeng world just now was bluffing?


However, at this moment, the seven real people in the Xingyuan Dojo who were rushing to the front suddenly stopped in the void with Pei Lu\'s loud shout.

"Pei Zhenren, this is..."

Real Yuan Chan also felt that Kou Chongxue\'s move should have other meanings, but he couldn\'t figure out why the other party did this for a while?

However, Master Pei Lu said with a serious face at this time: "We have overlooked one thing!"

Reverend Pei Lu glanced at Reverend Yuan Chan and Reverend Xiong Xin in the distance, and before they could ask again, he said, "The inheritance of the stargazers of the juniors in Lingfeng Realm, if they are prepared in advance, their sixth-rank Reverend is We won’t get lost in the turbulent flow of the void in this world. That is to say, once we enter the turbulent flow of the void, we will become deaf and blind, but they will be able to break it into pieces and attack us individually.”

A sixth-order real person in Lingyu Realm interjected disapprovingly: "What\'s the point of doing this in Lingfeng Realm? Their plane void coordinates have long been exposed, and this world has bypassed the turbulent flow of the void several times to directly set up space." The passage descends into the void of the plane. Are those sixth-order masters in Lingfeng Realm idiots, why should we enter their preset battlefield?"

After all, this sixth-level real person felt quite proud of himself, but he soon noticed that many masters around him looked at him as if they were looking at a complete idiot, and the real people who were also in the Lingyu world She deliberately distanced herself from him, as if being too close would infect his stupidity to them.

At this time, the seven real people from the Lingtu and Linglang worlds suddenly stepped forward, and the voice of the real Zuo Li rang in everyone\'s ears: "I didn\'t expect that the inheritance of the stargazers in the Lingfeng world would be able to get such a gift from Zhenren Pei!" It seems that there must be an extremely talented stargazer in Lingfeng District, and it seems that Kou Shanchang has concealed a lot about his former allies!"

"However, since Zhenren Pei mentioned that the stargazers in the Lingfeng world have been able to preset the void and turbulent flow of the plane in this world as a battlefield, then it is your ability and means to disturb us and directly set up to the Lingfeng world. Naturally, it is not a difficult task to face the passage of the void, unless someone wants to be thrown directly into the turbulent flow of the void during the space shuttle."

At this time, under the gaze of everyone\'s weird eyes, the sixth-rank real person from Lingyu Realm turned so red that he could almost bleed, which can be said to have died on the spot.

However, when Master Zuo Li glanced over, he paid more attention to the strange faces mixed among the three forces.

These sixth-order real people who are obviously from foreign forces, when they heard the news that Lingfeng Realm has a stargazer inheritance, their eyes lit up, and the greedy look on their faces could hardly be concealed.