Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1661

Just when the forces of all parties began to take action against the promotion of Lingfeng Realm, an original incarnation stripped out of Shang Xia\'s deity had already entered the secret realm of Dongtian again.

On the stargazing platform, Yan Ming and Xin Lu are working together to perform stargazing, attracting as much as possible the situation in the void turbulence to the barrier of the cave sky through stargazing, and then using stargazing to lure them out. Guidance, while avoiding the encirclement and suppression by all forces as much as possible, capture the exact whereabouts of the opponent, so as to facilitate the situation of each defeat as much as possible.

However, due to the chaotic and disorderly influence of the turbulent flow in the void, it is actually not easy to completely eliminate interference and find an accurate route.

At least Shang Xia, a layman in astrology, looked up at the dazzling projections at the top of the observatory, and then felt dizzy, as if his body would collapse in the next moment.

Although this body is just an original incarnation that Shang Xia arbitrarily stripped out, and only has the ability of the first rank of the sixth rank, but it is also a sixth rank existence after all, so I can\'t even look at it a few times.

Of course, the reason why Lingfeng Realm has the courage to delay the foreign invasion forces in the turbulence of the void is not only because of their absolute trust in their own stargazers, but also because before that, Tongyou Academy has already moved towards the void of the plane. A large number of star guide stones made by three fifth-level grand stargazers were placed in the turbulent flow.

Although a large number of these star guide stones will be lost and destroyed soon after being thrown into the turbulent void, some will remain, and then begin to drift disorderly in the turbulent void.

And Xin Lu and Yan Ming used these chaotically drifting star guide stones to understand and control the turbulent flow of the void in their own plane to a certain extent.

As for the raw materials for making those star guide stones, there are mainly two kinds, one is star beast bones, and the other is some kind of rough stone from star beast lairs.

These two materials themselves have a strong counteracting effect against the erosion of the turbulent flow of the void, especially the star beast bones.

But after the star beast is killed, most of its body will be turned into useless objects such as earth and stones. Only some essences will be gathered into exotic treasures or high-level materials, and the essences that remain as bones Naturally less.

But it has to be said that the star guide stones made of star beast bones are the ones that can last or float in the turbulent void for the longest time.

Shang Xia\'s original incarnation glanced at the star observation platform, and saw that under the star tree that had grown a lot, only Xin Lu and Yan Ming were in charge, while some second-level and third-level talents trained by other academies later Star masters at the lower level are not yet qualified to set foot on the top of the observatory, and can only provide assistance at the middle and lower levels.

"Yuan Qiuyuan hasn\'t woken up yet?"

Although the incarnation of Yuanyuan knew that opening his mouth might affect Xin Lu and Yan Ming, he had no choice but to open his mouth at this time.

"His problem seems to be a bit serious. After \'looking into the eyes\' with Master Gu Yi across the boundary barrier, it seems that not only he has been personally backlashed, but also his stargazing technique seems to be undergoing some... mutations .”

Xin Lu deliberated and said in an uncertain tone.


The original avatar asked in surprise.

"You can see for yourself!"

Before Xin Lu could speak, Yan Ming replied directly.

It could be seen that she didn\'t want Xin Lu to be too distracted, nor did she want the source avatar to talk too much here and interfere with their stargazing skills.

"However, this also directly proves how much pressure Yan Ming and Xin Lu are under at this time.

Yuanyuan\'s avatar didn\'t say anything more when he saw this, he already knew everything here, but with a glance, he knew roughly where Yuan Qiuyuan was placed at this time.

Turning around the high platform, I came to a secret room under the stargazing platform. Just as the incarnation of the original source opened the secret room, I noticed that the brilliance of the stars was bursting out from the inside.

The incarnation of Yuanyuan focused his eyes slightly, stretched out his palm and grabbed it in the air. The brilliance that was originally bursting out was immediately held tightly in the palm of his hand like a silk silk that was spread out and then caught into a ball. The original incarnation walked straight into the secret room.

On a stone platform in the center of the secret room, Yuan Qiuyuan, who was frowning tightly, lay flat on it, and there were two lines of dry bloody tears under his closed eyes.

The avatar of Yuanyuan looked up, and saw a skylight above the secret room, and a beam of pure starlight hung down inside, just covering Yuan Qiuyuan\'s whole body in it, and at the same time suppressing something that was happening to Yuan Qiuyuan\'s body Mutation.

"Is this... the backlash of the power of the stars?"

Yuanyuan\'s incarnation looked at the changes taking place in Yuan Qiuyuan in surprise, but quickly overruled his own judgment.

He looked at the beam of starlight falling from the top of the secret room, and thought to himself: "If it was backlashed by the power of the stars, then it should not be suppressed by the starlight that Xin Lu and Yan Ming attracted. Could it be that he died too slowly? What\'s more, the effect of this kind of suppression seems to be good so far."

The original incarnation once again investigated Yuan Qiuyuan himself in detail, and soon realized that there was a group of source power in his dantian that was completely different from his original star gang, and it was the existence of this source force that inspired the strangeness in his dantian. Change.

However, the strange thing is that this group of source power itself was not rejected by the original star gang in Yuan Qiuyuan\'s dantian, and there was even a strange convergence in it.

This caused the original incarnation, who was about to expel and dispel this group of source power, to hesitate immediately.

The original incarnation was able to detect it at the first time. This kind of convergence is not only a kind of original consistency between the original star gang and the strange source force, but more importantly, Yuan Qiuyuan himself does not seem to resist this kind of similarity. The mutation inspired by the strange source force is even trying to actively accept this mutation.

"No, he is undergoing transformation of his origin, he wants to be promoted to the sixth heaven!"

The face of the original incarnation changed slightly, and now is indeed the best time for Shang Xia\'s real body to be promoted, but for other warriors who want to attack the sixth heaven, not only is it not the best time, but it is an extremely dangerous thing things.

But here is the problem, if Yuan Qiuyuan\'s promotion process is forcibly cut off by the incarnation of Yuanyuan now, then it is very likely that Yuan Qiuyuan will suffer heavy losses after the promotion fails, and it will be difficult for him to have a chance to hit the sixth heaven in the future.

But if the things in front of him are allowed to continue, who would dare to believe that the origin of the ball is unknown, no, it must be a ball of source power planted by Master Gu Yi casually, a kind of gift with good intentions?

Undoubtedly, this may be the dilemma Master Gu Yi intentionally left for Yuan Qiuyuan, the most talented stargazer of Tongyou Academy, after his plans on Shang Xia fell to pieces.

"Unfortunately, you still underestimated me after all!"


Continuing to stay in isolation at home, I have been really out of shape for the past few days, asymptomatic but not all symptoms at all, sweating profusely for two consecutive days, and mentally exhausted.