Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1190

After sending away Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, Yun Jing looked at the things Shang Xia gave her and fell into deep thought.

In addition to the long-handled small hammer specially sent by Shang Xialing\'s original incarnation, there is also a storage item that looks like a bag, and its style looks very different from the storage items commonly used in the Lingfeng world.

After looking at the two items and thinking for a while, Yun Jing didn\'t touch the two items at all, but called a member of the Yun clan who was standing outside, and ordered: "Go and invite the three deputy mountain chiefs to discuss the matter!"

The clansman Gong claimed that he was going to retreat, but Yun Jing stopped him unexpectedly.

After hesitating for a while, she ordered again: "If Deputy Shanzhang Shang is still in retreat, there is no need to alarm him."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand to make the clansmen retreat, and at the same time, Yunjing ordered the waiter to prepare tea for the guests.

Not long after, Liu Zhiyuan arrived first, followed by Ji Wenlong.

After waiting for a while, the clansmen who had left before came back and said: "Deputy Shanzhang Shang is still in retreat, my nephew and grandson dare not disturb..."


Yunjing seemed to have expected it long ago, and waved her hand to make her retreat again.

Hearing this, Ji Wenlong sighed with a smile: "The fourth brother still has an enterprising heart, but he is much stronger than me."

Yun Jing smiled and said: "His talent and aptitude are superior to ours, otherwise the head of the mountain would not deliberately support him. With such perseverance, we should feel relieved for him."

Ji Wenlong smiled and nodded, but there was a bit of embarrassment in his smile.

Compared with the Shangbo martial arts path, there is still room for improvement, but the martial arts path of the three of them has basically come to an end.

Liu Zhiyuan also sighed at this time: "Although that is the case, how difficult is it to go from the third level to the fourth level of the Wugang Realm? Leaving aside those two, now this world has been promoted for more than ten years, and all kinds of resources are abundant. The heaven and earth are full of vitality, and there is even a secret cave to rely on, which is a world of difference compared to before the promotion of this world. However, there are thousands of students and warriors trained by the academy over the years, but they finally crossed this threshold Yes, but now there are only Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei."

Although this remark is lamenting that cultivation is not easy, it also seems to imply that Shang Bo\'s cultivation level has not improved for many years, and that the resources of the college are wasted for nothing.

Of course, three of the four vice-heads of Tongyou Academy have clearly cut off their martial arts path, and the only one who is still insisting is that there is still some jealousy and resentment hidden in Liu Zhiyuan\'s words. Only he himself knows.

For Liu Zhiyuan\'s careful thinking, Yun Jing and Ji Wenlong usually would not comment.

Ji Wenlong looked at the two objects placed in front of Yunjing

After sweeping over, his eyes paused on the long-handled hammer, and then he said, "What\'s the matter with calling me here this time?"

Yun Jing pointed to the two items in front of her, and said, "These are the two items that Xiao Shang\'s original incarnation just sent over."

Ji Wenlong was startled when he heard the words, and said, "He\'s back? When?"

When Liu Zhiyuan heard the words, his face was embarrassed, and he moved his body a little uneasy.

Yun Jing said: "It may have been a while. He and the head of the mountain have always been elusive. If the two of them don\'t want people to know, who in the whole academy can know their whereabouts?"

Ji Wenlong breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It\'s good to come back. It was said that the star observatory of Tianxing Pavilion discovered a large-scale battle of high-level warriors in the void not far from Lingyu Realm, and the various sects urged him to come forward." Go and investigate. Hmph, is there no one left in Lingfeng Realm? Once something happens in the starry sky, people from Tongyou Academy must go to the front!"

Yun Jing smiled and did not speak.

Liu Zhiyuan secretly slandered that there were only ten sixth heavens in the entire Lingfeng Realm, and five of them could not go anywhere except the five Dongtian Daoists, and three of the remaining five were only first-rank daoists who had just entered the sixth heaven. That\'s all, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia are the only third-rank real people who stand out from the crowd, who would you use if you don\'t need them?

What\'s more, how can these two be given for nothing?

Not to mention that every time the real people in the Lingfeng world use the two of them, they will inevitably give up many benefits to Tongyou College, but every time these two people encounter the advantages of chance, they will take it first. What about the benefits?

Otherwise, it has only been more than ten years before and after the promotion in the Lingfeng world. How can the Tongyou Academy be able to overwhelm those Dongtian sects with nearly a thousand years of accumulation, and claim to be the number one in the Lingfeng world?

That\'s right, although Tongyou Academy strives to keep a low profile, Tongyou Academy, which has two third-rank spiritual masters and has led the Lingfeng Realm to conquer foreign domains many times, is now recognized as a spiritual master by many high-level warriors in this world. The number one force in Fengjie!

However, these thoughts are just Liu Zhiyuan\'s own thoughts, he will naturally not say it out loud, and even when Ji Wenlong vented his dissatisfaction on other real people of the Dongtian Sect, he will definitely echo him, after all, it is considered Above all, it refers to the "political correctness" within Tongyou Academy. Although Liu Zhiyuan has a lot of thoughts, he can\'t be ambiguous about right and wrong.

Yun Jing coughed lightly, pulled the topic back, and said: "The former Xingyuan City reappeared, and the return of Shanzhang brought back the news of Xingyuan Guard\'s change of ownership, and then hurried to the area where the Three Realms of Lingfu are located. Void; now that Xiao Shang came back suddenly, but immediately chose to retreat, don\'t you all realize that the two of them have a sense of urgency?"

Liu Zhiyuan said helplessly: "But these two don\'t say anything.

Clear, what can we do? Since the two of them advanced to the sixth heaven, they became less concerned about the internal affairs of the academy. "

Yun Jing laughed and said, "It\'s because the realm above the sixth heaven is beyond our ability to speculate. Many things are only qualified to know when you reach a certain realm. If you reach a certain realm, knowing too much will be harmful."

Ji Wenlong and Liu Zhiyuan both looked thoughtful when they heard the words.

In recent years, their contact with Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia has indeed decreased a lot. Even if they meet a lot of time, they are mostly the incarnation of the original source, and their words and deeds are often unpredictable, which often makes people puzzled.

Judging from their previous understanding of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia, neither of them should be pretending to be sophisticated hypocrites, so Yun Jing\'s words just now may be the most reliable guess.

But at this time, Yunjing stretched out her hand and pointed at the two things in front of her, and said, "But now we may be able to make some guesses about the sense of urgency shown by the two of them from these two things."

The eyes of the two fell on the two items again, and Liu Zhiyuan took the lead to ask: "What is the origin of these two items? Does this small hammer look like a magical weapon?"

Yun Jing said: "It is indeed a magical weapon, and this long-handled small hammer should still be a forging hammer!"

"Forging hammer? For refining equipment?"

Liu Zhiyuan\'s eyes lit up immediately, his expression became a little eager, and he asked, "Should this object be returned to Qitang temporarily?"

Ji Wenlong glanced at Liu Zhiyuan, and said calmly: "I\'m afraid Qitang is not qualified to use such a good thing!"

There are many halls in Tongyou College, but Qi Hall is hard to describe in one word.

In recent years, with the rise of Tongyou College, the hall of talisman and the hall of formation have made great progress and progress. Even the hall of medicine has accumulated a lot of money. In addition, Kou Chongxue invited a fifth-rank great pharmacist to sit in the town, which can be said to be even more powerful. , even the Star Observation Hall, which was secretly prepared, has now begun to take shape in the secret realm of the cave.

But it happened to be Qitang, the hall that Tongyou Academy placed high hopes on from the very beginning. Although it received strong support from top to bottom, from the selection of manpower to the tilt of resources, the development was not always satisfactory .

Up to now, Qitang has struggled to independently forge a high-grade sharp weapon, and it has always made people nervous, so that when the martial arts masters in the academy want to forge a handy weapon, they would rather turn to the overseas Tianya Pavilion\'s "Hundreds of Swords". "Bingfang", also unwilling to leave the opportunity of forging to Qitang.

If it weren\'t for the fact that the academy didn\'t want to see the Qitang decline, and would rather let the many spiritual materials be wasted and scrapped in the process of forging, but also let the Qitang maintain a certain forging frequency, I am afraid that the Qitang would have been bought by the entire Tongyou Academy. Xia gave up.