Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1189

The three origins that Shang Xia separated after returning to Tongyou City are returning one after another.

Originally, the original incarnation who had been sitting in the Futang instead of Shang Xia brought a certain situation about the interior of the Futang, allowing him to have a certain grasp of the current situation of the Futang.

After the original avatar who went to the merchant returned, he also brought back the latest news about the merchant for Shang Xia.

With the exception of Kou Chongxue, the current four vice-heads of Tongyou Academy, Ji Wenlong and Yun Jing have almost come to the end of their martial arts careers. In recent years, the two have also devoted most of their energy to the academy and Youzhou. On the economic strategy of the state.

As for the other deputy mountain chief, Liu Zhiyuan, although he is the youngest among the four deputy mountain chiefs, it is a pity that his thoughts are too complicated, he does not have the corresponding city and responsibility, and he does not have high prestige in the academy. After the fifth heaven, it basically came to a standstill.

Unlike the other three deputy mountain chiefs who basically left the position of patriarch of their respective families to the tribe, and put the main energy on the management of the academy, Liu Zhiyuan is the only one who also serves as the patriarch of the Liu family Although he is more active in the academy, he has a bad reputation. Many academy warriors think that he is too selfish and takes too much care of the interests of the Liu family.

As for Shang Bo, he is probably the only one among the four deputy mountain chiefs who still wants to make a difference in the martial arts journey.

Shang Bo\'s cultivation has reached the third level of the fifth order a few years ago. However, although he has referred to the concept of Shang and Xia\'s five elements complementing each other, he has not been able to smelt the fourth natal Yuan Gang for a long time. The realm of reason has also been surpassed by Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei, who are brave and diligent.

In fact, for warriors in the Martial Gang Realm, there is an extremely deep trench between the third floor of the fifth level and the fourth level of the fifth level, and only those who have crossed the threshold are eligible to hope for the sixth heaven.

But it\'s just a wish...

Today, the patriarch of the Shang family is still Shang Xia\'s fifth uncle, Shang Ke, but Shang Ke has become older in recent years, and his own cultivation has stagnated at the fourth level for a long time.

Apart from the two senior elders of the Shang family, among the merchant\'s second generation martial artists, Shang Jian, Shang Xi, and Shang Pei, who has been in the Wushan League of Bingzhou, are now fifth-level masters. It can be said that it is the only one among the four original families in Tongyou City.

It can be said that even if Shang Bo and Shang Xia are excluded in today\'s Shang family, these three fifth-level masters can firmly occupy the first place among the four major families.

Back in the day, the whole of Youzhou relied on Kou Chongxue, a fifth-level master, to support the facade. Compared with today, it is simply not the same.

Of course, the current situation in Youzhou is due to the struggle of Kou Chongxue and all the warriors from Tongyou Academy, the most fundamental reason is that the plane world has completed the promotion of the spiritual world, and the original will of heaven and earth has been greatly weakened This is the threshold for warriors to advance to the Martial Gang Realm.

The last incarnation of origin that returned brought back news from Tongyou Dongtian.

Xin Lu, the fourth-rank stargazer who was abducted by Shang Xia from the Xingyuan Dojo, did his best, and did not hide any secrets from Yan Ming and Yuan Qiuyuan, the two star masters trained by Tongyou Academy.

Even when Xin Lu led the two of them to sort out the classics of stargazer inheritance that Shang Xia brought back from the Xingyuan City Star Observatory, his own stargazer level has also been greatly improved. The possibility of a high-level stargazer threshold.

In addition, Yuan Qiuyuan is currently preparing for the fourth level of advanced martial arts and the fourth level stargazer.

There is no doubt that Yuan Qiuyuan is trying to follow the martial arts path of the Tianguan School that combines his own cultivation with the inheritance of the stargazer. Once he can finally pass through, then the Tongyou Academy may master a path that leads directly to the seventh heaven in the future. complete inheritance system.

Of course, a complete martial arts inheritance system that goes directly to the Seventh Heaven doesn\'t mean that there will definitely be warriors from the Seventh Heaven.

Martial arts practice has never been smooth sailing. The complete inheritance system only points out the direction for martial artists\' future martial arts path, which saves a lot of groping effort. Whether or not this path can be successfully completed depends on the martial artist himself.

However, the energy of the three of them is now involved because of Kou Chongxue\'s intention to open up a secret void passage to the starry sky where the three worlds of Lingfu are located. However, Shang Xia\'s original incarnation has warned the three of them to help Yuan Qiuyuan advance to the fourth-level stargazer first. Speaking of other things, even Kou Chongxue\'s progress can be moderately let go.

Once Yuan Qiuyuan can advance successfully, then Tongyou College will be able to have two fourth-level stargazers. With the two of them working together, helping Kou Chongxue to open up the void channel will naturally get the result with half the effort


Now only Kou Chongxue dared to say this in the entire Tongyou Academy, and no one would dare to discount Kou Chongxue\'s order.

Of course, the main reason is that after Shang Xia\'s trip to Yuanping Realm, he has more confidence in becoming a high-grade real person in the advanced Daohe realm, and Kou Chongxue obviously doesn\'t know this now.

Apart from the observatory, what Shang Xia\'s original incarnation paid the most attention to was naturally the deduction and restoration of the "Refining the Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Yuan Formation" by Gu Qing and those formation masters from the Cangqi Realm.

Originally, Shang Xia had some doubts about these people, but after Chu Jia joined them and soon became the leader of these people, he stopped paying attention to this matter.

The original incarnation was worried that Chu Jia would not only have to take care of the recovery of the "Refining Origin Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Formation", but also worry about the arrangement of the sixth-level guardian formation of the academy, so he would be at a loss.

However, Chu Jia told him that after the overall framework of the guardian formation was formed, most of the remaining tasks can be handed over to the two fourth-tier formation masters in the formation hall and other formation masters to complete slowly. The cultivation of the formation masters in the formation hall also has great benefits. As for her, she only needs to go out to inspect the completed part every once in a while, and then plan the tasks for the next period of time.

In addition, other matters inside and outside the academy are extremely controlled by the deputy mountain chief, so there is no need for him to worry about it, and Shang Xia can finally practice retreat with peace of mind.

The retreat place Shang Xia chose was not in the Tongyou Cave, but in the Talisman Tower.

Although there is ample cave source in Tongyou Cave, but with the Sifangbei absorbing the source power of the star from the incarnation of the star master and feeding it back into the body, he no longer needs to be contaminated with the source of the cave, so as to avoid assimilation and infection between the two.

However, before retreating, Shang Xia still left another original avatar sitting outside the Talisman Building, in case something major happened to the outside world, but he didn\'t know anything about it because of the retreat.

Before closing the talisman building, Shang Xia suddenly thought of something again, then turned around and handed a handful of divine weapons to Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation, asking him to hand it over to the deputy mountain chief Yun Jing.

That magical weapon is the long-handled hammer that Shang Xia got from Wen Juxiang. He originally wanted to give it to the people in Qitang, but after much deliberation, he still felt that Qitang might not be worth it right now. Own such an item.