Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1191

The existence of Qitang in Tongyou Academy is an extremely strange phenomenon.

In recent years, the development of Tongyou Academy in the Lingfeng world can be said to be smooth, and its shortcomings in all aspects are being made up for. However, the existence of Qitang is like a dou that cannot be supported. Resources are tilted up, but they are always in a half-dead state.

The four deputy chiefs of Tongyou Academy have their own emphasis on the control of the academy, and Qitang is within the area under the jurisdiction of Liu Zhiyuan.

Although it is difficult for Liu Zhiyuan to distinguish between public and private, he still has the ability to do things. Otherwise, the position of the deputy head of the mountain will never be able to be maintained until now only by the shadow of the family ancestors.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyuan actually spent a lot of effort on the development and growth of Qitang, but there have not been many talents here, which also caused Liu Zhiyuan\'s personal prestige to be negatively affected to a considerable extent in the academy.

Now that a forging hammer that has reached the level of a magic weapon is in front of him, Liu Zhiyuan seems to see the hope of Qitang\'s revitalization all at once.

Although the root of weapon making lies in the weapon master himself, high-quality spiritual materials and tools for forging weapons are also essential.

This forging hammer, which can be used to forge weapons, may be the key to changing the fate of Qitang, so Liu Zhiyuan will naturally try his best to get it.

"But this magical weapon is a forging hammer after all. Where else can it be used if it\'s not in the Qitang?" Liu Zhiyuan couldn\'t help but questioned Ji Wenlong.

Ji Wenlong just shook his head and said: "The forging hammer of the magic weapon level is reserved for Qitang, it\'s a waste! At least it\'s a waste for now!"

Liu Zhiyuan was about to fight, but was stopped by Yun Jing raising her hand.

"The weapon masters in the Qitang haven\'t reached the martial arts level until now, have they?"

As soon as Yunjing opened her mouth, she stopped Liu Zhiyuan from asking: "If this magic weapon doesn\'t have a cultivation level above the fifth level, I\'m afraid it will be difficult for it to play its due role. It\'s really inappropriate for people from Qitang to use it now. .”

Liu Zhiyuan thought for a while, and felt that he should try harder and said, "Fourth-rank fighters can actually control divine weapons, at least they can display part of their power."

Unexpectedly, Yun Jing directly shook her head and said: "Forging weapons is not the front of battle. Even if the latter cannot be controlled, it is fine as long as it does not eat back at oneself, but the former is a delicate job. If you stay, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and you should know this even if I don’t need to tell you.”

Liu Zhiyuan opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn\'t know what to say.

Yun Jing laughed again and said: "Actually, this is not a bad thing! The forging hammer of the magic weapon level will still fall into Qitang\'s hands, but the premise is that Qitang must strive to live up to it and inform the forging hammer of the magic weapon. Qitang up and down, it might not be an incentive for them."

Liu Zhiyuan said unhappily: "Isn\'t this just a trick of dropping a carrot in front of the donkey\'s eyes?"

Yun Jing smiled and said: "The routine is not too old, the key is to see if it can work, let\'s settle this matter like this!"

Liu Zhiyuan\'s expression sank immediately, and he said, "Then what are you asking me to do this time, why don\'t you just send a message talisman and let me know."

Yun Jing and Ji Wenlong pretended not to hear what Liu Zhiyuan said.

Ji Wenlong said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the college currently possesses the Youxue Sword, the Five Elements Ring, and this long-handled small hammer. If you add the sacred stone stick in Xiaoshang\'s hand, this is what I thought before. What I dare not think about, I am afraid that all the sects in the entire Lingfeng world, one counts as one, may not be able to produce so many magic weapons and holy weapons in one go."

Yun Jing also echoed: "Although I don\'t know how many magic weapons are in the hands of the three Dongtian sects with the longest heritage, such as the Beihai School, Weiyang Palace, and Shendu Sect, but the existence of the three magic weapons will at least not let Tong You The academy is much worse than these three."

Ji Wenlong then asked casually: "By the way, where did Xiao Shang get this magical weapon?"

Yun Jing\'s expression immediately turned serious when she heard the words, then she pointed to another storage item that looked like a bag, and said, "This is another important reason why I invited you two here. The spoils of war after beheading a fourth-rank Daohejing real person."


When Ji Wenlong and Liu Zhiyuan heard the news, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

The two glanced at each other subconsciously, and Liu Zhiyuan asked involuntarily, "Even Daoist Gaopin was killed by him?"

Yun Jing was not surprised by the slightly groggy expressions of the two. In fact, when she learned the news from Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, her expression management was not much better than the two.

While being surprised, Ji Wenlong finally didn\'t forget to ask: "Who did he kill? Zhuge Xiang died in the hands of Tong Yutang. Tong Yutang is now the guardian of Xingyuan. So what is the origin of this high-grade real person who was killed? Ling Jun Realm or Lingyu Realm?"

Liu Zhiyuan also came to his senses, and quickly looked at Yun Jing, waiting for his answer.

Yun Jing said solemnly: "Neither of them! You will not be unfamiliar with this person, he is the high-grade real person Wen Juxiang from Yuanhong Upper Realm who sneaked into Tongyou Cave back then!"

"It\'s him?!"

"Yuanhong Upper Realm?!"

Ji Wenlong and Liu Zhiyuan exclaimed at the same time, and at the same time, a look of worry appeared on their faces.

Ji Wenlong quickly asked: "Has Xiaoshang\'s killing of Wen Juxiang been known by others?"

Liu Zhiyuan also said: "Doesn\'t this mean that we have already had an affair with Yuanhong Upper Realm? At least we have already had a relationship with a certain family in Yuanhong Upper Realm

Forces have feuded? "

Yun Jing explained: "According to Xiao Shang, although no one else was present when he intercepted and killed Wen Juxiang, once it is confirmed that Wen Juxiang is dead, someone will be able to guess that he did the killing."

When Ji Wenlong and Liu Zhiyuan heard this, their expressions changed immediately.

A high-quality real person who was trusted and dispatched by the Yuan-level upper realm, if you think about it, you know that this person\'s identity is definitely not simple, and it is almost certain that the reason for his death will be investigated by Yuan Hongjie.


Yun Jing changed her tone immediately, and said: "According to Xiao Shang, even if the people in Yuan Hongjie wanted to investigate the cause of Wen Juxiang\'s death, they would not send experts on a large scale into Xingyuan City and its surrounding worlds. Investigate, because Xingyuan City will not let go of the void passage, so we don\'t have to worry about being invaded by the Yuanhong Realm for the time being."

The pressure on the two of them eased a little upon hearing this, but Ji Wenlong soon became suspicious again: "Can Xingyuan City withstand the accountability of the Yuan-level upper realm?"

Even though Ji Wenlong and the others couldn\'t know many things directly from Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia due to their own cultivation, they can also learn about a Yuan-level world by using Xingyuan City, a starry sky platform, to communicate with all walks of life in recent years. The upper limit of martial arts masters that can be carried is the seventh heaven!

Yun Jing replied: "Xiao Shang said that at least in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about Yuan Hongjie\'s censure at all. His original words were \'Yuan Hongjie can\'t get in\'! As for why he \'can\'t get in\', his original incarnation You just laughed and didn\'t answer, maybe it\'s because of some reasons that we don\'t know about?"

At this time, Liu Zhiyuan said in a deep voice: "He said \'short time\', which means that Yuan Hongjie may still \'come in\' in the future. Could it be that this is why he and Shan Chang can\'t wait to advance to the fourth rank?" The reason for Dao Hejing?"

Both Yun Jing and Ji Wenlong fell silent, obviously agreeing with Liu Zhiyuan\'s judgment.

Seeing that neither of them answered, Liu Zhiyuan pointed to the bag-like storage item and said, "What\'s in it?"

Yun Jing took a deep breath, and said: "Because Xiaoshang was eager to retreat, the things inside have not had time to sort out, but he once browsed through the things inside when he broke the seal of this storage item. According to him He said that there are many high-quality good things in it, but most of them should be collected by Wenjuxiang during his travels in various circles. But he said that there are still quite a few classics and notes in it, which may be from Wenjuxiang The records of traveling in all walks of life, there are many secrets, as well as the inheritance of some different martial arts systems, and may even record a considerable part of the news about the Yuanhong Upper Realm, which is what we urgently need now, after all, we are now There is almost no knowledge of the Yuan-level world. These are extremely precious documents! He asked us to sort out these things as soon as possible, and this matter should not be known to too many people."