Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1114

Just as the Starship Fleet in Lingfeng Realm was leading an expedition to the Three Realms of Lingfu under the leadership of the four spiritual masters, at this time in Lingfeng Realm, the remaining Dongtian masters all appeared on the sky with solemn expressions , and even his complexion doesn\'t seem to be very good!

Only tens of thousands of miles away from the sky of Lingfeng Realm, the appearance of an earth star is enough for several Dongtian masters to observe its existence with the naked eye on the sky.

It has been three to five days since this earth star broke into the 300,000-kilometer range of the Lingfeng Realm\'s sky, and the speed is gradually accelerating as it gets closer to the Lingfeng Realm\'s sky.

Although any real person present at this time is enough to use the power of the original source of the cave to spread tens of thousands of miles away, but several real people already know that this earth star does not pose any threat to the Lingfeng world. !

Moreover, there are a large number of lives on this planet, including a large number of people living on it.

"Manyu Earth Star? Hehe, I didn\'t expect it to be the one that formed after the collapse of Manyu Continent! Tianxing Pavilion Yin Jingxu, it\'s really tricky, even we were deceived by this person\'s trick I\'ve been lied to!"

Liu Jingsheng looked at the earth star that was getting closer and closer in the void and sneered, his tone sounded extremely dissatisfied.

Li Jidao also looked at the earth star, but his expression was a bit complicated, and he suddenly said: "Everyone, what do you think will happen if we destroy this earth star now?"

Xuansheng Zhang said coldly: "Do you want to ask what will happen to this earth star, or what will happen to Yin Jingxu?"

Without waiting for Li Jidao to answer, Zhang Jianzi beside him asked out of curiosity: "What will happen to Yin Jingxu? Will he fail to advance to the sixth heaven because the earth star is destroyed?"

Yang Taihe smiled lightly, and said: "I\'m afraid not! This earth star is too close to the Lingfeng Realm, even if it is destroyed, the last original essence of this earth star will inevitably be captured by this world, and if the old man captures it, If it is not bad, Yin Jingxu\'s original true spirit should be contained in this earth star, after these decades, he has already completed a qualitative change, and such a short distance is enough for him to return to this world at any time to complete his sustenance."

Zhang Jianzi nodded, and said: "It means that it is a foregone conclusion for Yin Jingxu to advance to the sixth heaven, and since Tianxing Pavilion does not yet have the secret realm of the cave, he will definitely advance to become a real person in the spirit world!"

Liu Jingsheng still said in a bad tone: "I have to say that Yin Jingxu really picked a good time to speed up the return of the original earth star when all the four spiritual realities in this world are out. We have already reached a close enough distance from this world, otherwise, the real person in the spirit world may destroy this earth star before this world captures his original true spirit, and then all the plans of this person will naturally come to nothing!"

Liu Jingsheng obviously accused Yin Jingxu of using the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, but in fact, everyone present asked themselves, and if they stood in Yin Jingxu\'s position, it was a matter of their own martial arts. In the future, I\'m afraid it will only go too far than the other party.

But at this time, several real people obviously wouldn\'t speak up for Yin Jingxu.

Li Jidao said again: "This kind of weird advanced method should undoubtedly be the inheritance of the Tianguan sect, right?"

None of the real people answered, but they all obviously agreed with this judgment.

Yang Taihe sighed softly at this time, and said: "Forget it, anyway, there is another sixth-level real person in this world, and there is also a Taoist inheritance of Wuxu Realm in Lingfeng world, which is very important for this world. It\'s a good thing!"

Xuansheng Zhang said coldly: "The inheritance of the Tianguan School is not so good!"

Seeing that several real people turned their gazes, Xuansheng Zhang continued: "Everyone, don\'t forget the existence of the upper realm. That fourth-rank real person from Yuanhong Realm sneaked into Tongyou | Inheritance?"

"Please forgive Yin for not agreeing with Zhang Zhenren\'s words!"

A brisk voice originally came from under the sky, but when all the real people followed the reputation, they saw that the person who spoke had already appeared above the sky, and stood side by side with all the real people in the Lingfeng world.

This person is Yin Jingxu, the pavilion master of Tianxing Pavilion.

Yang Taihe frowned and looked at Yin Jingxu whose aura was fluctuating, and said in a deep voice: "Governor Yin, your aura fluctuates up and down in the Wuxu Realm, and your cultivation in the Wuxu Realm has not yet stabilized, why did you show up at this time? ?”

Yin Jingxu arched her hands towards Yang Taihe, then made a bow to the real people present, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Real Man Yang, for reminding me, and thank you all for understanding Yin\'s hidden behavior, but since Manyu Dixing is already At the gate of this world, the original true spirit below has been cultivated and matured, so it is a foregone conclusion to advance to the sixth heaven, and it is only because the original true spirit has not yet fully returned to this world."

Xuansheng Zhang asked at this time: "What do you mean by what you just said? Could it be that the fourth-rank real people from the upper realm sneaked into this realm before, not for the inheritance of the Tianguan sect?"

Yin Jingxu said with a smile: "Did Master Zhang ever think that if the real person from the upper realm really wanted to inherit the Tianguan sect, wouldn\'t the star observatory standing in Jiaozhou be a shining target? Why didn\'t the real person from the upper realm Go to my Tianxing Pavilion to find the inheritance of the Tianguan School, but sneak into the Tongyou | Dongtian? Could it be said that for that real person from the upper realm, sneaking into the Tianxing Pavilion is more difficult than entering the Tongyou|Dongtian?"

Yin Jingxu\'s words can be regarded as an official admission that the inheritance he used to advance to the sixth heaven also came from the Guantian sect.

Li Jidao said quietly: "How do you know that that person didn\'t go to your Tianxing Pavilion? He can avoid Shang Xia\'s perception and sneak into Tongyou|Dongtian. Can you still find out if he entered the blessed land of your Tianxing Pavilion?"

The smile on Yin Jingxu\'s face suddenly stagnated, and then became cloudy and uncertain.

Yang Taihe waved his hand towards Li Jidao, then looked at Yin Jingxu and asked with a smile: "Yin... Reverend Li, don\'t care about Reverend Li\'s conjectures, you just talk about your conjectures, maybe you find something else Maybe!"

Yin Jingxu took a deep breath, and said after deliberation: "Tianxing Pavilion did not find any lost inheritance, even if the real person from the upper realm really went to Tianxing Pavilion, but the other party sneaked into Tongyou | Dongtianlai See, apparently this one didn\'t find what he was looking for."

Yang Taihe nodded his head and said, "Please continue!"

The other real people were also thoughtful when they heard the words.

Yin Jingxu continued: "Everyone, in fact, when the Guantian Sect was destroyed and its inheritance was scattered, there are many Starry Sky forces who have obtained part of the inheritance of the Tianxing Sect. What is the inheritance that I got from the Tianxing Pavilion? Really want to get it? What a great thing, and how could it be just a blessed land sect after spending hundreds of years in the original Cangyu Realm?"

Zhang Xuansheng said: "You mean that the real person from the upper realm is actually looking for a treasure of the Tianguan sect, and the Cangyan realm that was destroyed under the leadership of Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia happens to have a treasure that has not been exposed before. In addition, the greatest benefit of this cave falls into the hands of Tongyou College, so that real person from the upper world intends to sneak into it to find out, in order to find the whereabouts of the missing treasure?"

Yin Jingxu sighed slightly, and said: "This is the only possibility that Yin can guess."

For some reason, after Yin Jingxu finished her conjecture, Yang Taihe and Li Jidao\'s eyes met slightly, and then they looked away.