Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1115

Shang Xia and the others who were far away in the Lingfu world naturally didn\'t know that during their expedition to other worlds, there was already another master of the Wuxu realm in this world, and he was also a real person in the spirit world who was not bound by the plane world .

But even if they knew about it, the four spiritual masters in Lingfeng Realm didn\'t bother to think about how the appearance of a new Wuxu Realm master would change the situation in Lingfeng Realm.

Because after Shang Xia returned from the Lingfu Realm, he gave the other three real people a speculation that sounded absurd: there is still the possibility of joining forces in the three realms of Lingfu, Cangyou, and Canghui, and the targets are only It will be Lingfeng Realm.

The few real people in the Lingfeng world present were all thoughtful people. When they first heard Shang Xia\'s seemingly absurd speculation, they didn\'t immediately refute it. Instead, they tried their best to think about the possibility of such a situation.

"The internal strife between the two sides has reached such a level that only the sixth-level masters have lost six of them. The western Kyushu region is about to leave the Lingfu Realm. At this time, it is impossible for the Three Realms to reunite. Then the split in the Three Realms is a foregone conclusion. Under the circumstances, we, as outsiders, may indeed become their public enemies again."

After Lu Wuzi thought for a while, he was the first to propose a possibility.

Huang Jinghan said: "Renren Lu is right, but don\'t forget that the land of the four states we want to take away may also become the target of the three parties at the same time. After all, in Huang\'s view, the Lingfu world was taken away at once. Going to the land of thirteen prefectures is naturally a serious injury to the vitality, but the two realms of Canghui and Cangyou are divided into nine states, but it may not be sure that they will be promoted to the spiritual world. In this way, the four states we want to take away Instead, it will become everyone\'s target."

Kou Chongxue thought for a while and said, "How is our current progress in the four states? What about the situation outside the four states? Can we stop the counterattack of the local forces in the Lingfu world?"

Shang Xia said: "Weizhou is basically in place, because the disciples have already lurked there all the way in advance, and the progress of the other three states will be much slower. At present, the warriors in this world relying on Xingzhou can still withstand it for the time being. But before I arrived, the spirit world was dispatching mid-level and high-level warriors from other rear states to come to support them. After all, the other party occupies a favorable location, and their background is much deeper than ours, even though the spirit world is only left in Kyushu. Among them, the number of high-level warriors may exceed us, not to mention that the rest of the Kyushu is the essence of the Lingfu world."

Kou Chongxue looked at Huang Jinghan and Lu Wuzi, and said seriously: "It seems that we must evacuate quickly before the Canghui and Cangyou realms are separated from the Lingfu realm and get away from the threat of Yan Huayi! It’s just that in this way, we may not be able to get all the land of the four states, and I’m afraid we will have to give up some of them.”

Huang Jinghan and Lu Wuzi hesitated for a while, but finally nodded in agreement.

Upon seeing this, Kou Chongxue immediately issued a summons, ordering Ding to be stationed in the future.

Some Tongyou Colleges in the state and the martial arts forces in Youzhou and Jiaozhou rushed to the outer borders of the other three states for assistance.

After finishing these things, Kou Chongxue looked at Shang Xia and asked, "Do you have anything to add?"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "Once the separation from the Lingfu world is completed, the two worlds of Canghui and Cangyou may not be as close as before."

Kou Chongxue became interested when he heard the words, and asked curiously, "What\'s the reason?"

Shang Xiadao: "The strength between these two realms is out of balance. There were originally five real people of the sixth rank in the Canghui Realm, and among them there was a third-rank real person like Yunhu. The overall strength was slightly superior; but after this battle Canghui Realm lost a first-rank real person, Yu Long; but Cangyou Realm lost a second-rank real person, Menghan, and the gap in strength between the two realms widened again!"

Shang Xia went on to say: "Originally, although the overall strength of Canghui Realm was slightly superior, except for Yunhu, the other four were all first-rank real people, and two of them were Dongtian real people; Master, except for one Daoist Dongtian, there are two second-rank among the three spiritual masters, and they have the confidence to unbalance the cloud pot, but now there is only one second-rank Zhu Zhenren left. Even if Canghui Realm did nothing, but As a weak person, Cang Youjie will inevitably take precautions."

Lu Wuzi thought for a while, and said, "But Yunhu has already been severely damaged..."

"But he didn\'t die after all," Shang Xia said earnestly, "Third-rank real people die so easily, and they can recover if they don\'t die. What\'s more, Yunhu is still a real person in the spirit world!"

Huang Jinghan seemed to understand Shang Xia\'s meaning, nodded and added: "Yes, there is also Lan Zhengfeng from the Lingfu Realm, who is also a third-rank real person in the Spirit Realm, and he was also severely injured."

Lu Wuzi had already reacted at this time, and said: "You mean, if the Three Realms want to turn against us, people in the Cangyou Realm might let us go?"

Kou Chongxue smiled with an inexplicable expression, and said, "Maybe we may continue to cooperate in the future!"


In the Linxu Cave of the Canghui Realm, Ling Ku, a first-rank real person, is looking at the real Yunhu who is in the secret realm of the cave.

At this time, Master Yunhu was holding a secret communication talisman in his hand to browse the contents.

After a while, Master Yunhu looked away from the secret message talisman in his hand, and Master Ling Ku asked, "Brother Yunhu, who sent the secret talisman?"

Master Yunhu smiled, handed the secret talisman in his hand to Ling Ku, and said, "Brother Ling, you will never know who it is!"

Master Ling Ku permeated the secret talisman suspiciously, then raised his head in astonishment and said, "Yan Huayi?"

Master Yunhu smiled and said, "Didn\'t expect that? He asked us to attack Lingfeng world together!"

Daoist Ling Ku shook his head, obviously

Master Yunhu was not interested in the proposal, but he still read the contents of the secret talisman carefully, and then he fell into a deep thought.

Master Yunhu watched his words and expressions, and asked with a smile: "Why, are you tempted?"

Master Ling Ku smiled, and said: "He invited us to completely disconnect from the Lingfu Realm and create a sufficient distance in the void before returning to deal with the Lingfu Realm together."

"Yes," Master Yunhu smiled, and said, "If you break the connection with the Lingfu world, then it is considered to be in fact separated from the connection with the origin of the world of the Lingfu world; You will be able to get rid of the threat of Yan Huayi, the fourth-grade cave. He can always persuade you in a way that considers you, just like how he persuaded the two worlds to help the Cangfu world to become the spirit world first, so as to resist It\'s like a volley invasion."

Master Ling Ku\'s face didn\'t change when he heard the words, and said: "Then... we refuse?"

Master Yunhu looked at his year-end friend amusedly, and said, "Why did you refuse? But we have to wait for Yan Huayi to do it first!"

Ling Ku Daoist sighed softly: "Who would have thought that the Lingfeng Realm was so imposing before, but I never thought that only four real people from the Spirit Realm came. It seems that the overall strength of this world is not as good as we imagined. Strong! It\'s just your injury..."

Master Yunhu smiled and said: "I don\'t have the ability to fight and fight, but I still have the means to fight desperately."


In Cangyoujie, Zhu Zhenren, who also got the news, put down the secret communication talisman in his hand expressionlessly.

Immortal Luo at the side asked with a thoughtful look on his face, "Then do we agree to participate?"

Zhu Zhenren glanced at the other party, and with a flick of his wrist, the secret communication talisman was reduced to ashes.

Master Luo was slightly taken aback, and said again: "Not participating?"

Zhu Zhenren chuckled and said, "No response!"

Master Luo couldn\'t figure out his intention, so he couldn\'t help saying: "Then..."

Zhu Zhenren turned his head and smiled and asked, "Are you tempted?"

Master Luo nodded, and said: "Even if it is only to share the land of a state, it is also a land of a state in the spiritual world. Coupled with the local faction\'s support for the ancient Yuanzong in recent years, the original essence of a state is almost It is equivalent to half of the barbarian world, and it may be the last guarantee to ensure that this world successfully enters the spirit world."

Speaking of this, Master Luo sighed softly, and said: "Our original true spirit is entrusted to the Lingfu Realm. Although it is in the land of Kyushu, even if the state where our original true spirit is entrusted will eventually be included in this realm, if this If the world cannot use this to complete the promotion and transformation, I am afraid that we will not be able to return to the interior of this world, after all, the sky world has limited carrying capacity, and if there is no hole in the secret realm, the upper limit of warriors is only at the peak of the Wugang realm."

Zhu Zhenren thought for a while, and said: "Then we will adapt to the situation, but we will definitely not be the first to make a move!"