Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1113

Zhu Honglin calmed down and said, "I don\'t know what orders Master Shang has next?"

Seeing this, Sun Haiwei nodded, and said: "This time, this world is going to swallow up the land of the four prefectures of the Lingfu Realm. This time, Chilin helped this world take down the Tonggu City. It may not be appropriate to stay in the Lingfu Realm in the future. .”

Speaking of this, Sun Haiwei\'s tone paused, but her eyes glanced at Zhu Honglin without any trace, and she could clearly feel that he was relieved after hearing these words.

Sun Haiwei continued: "What Xiaoshang really means is that he hopes that Chief Zhu can take the Red Scale Gang with the Starship Fleet to the Lingfeng Realm. However, this world started to build peripheral forces outside the sky, which can be used as a foothold for the Red Scale Gang. In the future, there will be many places that will use the assistance of Chief Zhu. I wonder what Chief Zhu wants?"

Zhu Honglin heard the words and immediately said: "Zhu is willing to go, and everything is subject to your arrangements!"

Sun Haiwei gave a "hmm", nodded without any surprise, and said: "Next we need to control the entire Weizhou state, and we need a lot of help from Chief Zhu. If the martial arts forces in Weizhou do not want to surrender, they should try their best to Deportation outside the state, really stubborn people can only do it. As for ordinary people, if they don\'t want to leave their homeland, they can leave with them. In short, we should do less murder!"

Upon hearing the words, Zhu Honglin cupped her hands and bowed deeply to Sun Haiwei.

Sun Haiwei didn\'t seem to see Zhu Honglin\'s movements, and murmured to herself: "It\'s a pity that the method of assimilating the two worlds of Cangyou and Canghui in the three-world system built by the Lingfu world is quite desirable, otherwise it will be used Once you use it, you may be able to bring more foreign warriors into your own use."

Zhu Honglin looked a bit embarrassed when he heard the words, and said: "Sun Jiaoyu, the assimilation of the three realms of the Lingfu Realm is the top secret of the Lingfu Realm, and the only people who can know the reason are the sixth-order real people of the Eight Great Dongtian Sects. Master Chengwu and Guyuan Dongtian have already been destroyed..."

Sun Haiwei smiled and said: "You don\'t have to worry about Chief Zhu, I just feel a little regretful..."


"Shang Zhenren\'s secret technique of entering and exiting foreign worlds at will without being targeted by the will of the world is really heart-warming...sentimental!"

Zhu Zhenren looked at Shang Xia who came to the door, and felt that the other party only had a fifth-level cultivation base and a complete aura of a native warrior in the Lingfu world. His expression was complicated and abnormal, but he quickly said: "However, if Daoist Shang doesn\'t go to the old place of the ancient Yuanzong to guard against the local faction, what are you doing here?"

After Shang Xia "drilled" into the Lingfu Realm from above the sky, the first thing he went to was obviously the land of the four prefectures of the Ancient Yuanzong. Passed directly through the wall of storms that isolated the land of Kyushu in the west, came to the territory of the Feisheng faction, and directly approached Zhu Zhenren.

Among the immortals of the Feisheng faction, apart from the three immortals sitting at the gate of Dongtian, the remaining four, Yunhu, Hong Miao, Zhu Zhenren, and Luo Zhenren, are still staying in the western Kyushu.

The reason is very simple. These few of them were promoted to the sixth heaven after entering the spirit world, and even the original true spirits were entrusted to the land of Kyushu in the west.

Therefore, it is speechless that the four of them are still unable to return to the Cangyou and Canghui realms, or they need to pay a certain price if they want to return to the two realms, and even the two plane worlds of the Canghui realm are not suitable for them. They are repulsed.

And if they want to get rid of this predicament, the only way is to turn the western people who entrusted their original spirit

The land of Kyushu merged into the two realms of Canghui and Cangyou.

This is why after the Feisheng faction decided to break with the local faction, the first thing to do was to separate the land of the western Kyushu from the main continent of the Lingfu world.

Of course, according to Cang Hui and Cang You\'s own statements, the land of the western Kyushu is the spoils they deserved after the three worlds fought against the spirit world!

Shang Xia smiled, not paying attention to the insincere words in Zhu Zhenren\'s tone, and said: "Shang came here this time because he wanted to ask the real person for advice."

Zhu Zhenren said in a flat tone: "Oh, what is it?"

Perhaps it is because the separation of the Western Kyushu from the Lingfu Realm is a foregone conclusion, or it may be because there are only four spiritual realities in the Lingfeng Realm this time, so that both the local faction and the Feisheng faction can see clearly that the Lingfeng Realm is "outside strong but middle-aged" At this time, Zhu Zhenren\'s tone is obviously no longer as cordial as when he and Shang Xia teamed up to defeat Lan Zhengfeng.

Shang Xia also seemed to have expected the change in the attitude of the real person of the Feisheng faction, but it still didn\'t happen. Instead, he asked with a smile: "It\'s about the communication and connection between the three realms of Lingfu through the gate of the cave, so that the warriors of the three realms can be independent without being rejected by the foreign world. There is a mystery of communication."

Zhu Zhenren said indifferently: "Didn\'t Shang Daoist himself say that it was because the Cangyou and Canghui worlds sacrificed three caves as a channel to communicate with the Lingfu world? Thinking about the upper realm, they probably disdain to take the initiative to go to the lower realms of Cangyou and Canghui."

Shang Xia restrained the smile on his face, and said slowly: "Why should Master Zhu be perfunctory to Shang? If the establishment of the Lingfu Three Realm System is really as simple as opening up a few caves and secret realms as passages, why should Shang come here to ask for advice?" ?”

Seeing the change in Shang Xia\'s tone, Zhu Zhenren suddenly showed embarrassment, and said falteringly: "This...it\'s not that Zhu is deceiving on purpose, but that all the participating sixth-layer heavenly warriors had agreed upon the establishment of the three-world connection system at the beginning. It is not disclosed to the outside world, although the Feisheng faction and the local faction have broken up now, but the original agreement is not easy to void..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhenren still did not forget to add: "Shang Zhenren doesn\'t need to go to the other few people to ask, everyone will not say it, and please don\'t embarrass me, unless you can get all the real people of the two factions to agree. this matter……"


Shang Xia didn\'t wait for Zhu Zhenren to finish speaking, cupped his hands, turned around and was about to leave.

But just when Shang Xia was about to disappear into the void portal, he suddenly turned around and looked at Zhu Zhenren and asked a question, saying: "The two realms of Cangyou and Canghui have divided up the land of the western Kyushu, and they will definitely be able to advance to the spiritual level." Was it successful?"

Zhu Zhenren looked at the back of Shang Xia\'s news, and his expression looked cloudy.

At this moment, Master Luo appeared behind him, and said, "Real Master Chi received news that Linxu Dongtian and Changdao Dongtian suddenly accelerated their progress, and it is suspected that two masters, Yunhu and Hong Miao, have entered the cave. Help."

Zhu Zhenren had calmed down at this time, heard the words "hmm" and said indifferently: "Then let\'s start, after all, there is only one cave available in this world, so it\'s not good to be too far behind!"

When the two soaring masters from the Cangyou Realm turned around and walked towards the gate of the cave, Master Luo who followed behind showed hesitation, but finally said: "Brother Zhu, in case...we fail to enter this time. What should the spirit world do?"

Zhu Zhenren didn\'t turn his head back and said: "Although the Ascension System of the Three Realms was established based on the three realms of Lingfu, Canghui, and Cangyou, have you forgotten this?

In this system, there are only three realms of Lingfu, Canghui, and Cangyou? "

Master Luo quickly walked two steps to follow Zhu Zhenren\'s footsteps, and pondered: "Brother Zhu, you mean... the barbarian world?"

Zhu Zhenren sneered and said: "Since we discovered the first barbarian world in the depths of the void, and used the deep space starship to bring the fourth-order warriors in the barbarian world who were on the verge of the limit of their cultivation to the two worlds of Canghui and Cangyou, the so-called The "Three Realms Ascension System" no longer refers to the three realms of Lingfu, Canghui, and Cangyou, but should refer to the "three realms" of the spirit world, the Cang world, and the barbarian world!"

The figures of the two sixth-level real people became more and more illusory in the void, but Zhu Zhenren\'s voice still echoed clearly: "Although the Lingfu world still functions as four caves, the only remaining four sixth-level warriors are Three of them are Daoist Dongtian, and the remaining one, Lan Zhengfeng, has a high level of cultivation, but how much combat power can he still have if he is seriously injured?"

"It\'s the same situation with Yunhu from the Canghui Realm. His injuries may not be much lighter than Lan Zhengfeng\'s. After throwing away the Lingxu from Linxu and Qiuqi from Changdaomen, he is still intact. There is only one Hong Miao left."

"On the other hand, in my Cangyou Realm, although there are only three people left in the Sixth Heaven, there are two real people in the spirit world, you and me, who can quickly recover their combat power. The strongest force is dispatched, and this is our chance!"

"The perfunctory I just said to the real merchants of the Lingfeng Realm may have made them feel scruples. Thinking about the strength currently displayed by the Lingfeng Realm, they will inevitably speed up the looting and evacuation of the four states of the Ancient Yuanzong. Once they After leaving, our chance has come, this is the best time for us to annex those barbaric worlds and ensure that the Cangyou world will definitely be promoted to the spirit world!"

"Once I miss it, after Lan Zhengfeng and Yunhu healed their injuries, no, even if they only healed most of them and regained a certain amount of combat power, I\'m afraid that such benefits will be hard for me, Cang Youjie, to taste." , at least not able to grab the biggest benefit!"


After Shang Xia hit a wall with Master Zhu, he didn\'t go to ask other real people of the Feisheng sect for verification, but went through the wall of storm again and entered the land of the four states of the ancient Yuanzong.

However, he did not stay in the land of the four states for a long time, but roughly circled around the borders of the three outer states, and found that the Lingfu world had begun to organize forces to enter the land of the three outer states from different directions.

Nearly 70% of the starships in the Lingfu Realm have appeared in the border areas between the three states and other states in the Lingfu Realm, and they have begun to prevent the middle and high-level warriors from the Lingfu Realm from breaking into the four states.

Moreover, Shang Xia also discovered that there will be mid-to-high-level warriors from other states in the Lingfu world who are coming to the four states in a steady stream.

At this time, you can see the results of the accumulation of nearly a hundred years in the Lingfu world. Even after they experienced a civil strife, the number of mid-to-high-level warriors from various sects far exceeds that of the Lingfu world. It must exceed the power of this deep space expedition in Lingfeng Realm.

If the current situation continues, the longer the time drags on, the greater the casualties in Lingfeng Realm will be, and the more difficult it will be to collect all the surrounding land!

Shang Xia patrolled the border areas of the four states. Although he guarded the bottom line and did not make a move, he could also sense the malice of several sixth-order real people from different directions in the Lingfu world from a distance in the process.

On the sky of the Lingfu Realm, Shang Xia came back again. After seeing Kou Chongxue and others, he said in the first sentence: "I think we need to speed up the progress. Maybe in the end, the warriors of the three realms will unite again now, but when it comes At that time, we were the ones being targeted!"