Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1112

The resident of the ancient Yuanzong sect is located in Weizhou, Lingfu, and the three states where the original power of the ancient Yuanzong radiates outward are Wuzhou, Shenzhou, and Youzhou.

It is rumored that before Lingfu Realm advanced to the spirit-level world, its original main continent was only twelve states, and these twelve states were also named after Twelve Yuanchen, and the four states where the ancient Yuanzong was located were originally Lingfu. There is an old land in Fujie.

It\'s just that the Plane World, which was still the Cangfu Realm at that time, gradually rose up. Through its own management, as well as external development, mergers and expansions, new states within the Plane World continued to form.

Especially after the Cangfu Realm was promoted to the Lingfu Realm, and the Spiritual Space Realm was destroyed through the three-tier alliance, the Lingfu Realm merged the most elite state of the Spiritual Sky Realm into its own realm, forming an elite state region Most of them naturally fell under the control of the two biggest forces of Tianyu Sect and Fengyuan Sect.

Otherwise, how could Gu Chengwu be able to control the land of the four states, given that Gu Chengwu had just successfully advanced to the Martial Void Realm, and Gu Yuanzong had just completed the transformation of the Dongtian Sect?

However, as Yunhu Daoist and Shang Xia teamed up to raid Guyuan Dongtian, attacked and killed Gu Chengwu in the secret realm of Dongtian, and completely destroyed Guyuan Dongtian, the glory of Guyuan sect\'s nearly a hundred years of management suddenly disappeared.

As Gu Yuanzong fell into chaos due to the fact that the dragons had no leader, Zhu Honglin, the leader of the Red Lin Gang who had been advised by Shang Xia in advance, immediately contacted a certain person who had escaped the catastrophe by leaving the Guyuan Zongmen\'s residence under his prior intentional or unintentional contact. A senior elder of the sect.

This elder of Gu Yuanzong, who was Zhu Honglin\'s biggest backer in Tonggu City of Weizhou, had a high status in Gu Yuan Zong himself, and had a fifth-level and third-level cultivation. So he gathered a force inside the sect, and with Zhu Honglin\'s strong support and suggestions, he took the opportunity to transfer a large amount of material resources inside the Guyuan Zongmen\'s resident, and prepared to use it as a means for him to revive the Guyuan Zong, or start a new one in the future. The foundation of standing.

At the same time, with the help of its own faction, it spared no effort to mobilize all kinds of material resources from the surrounding three states, even to the point of almost being scrapped.

Although the four prefectures of the ancient Yuanzong in chaos may not be able to deliver all the supplies, but because they are the fastest and most resolute, they have gathered a large amount of various resources before others, including some high-level people. Spiritual material, Lingzhen and so on.

Before the Guyuan sect became the Dongtian sect, it had a history of inheritance for hundreds of years. After becoming the Dongtian sect for decades, it was supported by the Tianyu sect and the Fengyuan sect. The essence is continuously gathering towards the Zongmen\'s residence in Weizhou. Even the Tianyu Sect and the Fengyuan Sect can be said to be responsive in terms of assistance of various material resources.

Although the most essential resources and inheritance of a sect must be concentrated in the secret realm of the cave, a considerable part of the heritage and accumulation is still preserved in the sect\'s residences outside the secret realm of the cave.

In the situation where the high-ranking warriors of the ancient Yuanzong were wiped out in one go, the elder of the third level of the fifth heaven could already be regarded as a spoiler-level existence of the sect, coupled with the full assistance of the Chilin Gang and Zhu Honglin, Soon Tonggu City became a place where resources gathered.

But just when this elder of the ancient Yuanzong was ambitious and was about to continue to gather the remaining forces of the ancient Yuanzong for his own use, the starship fleet of the Lingfeng Realm descended from beyond the sky!

The invasion of foreign domains made the four states of the ancient Yuanzong, which were already in civil strife, even more chaotic.

Place your own stronghold in Guyuan of Tonggu City

Elder Zong, he was also a person who had seen the destruction of the spirit world. When he realized that the foreign invasion was coming, his immediate reaction was to encourage the forces under his command not to panic. These foreign forces were suppressed by the will of the world. In the meantime, the opponent must be weak in combat power. Back then, the Three Realms of Lingfu used this advantage to lure the enemy to go deep, and directly buried a group of the most elite fighters in the Lingkong Realm, creating the foundation for the final destruction of the entire Lingkong Realm.

After appeasing the forces under his command, the elder quickly took the second step of strategy, which was to contact the remaining strength of the ancient Yuanzong, calling on everyone to stop the civil strife and jointly resist foreign invasions.

In addition, there is a third step, which is to urgently send messages to other Dongtian sects such as Tianyu Sect and Fengyuan Sect for help.

It has to be said that this elder with real power of the ancient Yuanzong is indeed of a considerable standard. No wonder he can quickly gather such a force under the chaotic situation of the ancient Yuanzong and has a tendency to stand out.

It\'s a pity that all these contingency measures can\'t support his own foundation, which was originally built on a sandy beach!

Tonggu City was originally the site that Zhu Honglin and his Chilin Gang had managed for decades, and behind Zhu Honglin was Shang Xia.

Everything that Gu Yuanzong elder did was done by Shang Xia\'s remote command Zhu Honglin\'s full assistance in order to preserve the foundation and essence of Gu Yuanzong as much as possible.

And everything this Gu Yuanzong elder did was ultimately a wedding dress for Shang Xia and the Tongyou Academy behind him.

After the starship fleet of Lingfeng Realm entered Lingfu Realm, the starships that mainly carried Tongyou College, as well as some high-level warriors from Bingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Liaozhou, came straight to Weizhou.

There is no doubt that the purpose of Lingfeng Realm this time is the land of the four states of the ancient original sect, and Weizhou, the richest of the four states, has most of its heritage and essence attributed to Kou Chongxue and Tongyou College behind Shang Xia .

This is not only determined by the contribution made by this conquest of the Lingfu world, but it is also determined by the personal strength of Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue!

As for some mid-level and high-level martial artists from Bingzhou, Jiaozhou and Liaozhou, it is because the Bingzhou martial arts forces headed by the Wushan League, as well as the local forces in Jiaozhou that are being recruited by Tongyou College, plus the Changbai faction in Liaozhou. It can be regarded as a solid and reliable ally of Tongyou Academy.

As the absolute king of this alliance system, Tongyou Academy naturally needs to know how to share benefits with its allies.

Among the nearly twenty starships that entered Weizhou, three more were soon separated and headed straight for Tonggu City.

Originally, the elders of the ancient Yuanzong who had gathered as many forces under their command as possible to defend the Tonggu City, the foundation of a large number of material resources, were the first to arrive on the three starships from the Tongyou Academy warriors. At that time, he was attacked and seriously injured by Zhu Honglin, the leader of the Chilin Gang who had been following him all the time.


The elder stared at Zhu Honglin behind him in disbelief, not only shocked by the other party\'s betrayal, but also surprised by the strength displayed by the other party during the brazen attack.

That is simply impossible to be the combat power that a first-tier warrior in the Martial Gang Realm should have, not to mention that Zhu Honglin is notoriously low in combat power among fifth-tier warriors because of the turbid blood gang he trained himself.

With his original strength, even if he was attacked by the elder without any precautions, it might not be able to cause too much damage to him.

However, the fact before us is that Zhu Honglin has not only already

Having recovered the combat power that a master of the Wugang realm should have, he may have even refined the second natal qi!

Seeing the disbelief in the elder\'s eyes, Zhu Honglin smiled triumphantly: "Didn\'t expect that? Master Shang not only purified the original qi for Zhu, let Zhu continue his martial arts path, and even found a combination for Zhu. The Heaven and Earth Yuangang refined and refined, and now Zhu is already at the second level of the Wugang Realm!"

"I see!"

The elder of Gu Yuanzong seemed to have aged several decades all of a sudden, and his original ambition disappeared instantly with the arrival of several foreign masters.

Even though he still has a bit of combat power at this time, facing Zhu Honglin and several fifth-level warriors from Tongyou Academy joining forces, how can he have half a chance of winning?

Sun Haiwei brought Tian Mengzi and Dou Zhong to take over Tonggu City and a large number of material resources gathered in the city.

After getting rid of the elders of Gu Yuanzong, Long Wushou, the remaining crowd, quickly fell into a situation of fighting among themselves. With the help of the local snake of the Red Scale Gang, the Youzhou and Jiaozhou warriors dominated by Tongyou Academy were quickly wiped out. It wiped out the remaining strength of the ancient Yuanzong inside and outside Tonggu City.

"This is the list of all the properties of the ancient Yuanzong in Tonggu City, as well as the list of various materials and resources they have gathered in recent days. I would like to invite a few colleagues from the upper realm to have a look!"

Zhu Honglin respectfully handed over a stack of ultimatums to Sun Haiwei.

Zhu Honglin could clearly perceive that the young woman in front of her didn\'t look very old, but her fifth-tier and third-tier cultivation could not be faked.

And even though she was in a foreign land and was suppressed by the original will of the spirit world, making it difficult for her to display her combat power, Zhu Honglin\'s sense of smell honed on the edge of life and death for many years still told him clearly that it was not difficult for the other party to kill him!

not to mention……

Zhu Honglin\'s gaze swept across the two fifth-tier fighters behind Sun Haiwei, and dozens of fourth-tier masters behind him, and she couldn\'t help lowering her head even lower.

"Boss Zhu has worked hard! This time, he was able to control Tonggu City with such a small loss, and won a large amount of material resources and part of the heritage of the ancient Yuanzong, thanks to Chief Zhu and the Chilin Gang!"

Sun Haiwei didn\'t look at the result certificate after that, but handed it directly to Dou Zhong behind him.

Zhu Honglin hurriedly laughed and said: "Sun Jiaoyu has won the award, it\'s all due to the real merchant\'s strategizing, and you all came in time to frighten the small people inside and outside Tonggu City. What Zhu did is really not worth mentioning!"

Behind Sun Haiwei, Tian Mengzi was smiling, while Dou Zhong beside him snorted softly, showing disdain.

Sun Haiwei said with a smile: "Chief Zhu, don\'t underestimate yourself. The head of the academy Kou Shan and Daoist Xiaoshang have explained that Chief Zhu and the Red Scale Gang will be rewarded for their merits. Four of the materials and resources of the ancient original sect that they have harvested this time One of them belongs to the Red Scale Gang!"

Hearing the words, Zhu Honglin seemed to be overwhelmed by the good news and became a little dizzy, even speaking incoherently: "This, this... I can\'t help it, this is really... Thank you so much, no, it\'s too heavy, too much It\'s heavy!"

Sun Haiwei smiled and said: "Chief Zhu doesn\'t have to refuse, you and the Chilin Gang deserve this. And Daoist Xiaoshang still has arrangements for Chief Zhu and the Chilin Gang!"

After all, Zhu Honglin was able to organize the leader of a gang, and she had a certain bearing, and quickly woke up from the surprise just now, and said quickly: "I don\'t know what orders Master Shang has next?"

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