Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 4593

Bow bird

as the old saying goes

Stay green mountain, not afraid of no firewood burning!

As long as you can escape, you can get back what you lost.

As long as you move the power of the demon clan, killing each other is like cutting melons and vegetables!

It's a pity that

As soon as I ran out, I didn't wait for them to add up their speed. Then I bumped into a transparent but real boundary knot!

Under the fierce rebound force, three demon family friars, suddenly a stagger.

Without waiting for them to stand firm, Zhu Hengyu's three fighting bodies rushed over crazily.

There's nothing to say next

Although the strength of the three demon friars is not inferior to Zhu Hengyu and his two Dharma bodies.

However, taking advantage of the gap between the three people to escape.

Zhu Hengyu, heaven, earth and man

Taking advantage of the other two demon friars' support, they killed the demon friar together.

Since one has been killed, the other two are doomed.

Completely ignoring one of the demon friars, the three people together, once again killed the second demon friar.

Later, when there was only one time left for the three demon friars, the battle was over.

Three demon friars, all of them are the peak of white light holy body.

Zhu Hengyu thought that each of them must have refined 3000 pieces of broken swords and 3000 sets of destroyed armor.

But in fact, after the three demon friars were killed.

However, it did not drop 9000 pieces of broken swords and 9000 sets of destroyed armor.

Only three swords and three sets of armor were really dropped!


Between doubts, Zhu Hengyu didn't think about it.

After all, there are more than 20 monks at the entrance of the underground palace.

Between the thought of a move, Zhu Hengyu will be three sets of combat clothing, into the ice emperor bracelet.

I'll study it when I'm free.

After collecting the spoils of the three demon friars, Zhu Hengyu turned his head and looked at the crowd at the entrance of the underground palace.

With the village's hunting team, Zhu didn't need to hire anyone else to hunt down the collapsed soldiers in the underground palace.

The members of the three hundred hunting teams have the strength comparable to that of the general in the collapse.

It's really not so easy to kill ordinary soldiers.

What really restricts the hunting teams in the village is the number of soldiers who have collapsed.

Due to the collapse of underground palaces, they have been occupied by various forces.

As a result, the hunting team can only hunt the broken soldiers wandering in the wild.

In this way, on average, each member of the hunting team can only harvest 50 or 60 pieces of chaotic crystal every day.

If you can enter the underground palace, with their strength, it is not too easy to hunt and kill the collapsed soldiers.

An underground palace can be quickly cleaned up by employing only 100 hunting party members.

With a cold glance, Zhu Hengyu said in a cold voice, "well, this ruined underground palace is mine now. Let's go..."

Hearing Zhu Hengyu's words, everyone was greatly relieved.

After exchanging one look in succession, everyone took action at the first time.

In their eyes, those three demon friars are terrible enough.

Those three demon friars will fight if they want, scold them if they want, and kill them if they want to!

They are not only powerless to resist, even after the event, there is no place to look for reason.

Now, such cruel three demon friars were slaughtered by Zhu Hengyu and killed on the spot.


Faced with the persecution of three demon friars, they have been in a desperate situation.

But I didn't think that this horrible monk appeared in time to save everyone.

Therefore, in their hearts, they are very grateful to Zhu Hengyu.

Everyone knows that

On the battlefield of the collapse of order, the strong is the law!

They have the right to live and kill the weak.

Once offended the other party, even if the other party started to kill them, no one would know.

Moreover, with the strength of the other side

Even if their families know, what can they do?

Those three demon friars are beyond their control.

What's more, it's the terror master who easily killed those three demon friars.

Under Zhu Hengyu's gaze, more than 20 young people quickly took out the body bags and collected several corpses on the ground.

Then, all of them kept silent, bowed to Zhu Hengyu from a distance, and then planned to leave.

In the face of everyone's bowing, Zhu Hengyu remained unmoved.

After all, he came here not to save people, but to acquire the ownership of the underground palace.In the face of those young people's bow salute, Zhu Hengyu did not make any expression.

However, as Zhu Hengyu pondered over the next plan.

Corner of the eye, a shrunk, a little familiar figure, hiding behind the companion, furtively want to leave.

He turned his head in doubt and saw what he saw

Although he could only see a faint outline, Zhu Hengyu recognized each other at a glance.

Isn't this the last time he saved the demon nun?

How could she be here?

"Wait a minute..."

Seeing this scene, Zhu Hengyu could not help shouting.

Hearing Zhu Hengyu's words, everyone stopped.

He turned his head in horror and looked at Zhu Hengyu.

It's not that everyone is too timid

However, these more than 20 young monks have become frightened birds.

Just now, their companions were killed several times because they disobeyed the master.

At this moment, no one knows better than them how serious the consequences of disobeying the master.

Therefore, at Zhu Hengyu's command, more than 20 young men and women all stopped and did not dare to move.

I'm afraid that if I move casually, I will be misunderstood as disobedient and killed on the spot!

At a time when everyone was worried and didn't know what Zhu Hengyu was going to do.

Zhu Hengyu gently pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "ya'er, why do you want to hide from me?"

Hearing Zhu Hengyu's words, situ Yage, who was hiding behind his partner, trembled gently.

She didn't expect to hide so well, but she was still found.

Ya'er really didn't expect to see Zhu Hengyu again.

Even if she saw him again, she would leave quietly.

She didn't want to be a burden and burden to him.

Therefore, just after discovering Zhu Hengyu, she hid quietly for the first time.

With the help of the bodies of his friends, Zhu Hengyu's sight was blocked.

But I didn't think about it, but I was discovered in the end.

Zhu Hengyu put away Xuantian's Dharma body and then went to meet ya'er.

Next, the star Dharma body stays here to guard the entrance of the underground palace.

Zhu Hengyu and Xuantian Dharma bodies need to return to the village and hire the village hunting team.

Therefore, Zhu Hengyu will return to the village.

In front of ya'er, Zhu Hengyu opened his mouth and was about to speak.

The next moment

In a flash of purple figure, a beautiful and charming, hot body of sexy beauty, intercepted in front of Zhu Hengyu.

Looking around, the woman has a pair of lavender eyes.

Charming face, plump figure, gentle and sexy temperament.

Open arms, the purple eyed woman panic way: "what, you to me good, don't hurt ya'er!"

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