Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 4594


Looking at this old woman who is protecting ya'er.

Zhu Hengyu was completely speechless.

Looking at the purple eyed woman, Zhu Hengyu said, "what's your name? What's the relationship between you and ya'er?"

You! I! This

The purple eyed woman was suddenly tongue tied.

Seeing this scene, ya'er quickly stretched out her arms and hugged the waist of the woman with purple eyes.

Mouth close to that purple eyes woman's ear, ya'er urgently way: "you don't mess, he He is That's the man I told you last time


I heard ya'er.

The purple eyed woman was stunned at first, and then she retreated.

Obviously, she misunderstood the relationship between Zhu Hengyu and ya'er just now.

He thought that Zhu Hengyu was interested in ya'er's beauty and wanted to bully ya'er into sleeping.

Because of this wrong judgment, she resolutely stood up to protect ya'er.

But now I want to come, they are not hostile at all.

Just between that purple eyed woman's wild thoughts, ya'er had already stood up and looked at Zhu Hengyu awkwardly and said, "she is situ Lauder, my best sister."

Good sister?

With an embarrassed smile, Zhu Hengyu said, "OK, are you going back to the village next? I'm going back, too. Let's go together

Between the words, Zhu Hengyu stepped forward, took the song of songs and Lauder, toward the direction of the village in the past.

While walking, Zhu Hengyu asked about today's affairs.

Zhu Hengyu sighed when he heard that the three demon friars wanted to enslave all the young children of the situ family.

Who is the demon clan after all!

He was a demon ancestor, because he did not have enough hands to hunt for the crystal of chaos, and racked his brains.

However, the demon clan has already figured out a way.

As long as you enslave some monks, you can naturally have free labor.

Obviously, however, Zhu did not intend to do so.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

If you want long-term stability, you still have to be king!

As they chatted along the way, they soon returned to the village.

Zhu Hengyu found the blacksmith, and under the guidance of the blacksmith, he met his son.

The blacksmith's name is Zhang Qiang.

Naturally, the blacksmith's son is also Zhang Hu.

There is not only one leader in the village's hunting team, but three!

Members of the hunting party, 300 in all.

According to the age group, they were divided into three groups.

They were youth group, youth group and adult group.

There are 100 people in each group.

Zhang Hu is the youngest and weakest youth group.

The strength of the youth group is only equivalent to the strength of the first level destroyed battlefield and general.

The strength of the youth group is equivalent to the strength of the second level destroyed battlefield and general.

The strength of the adult group is equivalent to the strength of a three-level destroyed battlefield and a general.

Among them, the employment payment of three groups is the same.

They are 100 chaotic crystals a day.

However, the duration of employment is not the same.

Among them

The adult group only accepted short-term employment.

You can only hire for one month at a time.

I've been hired this month, but I'm afraid I won't accept it next month.

The youth group only accepted mid-term employment.

You can only hire for one year at a time.

Once the time is more than a year, we need to negotiate again.

Moreover, once someone has something to do, they will not accept employment.

The adult group and the youth group are the main force in the village.

Any and mission they shoulder is very heavy.

So, on a regular basis, they have tasks to perform.

Obviously, this does not meet Zhu's employment standards.

Zhu Hengyu wants long-term stability.

Once the agreement is made, the second level destroys the battlefield, and he doesn't need to come again.

As long as you send out his star Dharma body, you can deal with all the things here.

With this in mind, Zhu Hengyu resolutely chose the youth group.

Although the strength of the youth group is the weakest and the efficiency is the lowest, there is no difference for Zhu Hengyu.

Although the strength of the youth group is weak, it is enough to hunt and kill millions of collapsed soldiers in a month's time.

Even the crumbling generals on the central square are no exception.

Under the siege of hundreds of young hunters, even if the strength of the collapsed general is twice as high as these young hunters, it is bound to be difficult to fight against it.He was killed on the spot.

Zhang Qiang and Zhang Hu were overjoyed to see Zhu Hengyu choose the hunting team of commander Zhang Hu.

You know

The strength of the youth group and the adult group is much better than that of the youth group.

The strength gap between each other is too big.

Who would choose them at the same price?

Soon, Zhang Hu took out a contract, and bit through his index finger and pressed his fingerprints.

Without hesitation, Zhu Hengyu took over the contract directly and pressed his own handprint.

As the two sides pressed the blood fingerprints.

In an instant, the whole contract, wheezing and burning.

Only a few breaths, then burned to ashes.

So far, Zhu Hengyu finally reached an employment contract with Zhang Hu and the youth hunting team.

Once the contract was reached, the young hunting team accepted Zhu Hengyu's employment for a long time.

As for the duration of employment, it is unlimited

For the village, the so-called youth group is actually a group of children who have not grown up.

Their task is to study and practice.

As for other things, they are not needed at all.

There are young people and adults in the village. It's good for them to do anything.

As for the young group of Mao children, who will have hope?

Since the village affairs, do not need these children to deal with.

Then, naturally, they can accept employment for a long time.

No matter how long they are employed, there is no impact on the village.

Therefore, Zhu Hengyu successfully signed a long-term employment contract with the youth group of the hunting team.

After the signing of the contract, Zhang Hu excitedly called on hundreds of young people.

Soon, a hundred 15-year-old boys and girls gathered in the village playground.

Look around

These teenagers, all of them in cloth, are armed with black spears!


It's true that these teenagers don't use the shattering sword and the shattering armor.

It's not that they don't want to use it, they don't get it at all.

The collapsing sword and the collapsing armour can only be condensed by the collapsing generals on the central square of the underground palace.

On the destroyed battlefield, 36 underground palaces were occupied by various forces.

As a result, these young people in the village can not get the broken sword and the broken armour at all.


Although there is no broken sword, and no destroyed armor.

However, as the aborigines who were born and raised in the collapse battlefield, a trace of collapse power was accumulated in their bodies from the moment they were born.

With the passage of time, continuous cultivation.

The power of this collapse is still increasing.

By now, their strength has been equal to that of the first-class collapse battlefield.

Excited, Zhu Hengyu pulled Zhang Hu and explained in his ear.

According to Zhu Hengyu's account, Zhang Hu can command hundreds of tiger guards and go directly to the destroyed underground palace to meet with the star Dharma body

After meeting with the star Dharma body, they can enter the ruined underground palace, hunt down the broken warriors in the underground palace, and destroy the generals.

Not just this time.

In the future, every time the battlefield is destroyed, they have to cooperate with the star Dharma body.

As for Zhu Hengyu, there are other things that he will not participate in.

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