Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 4592


Zhu Hengyu may condense a star suitable for life in the dark sky.

However, such a star, only one, no matter how many, there is no need.

In the dark universe, there can be no so-called aliens.

In the vast and mysterious universe, only one living planet is enough.

Moreover, there is no law force on this living planet.

Therefore, all life on this life planet is doomed to be unable to practice.

In a way

This life planet is very similar to reversing the five elements.

It's just

The reversal of the five elements world is the suppression of all energy and laws by the five elements mountain.

The living planet in the dark sky is because there is no law in the whole universe.

This life planet is more thorough than reversing the five elements.

For the time being, the life planet is too far away.

For the time being, Zhu Hengyu just had this idea, but he didn't really intend to do it.

What Zhu Hengyu really wants to do now is to seize this underground palace and expand profit channels.

After all, the Dark Universe needs too many chaotic crystals to develop.

After a long breath, Zhu Hengyu tightened his Xuantian sword.

Facing the three demon friars on the opposite side, Zhu Hengyu has a big chance to kill.

It can be seen from the bloody environment at the scene.

These three demon friars are definitely not good people.

It can be judged from their resentment and evil spirit.

All these bodies on the ground were killed by the three of them.

I don't know what happened here. After a quick glance, Zhu Hengyu guessed 80%.

Although the core of the contradiction and conflict is not clear to Zhu Hengyu, the fact of bullying cannot be changed.

If you kill someone, you will kill him

Therefore, in Zhu Hengyu's heart, the intention of killing is blazing!

Feel the murderous spirit of Zhu Hengyu!

For a while, the three demon friars became serious.

As soon as the right hand explored, they took out their weapons one after another.

The first demon friar, coldly looked at Zhu Hengyu and said, "I admit, you have enough strength to challenge us."

In terms of individual strength, everyone is similar.

"But don't forget, there are three of us, and you have only one!"

Is there only one?

Hearing that demon family Friar's words, Zhu Hengyu immediately sneered.

Between sneers, Zhu Hengyu's body shook

In a flash, from behind Zhu Hengyu, two black helmets and black armor came out, holding black swords.

Look around

The three figures are almost from the same mold.

All of them are black helmets, black armor and black swords. They are neat and uniform to the extreme!

Among them, the one on Zhu Hengyu's left is Xuantian Dharma body.

As for Zhu Hengyu, on the right is the star general.

In addition, Zhu Hengyu himself is all the fighting power he has.

The so-called universe

In fact, it is composed of the open space, the stars in space, and the people on the stars.

Therefore, the metaphysical Dharma body, the star Dharma body, and Zhu Hengyu are all the forces of the universe.

The three people are not only interlinked, but also share the same spirit and the same will.

Even the Kendo is exactly the same.

Whoosh, whoosh

As soon as the two Dharma bodies appeared, they moved quickly.

In a flash, Zhu Hengyu, Xuantian Dharma body and star Dharma body occupied a position respectively.

The formation formed by the three people working together is naturally a trinity of heaven, earth, and man.

Moreover, the Sancai array is composed of Zhu Hengyu, Xuantian Dharma body and star Dharma body.

It is a true Trinity in the true sense.

All the power of the universe is above the three bodies.

Of course, the Three Dharma bodies are not exactly the same internally.

Zhu Hengyu's twelve internal forces and the thunder sword technique of Du Tian Shen.

The black ancient clock of Xuantian Dharma body has the magical power of suppressing time and space.

This is not what the star Dharma body does not have

Therefore, in terms of strength ranking

In fact, Xuantian's Dharma body is the strongest.

Zhu Hengyu came in second.

The star Dharma body only has its own strength, ranking third.

However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate the star Dharma body.The greatest feature of the star Dharma body is that it does not fear death.

Even if they die, it only takes a day to regroup.

Therefore, in actual combat

The star Dharma body is most ferocious and violent.

Although the same Kendo is used, the star Dharma body tactics are typical mad dog tactics.

Completely regardless of their own safety, the moves are fierce.

Zhu Hengyu, on the other hand, could not die easily.

Therefore, Zhu Hengyu's tactics mainly focused on fighting and controlling.

With the thunder sword technique of Du Tian Shen, Zhu Hengyu can interrupt the enemy's action at any time and make the enemy show his flaws.

As for the tactics of Xuantian's Dharma body, it is to control the field!

With the formation of three talents

Xuantian Dharma body released Xuantian force field for the first time!

Within the scope of the force field, all space and time are suppressed.

Under the suppression of Xuantian force field

All the laws, tactics and powers related to time and space have been sealed.

Once the Xuantian force field is opened, the 100 meter area is completely imprisoned.

If you want to leave this area, you must first defeat the Xuantian Dharma body.

Otherwise, no one will want to leave this area under the suppression of Xuantian force field.

In the sphere space of 100 meters, even a fly doesn't want to fly out.

It is worth mentioning that

This black ancient clock is definitely not a magic weapon of the day after tomorrow.

Although up to now, Zhu Hengyu has no idea about the origin of the black ancient clock, but it is certain that it can give birth to a world inside, which can not be the magic weapon of the day after tomorrow.

This black ancient clock should be the Lingbao of Daodao, or congenitally Lingbao!

Don't say the three opposite are just the demon friars of white light holy body.

Even if the opponent is the great power of chaotic combat body, he can't break through the Xuantian force field and leave this area.

While ya'er and his brothers and sisters watched.

The star battle body is responsible for the main attack!

Zhu Hengyu, the original master of Zhu Hengyu, played Du Tian Shen Lei sword technique and constantly interrupted the opponent's combat skills and magical powers.

However, Xuantian Dharma body is relatively simple and unadorned.

No merit, but no fault.

One move in one form, and the other side of the boom.

Just a touch, the three demon friars felt something wrong.

These three black helmets and black armour, the guys holding black swords, are really powerful.

Especially when attacking, both the attack speed and the attack frequency are fast enough to make people gape.

One after another, the eighteen leaf sword lotus blossomed, covering the three demon friars completely.

Although the three demon friars also strongly resisted, but in the dark world, heaven, earth and man in one battle, they were still quickly defeated.

Seriously injured, the three demon friars realized that the situation was not seconds.

After a wink at each other, they ran at full speed in three directions.

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