Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 792

Having said that, the forestry industry has a cold smile.

I saw him approaching Lin Ting step by step, and Lin Ting had no strength to resist at all!

Liu Yun even cried out and cursed loudly.

But it's useless at all.

More than a dozen of Lin Ting's cronies have been under control for a long time, and they dare not act rashly!

Now the Lin family, has been the world of forestry prosperity!

The dagger in Lin Yexing's hand flashed with cold light, and his mouth showed a cruel smile.

"Linting, close your eyes, I'll be quick!"

After that, I saw Lin Xing stabbing Lin Ting directly with a knife!

At this critical moment, a burst of shouts rang out: "stop!"


A burst of air sound sounded, a stone shot quickly, directly in the hands of Lin Xing on the dagger!

The dagger is directly fired by the powerful force of the stone! Lin Xing stepped back two steps and looked surprised.

I saw a man galloping from outside the Lin family!

The man was very young. He looked like he was in his early twenties. He was very handsome. He was Lin Kai who came back quickly!

"Xiao Kai!" After seeing Lin Kai, Liu Yun called out, and her tears could not help bursting out.

Lin Ting's closed eyes also slowly opened at this time. After seeing Lin Kai, his mouth also showed a trace of smile.

Zhang Dahai cried out: "young master!"

Lin Kaifei ran to the Lin family and helped Lin ting up.

After seeing his father has been tied up, Lin Kai's heart is very angry!

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he could not believe that the amiable uncle Lin dared to kill his father!

"Lin Lin Xing, what are you doing?" Lin Kai roared.

After Lin Yexing saw that it was Lin Kai, his mouth also showed a funny smile.

"Well, who did I think it was? You little bastard." Lin Xing moved his muscles and bones and sneered.

In the past, Lin's family was very good for Linkai. Every time I went out, I brought a lot of delicious food to Linkai.

But now it seems that he has no feelings for Lin Kai. All his feelings are made up!

How dare you come back

"It's just that you're back. Cut off the roots and eliminate future troubles! Ha ha ha The forest burst into laughter.

On the spot, thousands of people were biting their teeth after watching dulinkai.

Some of them came for money, while others came for revenge!

In their eyes, Linkai killed their relatives. He should have died!

At that time, there was a lot of noise on the scene.

"Linkai, that little bastard is back! Kill him

"Kill Linkai! Revenge for my family! Kill Linkai

"Let's rush up together and chop up the little bastard Linkai! Kill

At that time, there was a roar at the scene.

Countless people are ready to move. The big knife in their hands has been raised. They are ready to rush forward and kill Lin Kai at any time!

But the forestry sees the situation, hastily cries out: "everybody does not excite!"

"Don't get excited!"

"Today, neither Lin Kai nor Lin Ting can run away! After a while, I'll kill the father and son in front of everyone

"In memory of the spirits of your family

The words of forestry Xing rang out, and the people were quiet.

But everyone looked at Lin Kai with intent to kill.

Seeing this, Lin Kai frowned.

Why do so many people want to kill themselves?

At this time, he accidentally saw the photos on the ground. After seeing the photos, Lin Kai frowned.

Because all the pictures are pictures of him killing people!

That man and himself are so alike!

Lin Kai immediately realized that so many people in front of him came for himself!

And forestry is likely to see the general situation is gone, so the direct opposite!

At this time, Wang Mu stood out. He pointed to Lin Kai and said angrily, "thief! You have killed so many innocent people, and now you dare to come back? "

"Kneel down now?"

"Kneel down!"

Thousands of people cheered in unison.

But I didn't open my eyebrows! I didn't kill these people! "

Hearing this, Zhang Hao sneered: "ha ha, the iron evidence is in front of you. Do you dare not recognize it?"

Hard evidence?

The people in these photos are very much like Linkai.

But the person in the picture didn't show his real face!

"The man in the picture doesn't even show his face. Why should I be him?" Lin Kai angrily asked.Lin Xing sneered, and he stood up and said, "Oh, are you still barefaced when you do bad things? Masked is normal! The person in the picture is you

"You little bastard, how could I not see that you are such a hateful person before?"

Forestry has a look of hating evil.

For the sake of interests, even if the person in the picture is not Lin Kai, he will insist that he is Lin Kai.

Kill the father and son, he can take over the whole Lin family with justice!

"Boy, since you dare to come back, you must be ready to die!" Wang Mu said coldly.

He waved his hand and said: "Lin Lin Xing, you come back, this boy has some skills, let my people kill him!"

"Yes Forestry Xing a fist, back, he looked at Lin Kai with a look of schadenfreude.

Then, from behind Wang Mu, a man came out.

The man was a slender man with a long sword in his eyes.

He is a master of ancient martial arts in the Wang family, and his accomplishments are at the peak level.

After seeing him, Lin opened his eyebrows and frowned. He said in a loud voice again: "I said it! I didn't kill people! If you don't understand, I'll do it! "

"When you die, don't blame me!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, everyone burst into laughter.

"Ha ha! How ridiculous


Wang Mu shook his head in disdain: "just you? Do you know who he is? He is the first expert in my Wang family besides me! "

"The highest level of cultivation of a martial arts master."

"Can you kill him?"

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid you don't know what the ancient warrior is? Ha ha ha

The young man with the sword had scorn and disdain in his eyes.

He doesn't feel anything in his body.

It seems that Lin Kai is an ordinary person who doesn't even have genuine Qi.

In front of him, ordinary people are simply vulnerable!

At this time, Lin Ting also began to be afraid.

He regretted calling Lin back. No matter how good his son was outside, he could never be the rival of hundreds of families in front of him!

The master with the sword can kill his son with one sword!

At that time, Lin Ting roared: "forestry is thriving! Wang Mu! If you want to kill me, you'll kill me! Don't move my son! He is still a child

Liu Yun is to protect in front of Lin Kai's body: "who moves my son, I fight with who!"

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