Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 793

"Young master!"

At this time, even when he stood in front of the sea, he was still red.

"Young master! You go! Today, anyway, the Lin family has to leave a seed! " Zhang Dahai said angrily.

Lin Kai looks at Zhang Dahai and is moved.

Because he remembers Zhang Dahai. He remembers that the last time the Lin family incident happened, Zhang Dahai was the most loyal one!

And now, Zhang Dahai is still the most loyal one!

It's just that the Lin family is sorry for him.

"Ouch, it's really moving."

At this time, Lin Xing stood up and clapped his hands.

He showed a playful smile and shook his head: "it's a pity, Zhang Dahai, why don't you open your mind?"

"Loyal to Lin Ting? It's a dead end

"Follow me to develop forestry, and you will have a way to live!"

Having said that, Lin Xing looked at Lin ting and Liu Yun again, and turned his lips.

"And you two old men."

"Do you still expect Lin Kailai to take the lead for you? What if he comes back? No, it's a dead end? "

"Ha ha."

He shook his head and looked at Linkai.

Look at it.


"The eldest young master of the Lin family?"

"People all over the world?"

"Why don't you see your contacts now?"

"This time, please call all your contacts to me again!"

Lin Yexing looked scornful.

"It's useless. Today, the sky is going to wipe out your family! None of you can run away

After that, Lin Lin Xing stepped back, and the Wang family swordsman stood up at that time.

He held his sword and looked coldly at Lin Kai.

Today, Lin Kai will kill whoever protects him!

Of course, Lin Kai can't hide behind the Lin family. At that time, he protected Liu Yun and Lin Ting behind him.

He looked at the swordsman of the Wang family. His eyes were cold.

These people are really stubborn!

In this case, Lin Kai can only kill!

At this time, Wang family swordsman said coldly: "boy, don't struggle, my sword is very fast."

Then he pulled out his sword.

A cold light flashed by, and the blade of the sword reached Lin Kai's throat.

His sword, very fast!

Although he is a martial arts teacher, he is also the best of them!


Wang family swordsman roars!


At this time, a very clear sound sounded.

Lin Kai stretched out his two fingers and directly clamped the sword in the hand of Wang family swordsman!

At that time, Wang's face was frozen.

How could that be possible?

There was an immediate silence at the scene.

Everyone looked at Lin Kai, and there was something incredible in their eyes.

The boy actually used his two fingers to clamp the Wang family swordsman's fast sword?

You know, Wang family swordsman, but the top level master of martial arts!

This boy, it's a little strange!

Wang Mu and other people's eyes also narrowed, because they didn't feel a trace of genuine Qi from Lin Kai's body.

How did he do it?

If you are an ordinary person, you can't take the sword of Wang family swordsman!

There are only two possibilities. The first one is that Lin Kai's accomplishments are unpredictable, above all people!

The second possibility is that the swordsman let the water go!

"What's the matter? Kill him Wang Mu roared!

And Wang family swordsman is a sweat.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill Lin Kai, but his sword can't move at this time!

By Lin Kai dead clip in the finger!

Unless he is a martial Saint level master, no one can easily clamp his sword!

But Lin opened his eyes with a chill, saw his fingers gently move, then issued a crack.

The sword in the Wang family swordsman's hand was cut into two pieces by Lin!

"Ah?" At this time, the swordsman of the Wang family exclaimed, and the whole person stepped back three steps!

How could that be possible?

The sword in his hand is a bronze ware! It's not ordinary iron!

He knew how strong the bronzes were, but Lin Kai cut off his bronzes with his two fingers!

Everyone was surprised. Isn't this guy an ordinary person?

"Remember, it's your choice," Lin said coldly

After that, he lost half of his sword.

Whoosh!A burst of air breaking sound sounded, and the sword directly penetrated the Wang family swordsman's body.


A stream of blood flew out. The swordsman of the Wang family widened his eyes and looked down at his body.

There was a blood hole in his body. He was killed by one blow!

At that time, Wang family swordsman fell in front of the crowd.

But after seeing this scene, everyone was silent.

This boy actually killed the top level of the martial arts master? How did he do it?

After a quiet moment, everyone looks at Lin Kai.

Everyone was taken aback.

Even the Lin family all look shocked at Lin Kai.

Is he a martial Saint level master? Is there a martial saint in the Lin family?

Wang Mu's face is very ugly.

Because the one who died just now is the most powerful master in his family!

"So you are a martial saint At this time, Wang Mu snorted coldly.

No wonder, no wonder Lin Kai's strength is so strong. It turns out that he is a martial saint!

"Hehe, even if you are a martial saint? You are not alone today Zhang Hao roared.

Today's Four Saints are here, only to know!

There are dozens of martial arts masters!

There are hundreds of warriors!

How can we fight them with him?

Thousands of people, all face angry, angry eyes round at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai's eyes were completely cold. He looked down at his watch.

"I'll give you one last chance to leave the Lin family now!"

"I can let bygones be bygones."

"There are three minutes left, and you will not be able to leave even if you want to!"

Lin Kai's words are extremely rampant!

After listening to Lin Kai's words, people seem to have heard a very funny joke and laughed one after another.

"Ha ha! Lin Kai, do you really think you can hold back thousands of us with your cultivation? Are you dreaming? "

Wang Mu sneered.

Zhang Hao gave a big drink: "boy! It's too late for you to kneel down and surrender. Don't force me to do it! "

At that time, thousands of people on the scene all stepped forward to take a step, and the threat was self-evident.

As the saying goes, a good tiger can't hold a pack of wolves!

What's more, in front of Lin Kai, there are more than one person, thousands of people!

It's a hundred powerful families from China!

With Lin Kai alone, can you stop it?

Lin's family is also disheartened.

With a Lin Kai, there is no way to save the Lin family from losing!

"So you are going to be stubborn?" Lin Kai was helpless. He asked in a cold voice.

This is the last chance he gave them. It's really the last time!

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