Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 791

If forestry is prosperous, thousands of people will listen.

Lin ting and Liu Yun naturally heard that. At that time, Lin Ting was furious!

Lin Yexing is going to rebel! And still in front of their own face, open and aboveboard rebellion!

"Forestry is booming! Do you know what you're doing? You are too bold Lin Ting said angrily.

Liu Yun is also a sad and indignant way: "forestry Xing! We Lin family treat you well, don't we? In the Lin family, you are under one person and above ten thousand people. Are you not satisfied? "

"What you have now is given by the Lin family. Now, do you want to rebel?"

After listening to Lin ting and Liu Yun's words, the smile on Lin Xing's face gradually disappeared.

At this time, he finally showed his real face.

He gave a cold smile and looked at them.

"Ha ha, you gave me everything I got from forestry? Yes, you gave it to me

"But what? Lin Ting! You are old. It's time for you to retire! "

"This matter is caused by your son alone. It has nothing to do with us. I did it for self-protection."

Having said that, Lin Xing looked at the crowd and was very excited.

Lin Xing waved his hand and said, "brothers of the Lin family."

"The reason why the Lin family is in great difficulty is that Lin Kaiyi did it!"

"Follow Lin Ting, there is only one end, that is death!"

"But with my forestry boom, the result is different. You don't have to die, but you can continue to enjoy the assets of the Lin family and live the rest of your life without worrying about food and clothing."

"Follow me, forestry, stand on my side!"

"If you want to continue to die with him, don't move!"

As soon as the words of forestry were raised, the scene became noisy.

Everyone was whispering about forestry.

If forestry is prosperous, it is very realistic. Only by following forestry and being loyal to hundreds of families in front of us can we have a way to live.

With Lin Ting, you can keep your dignity, but you have no life. What else do you want dignity for?

At that time, more than a dozen people went behind the forestry industry.

These more than ten people were originally the confidants of forestry Xing. Now, they are duty bound to join the team of forestry Xing.

Some people took the lead. At that time, more and more people stood behind Linxing.

Dozens, hundreds, and finally, after Lin Xing, almost the whole Lin family!

Look at the back of Lin Ting, there are only a few dozen people left!

At this time, forestry Xing's mouth, showing a trace of complacent smile.

He laughed wildly: "ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Lei was the first to rebel, but he failed because at that time, more than ten powerful families helped Lin ting.

But now, he was the second to rebel, and he succeeded!

Because he occupied the time, the place and the people! Behind him are hundreds of more powerful families!

Lin Lei, do you see it? What you can't do, I did it for you!

And Lin Ting's face was pale at this time.

He watched his confidants leave him one by one.

These people are the people he trusts most! However, when the crisis of life and death comes, they still choose to betray themselves!


At that time, Lin Ting couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood.

But Liu Yun and Zhang Dahai saw this and quickly helped Lin ting.

At this time, Liu Yun tearfully looked at the forestry Xing, angrily scolded: "forestry is prosperous! Are you still a person? You white eyed wolf! In vain my husband is so kind to you

After listening to Liu Yun's words, Lin Xing felt his chin color with a smile: "ha ha, madam, don't worry, you can't run!"

"I've been thinking about my wife's beauty for a long time."

At that time, Lin Lin Xing again laughed.

The smile was obscene.

At this time, he finally tore off the mask to disguise himself and exposed his true face. He not only wanted to seize power, but also to seize the master's wife!

This will give him a great sense of achievement!

At this time, only to see forestry Xing Wang Mu and Zhang Hao and others.

Forestry Xingyi clasped his fist and said: "Wang family master, Zhang Jia master, as long as you help me to stabilize the position of forest family owner in forestry, from now on, 70% of Lin family's income will be filial to you every month."

"For the remaining 30 percent, we in the Lin family keep our own expenses."

After listening to Lin Xing's words, Wang Mu and Zhang Hao looked at each other. Both of them showed satisfied eyes.

It's better to be rich than to have a long stream!

"Good! Lin Yexing, you've got a good eye! "

"We can help you become the owner of the Lin family. But in the future, you need to give 70% of the income of the Lin family to us. Will you be willing?"After listening to Wang Mu's words, Lin Xing smiles.

"Lord Wang, my forestry is not like the elm in linting. I still have a good eye for forestry."

"Hold your thigh, I will have a way to live after forestry is prosperous!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Wang Mu and Zhang Hao laughed.

Both were satisfied with Lin Xing's answer.

"Good! Not bad

"But in order to show your loyalty, please kill your master yourself now!"

At this time, Zhang Hao said with a smile.

There was a trace of malice in his smile.

Forestry Xing, although very tempting, but they do not know whether he forestry Xing is cheating.

If they believe in linlinxing and leave at this point. If linlinxing is a liar, then the Lin family is still safe and sound!

After listening to Zhang Hao's words, Lin Xing's mouth also showed a sneer.

Kill Lin Ting? It's just what he wants!

At that time, forestry Xing waved his hand and said, "come on! Tie linting up for me

As soon as the order was given, someone went to arrest Lin Ting immediately.

But Liu Yun saw this and tried to protect Lin ting.

Zhang Dahai was even more angry: "you dare! He is the master of the Lin family


As soon as Zhang Dahai's words were said, he was slapped hard on his face!

Lin Xing's eyes flashed a trace of cold: "don't worry, you ten people, one can't run!"

At that time, Lin Ting was bound up in all kinds of ways.

Lin Ting looked at Lin Xing's eyes, which was a grudge.

"Lin Xing, you can't die easily!"

"Don't worry. When my son Lin Kai comes back, there will be something for you to see."

After hearing Lin Ting's words, Lin Lin Xing pretended to be afraid.

"Oh, you don't scare me to death, your son Lin Kai? Is it good? "

"What is he?"

"Do you know what the hundreds of families behind me are?"

"They are all ancient warriors! What if Lin Kai knew some stinky fish and rotten shrimp? Can he fight the ancient warriors? "

After that, Lin Xing drew a dagger from his waist and sneered: "it's ok if Lin Kai doesn't come back."

"If he dares to come back, I'll let him bury you!"

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