Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 790

After seeing this picture, there was a lot of noise.

All the Lin family are stunned!

Lin Kai is the young master of the Lin family. How can they not know him? As like as two peas in the forest, they are the same as the master in the photo.

You can be sure that the person in the picture is Lin Kai!

"My God! It's really a young master

"How could the young master do such a despicable thing?"

"It's all Lin Kai's fault. Why should we take the pot?"

"Let Linkai handle it by himself!"

"Let Lin drive back!"

At that time, a lot of noise was heard.

More than half of Lin's family members are clamoring for Lin Kai to deal with it by himself.

They are all Lin Ting's most loyal men! But when the disaster came, they still chose to save themselves and sacrifice Lin Kai.

After all, my life is the most precious!

But Lin Ting's face was very ugly.

Even if the hard evidence is in front of him, he will not believe that his son can do such a despicable thing!

"No way. It can't be done by Xiaokai. Someone must be pretending to be him!"

Lin Ting said angrily.

Liu Yun also sobbed: "yes, my home Xiaokai, has always been a very filial, very sensible child ah!"

"How could he have done it?"

"It can't be..."

When Wang Mu heard the speech, he snorted coldly: "hum!"

"Impossible? With all the hard evidence in front of you, what is impossible? "

"Today we are here to ask you Lin family to give us an account."

Wang Mu's words were immediately echoed by a large number of people.

"Yes! Give us an account

"If we don't give us an account today, we will step down the Lin family!"

"Hand over Lin Kai!"


Thousands of people clamoured together, powerful and threatening.

Lin Ting's face was very ugly, even if he did not believe that his son would do such a despicable thing.

But if you don't give them an account today, it is very likely that the Lin family will never exist again!

At that time, Lin Ting asked, "what do you want to account for?"


Wang Mu snorted coldly and looked at Zhang Hao. There was a trace of complacency in both eyes.

In the world of ancient warriors, feelings are the weakest and interests are supreme!

They came here today under the guise of revenge to drain the Lin family!

"First! Hand over Lin Kai, and we will deal with Lin Kai in person! "

"Second! Pay us hundreds of families, 200 billion in total

"Third! All of you Lin family, apologize to us

At that time, the faces of all the people on the scene changed in unison.

Lin Ting stepped back two steps, his body was a little unstable.

These three conditions are better than killing Lin Ting!

Hand over his own son? That's more difficult than killing him!

Although the Lin family is a hundred billion yuan family, it is only 200 billion yuan with the company's market value! Let him hand over 200 billion. He doesn't have that much money at all!

Let everyone in the Lin family apologize? Is this not to make the Lin family a laughing stock?

The faces of all the Lin family are very ugly, because they know that if Lin Ting really chooses to hand over 200 billion yuan, then the Lin family will no longer exist and they will become ordinary people.

"Today, either you promise me these three conditions, or I will eradicate you Lin family!"

Wang Mu said coldly.

As soon as he said this, thousands of people immediately called out: "root out the Lin family!"

Powerful and powerful!

This is really a tangled multiple choice question! Or choose to give up life to defend the wealth and dignity of the Lin family.

Or choose to save their lives and become an ordinary person for the rest of their lives.

At this time, the voice of discontent rang out.

"It's all caused by Lin Kai alone. Why should we bear it?"

"Yes! My family all depend on me to make money alone! What will my family do if the Lin family falls down? "

"Let Lin drive back! We won't pay for the trouble he caused himself

"Let Lin roll back!"

There were shouts.

Everyone in the Lin family was dissatisfied.

At this moment, a man stood up.

"Be quiet, everyone!"

This person is the forestry prosperity under the Lin family.

As soon as forestry appeared, the scene gradually quieted down.

"Listen to me

Looking at the crowd at the scene, Lin Yexing said, "this time, it was young master Lin who caused the disaster. It has nothing to do with us! Right? ""Yes

There was an immediate response at the scene.

Forestry Xing's mouth, showing a shrewd smile.

Ha ha, this opportunity, I have been waiting for a long time!

"In this case, should Lin Kai be allowed to take responsibility for his own mistakes?"


As soon as Lin Xing's words were said, there was another burst of cheering.

At this time, forestry Xing held his fist at Wang Mu and said, "Lord Wang, I have a proposal. I wonder if you are interested?"

Wang Mu looked up and down the forestry and said, "say."

"Since it was Lin Kai who caused the disaster alone, he should be allowed to bear it alone!"

"We Lin family will hand over Lin Kai and sincerely apologize to hundreds of families in front of us!"

"Lin Kai killed so many people, and the compensation cost must be borne by the Lin family."

After hearing Lin Xing's words, Wang Mu touched his chin and laughed: "ha ha ha! It seems that there are smart people in the Lin family

"Forestry is booming! What are you doing At this time, Lin Ting angrily said.

"Shut up!"

At this time, forestry Xing a roar.

He didn't care that Lin tingcai was the owner of the Lin family.

Lin Xing pointed to Lin Ting's nose and cursed: "the upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. If you do something, you will teach Lin Kai a child who is not as good as a beast?"

For the first time, this is the first time that Linlin Xing dares to hold the mouth of the owner!

Everyone looked at Lin Xing and didn't know what he wanted to do.

At this time, forestry Xing again clasped his fist at Wang Mu and said, "however, if you think about it carefully, Master Wang, we need the Lin family to sell our property. For a while, we can't come up with so much."

"The Lin family is willing to make an IOU. The 200 billion yuan will be paid back slowly."

"After all, giving people fish is better than giving them fish."

"You know what I mean, Mr. Wang."

At this time, forestry showed a bad smile.

As soon as his words came out, all the Lin family took a breath.

Lin Yexing is going against it!

Fair and aboveboard!

Wang Mu listened to Lin Xing's words, and immediately looked at Zhang Hao. They just looked at each other, and they already had the bottom in their hearts.

Yes, if you can control the whole Lin family, you will have a steady stream of financial resources!

At that time, they will gain more than 200 billion yuan.

Originally thought that Lin Ting was not easy to control, they planned to suck up the whole Lin family!

But I didn't think about it. The Lin family also had such moths as Linxing, which was just what they wanted!

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