Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 789

At the time of the Lin family's discussion, bursts of shouting and swearing came.

"Lin Ting! Get out of here

"Hand over your son!"

"If Lin Kai doesn't show up today, we'll kill the whole Lin family!"


Crackling, saw countless glass bottles smashed into the Lin family!

At that time, the courtyard of the Lin family was full of fragments and even rotten eggs!

The Lin family, which used to be the most respected family in Jiangbei, is now being called such a curse. What's more, the Lin family still dare not go out!

"The owner? What to do? " Zhang Dahai is sweating.

Lin Ting was silent. He didn't know what to do.

After a long time, Lin Ting said, "now the Lin family is isolated and helpless, so they can only fight back. When Xiaokai comes back."

Lin Ting didn't mention Linkai, but when he mentioned Linkai, he aroused strong dissatisfaction.

Immediately, someone was dissatisfied and said, "hum! The reason why the Lin family has become like this is not all due to the young master? "

Some people started, and immediately someone echoed: "yes, I heard that Lin Kai is doing all kinds of evil outside! They raped and killed a lot of big girls. Now that the Lin family is in such a situation, it's all thanks to Linkai! "

"Master, I ask the young master to come back and give you an explanation!"

"Yes! Hand over the young master! If one person does things one person should, if he does something wrong, why should we bear it? "

There were waves of protest.

Everyone strongly demanded that Lin Ting hand over Lin Kai.


At this time, Lin Ting beat the table hard, and the scene was silent immediately.


Lin Ting said angrily, "my son will certainly not do such a thing! Someone must have framed my son! "

After listening to Lin Ting's words, a veteran level figure stood up.

This veteran level figure, whose name is Lin Xing, is in the Lin family and has a lot of prestige.

Now that the disaster was imminent, he did not care about the dignity of the master. He snorted coldly: "hum! A dog can't eat shit

"We all see what young master Lin looked like before."

"Even if he has become a good boy recently, who knows if he will become what he used to be?"

As soon as the words of forestry rose, a burst of uproar rang out.

Yeah! Lin Kai used to eat, drink, whore and gamble. It's not surprising that he can do some things that people and gods are indignant about.

"Yes! Lin Da Shao used to be a maniac in Jiangbei

"Yes! In the past, Lin Dashao took my son with him to watch the widow take a bath in the middle of the night. Is this what people do

"These things are definitely not slander. They must be started by Lin!"

At that time, bursts of discontent were heard.

They vent all their discontent on Lin Kai!

But Lin Ting's face is extremely pale, he clenches two playing walnuts, and the blue veins on his arm burst out.

He's angry!

These are the people he usually trusted most, but now they don't believe his son! And so vilified his son.

He's upset!

"Shut up!" Lin Ting was angry. This time, he was really angry!

Lin Ting was angry. At that time, the whole scene was quiet again.

Although everyone was dissatisfied with their faces.

Dissatisfaction with Lin Kai, dissatisfaction with Lin Ting!

Lin Xing took a cold look at Lin ting. He was a senior member of the Lin family. In the Lin family, he was above ten thousand people. He had some ideas about the position of the head of the family.

Half of what he said just now is true and half of what he said is to arouse people's dissatisfaction with Lin ting. After that, he is very superior to him!

Just at this moment, there was a roar!

Everyone's face changed, and they all looked out.

I saw the door of Lin's house in the distance, which had been knocked open by an off-road vehicle!

And guard at the door of a few Lin family, at this time like a dog general ran back!

A burst of roaring sound, only saw countless luxury cars drive into the Lin family!

Lin's lawn is very big, can play golf, so even if a lot of cars drive in together, it will not appear crowded.

Hummer, Land Rover, Rolls Royce

There are all kinds of luxury cars. It can be said that today's cars are not simple little people.

Thousands of people, driving hundreds of luxury cars, directly occupied the entire Lin family!

Thousands of people stood in front of the Lin villa, momentum that is a mighty.

The two leaders were Wang Mu of the Wang family in Jiangdong and Zhang Hao in Zhangjia, the island.

"Lin Ting! Get out of here Wang Mu roared, and the cultivation of martial Saint level broke out at that time, which could be heard by the whole Lin family.

The faces of everyone in the Lin family changed dramatically.Lin Ting sighed. He knew that there was no way to hide. He could only choose to face it.

At that time, linting strode out.

Hundreds of Lin family members also followed Lin ting to go in.

Soon after, Lin ting and others appeared in front of Wang Mu.

Seeing thousands of people in front of him and hundreds of ancient warriors, Lin Ting was under great pressure.

Lin Ting reluctantly showed a smile, arched his hand and said, "gentlemen, elder, I don't know what's the matter today?"

"Lin Ting, are you still acting stupid?" At this time, Zhang Hao roared.

"Your son, Lin Kai, has fallen asleep with my daughter-in-law! Rape before you kill! Today, my family is here to collect money from your Lin family! "

As soon as Zhang Hao said it, there was a lot of noise below.

"Yes! Linkai killed my wife

"Linkai killed my second aunt! My second aunt is in her forties, and he can do it

"My old mother was also killed by Lin Kai!"


At that time, the sound of clamor rang out.

Lin Ting's face became extremely ugly.

At that time, he clasped his fist and said: "everybody, my son Lin Kai is lively, but his character is not bad, and he is naturally kind."

"Is there any evidence that my son has done so many evil deeds without conscience?"

As soon as Lin Ting's words were finished, Wang Mu sneered.

"We know, Lin, there's no evidence for him?"

At that time, a huge box came to Wang Mu.

The man came to Lin Ting, opened the box directly, and then poured out all the things in the box.

Crash! It's all photos!

"These things are the evidence left by hundreds of our families!"

"The forest is so crazy! I've done so many bad things. I don't even want to be monitored! Look for yourself and see if the person in the picture is Lin Kai! "

After listening to Wang Mu's words, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Is there any hard evidence?

People all looked at the past, only saw thousands of photos, there are all kinds of figures.

That figure is no different from Lin Kai!

as like as two peas, he has a mask, but his eyes are almost the same as Lin Kai.

Even when the Lin family saw it, they would think that this man was Lin Kai!

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