Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 788

"Dad, what's the matter?" Lin Kai immediately asked.

After hearing Lin Ting's tone, an ominous premonition rose in Lin Kai's heart.

Is this still the great father in his mind?

Is this still the leader of the Lin family?

He has never asked anyone for help before!


"Some people pretended to be Lin's family identity and played tricks in China. Now the Lin family has been surrounded by these big families!"

"Lin family, I can't hold on to it!"

Lin Ting sighed.

At the same time, Lin Kai heard that from the other side of the phone, there were bursts of shouting and scolding.

In addition to swearing, there was a whistle.

There is also the sound of glass bottles falling on the ground.

Lin Kai's brows wrinkled. How dare someone make trouble in the Lin family?

"Dad, wait for me. I'll be there in a minute." Said Lin Kai.

After that, Lin Kai hung up the phone directly.

For specific reasons, he didn't want to ask so much.

He only knew that the Lin family was being threatened!

Linkai will never allow his family to suffer any harm!

Absolutely not allowed!

At that time, Lin Kai directly picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Gang.

SMS content is very simple, send out the whole Xianmen, into Jiangbei!

And Lin Kai, also quickly arrived at the airport, bought a ticket, Lin Kai in the airport waiting impatiently.

But the people who surrounded the Lin family did not expect that the strength of the Lin family was not only superficial.

Behind him, there is a demon that nobody can provoke!


Jiangbei, Lin family.

Now the Lin family is not as good as before.

The Lin family used to be the largest family in Jiangbei!

The market value of Lin's group is more than 100 billion!

Lin's mansion is very luxurious. Every day, many people stand outside Lin's mansion and want to see their owner.

But now the Lin family, close the door, Lin family, a mess.

All kinds of garbage fell on the front door of the Lin family, and all kinds of glass bottles were thrown into the Lin family.

And the servants of the Lin family and the Lin family of the collateral clan were all huddled in the Lin family, and they didn't even dare to show their heads.

Outside the Lin family, there are countless people!

Countless luxury cars have blocked the whole Lin family!

Large and small, hundreds of families!

Some of these people are ancient warriors, some are big men of one side of power, and each of them is not a mortal.

They were blocked in all directions of the Lin family. It can be said that even a fly could not enter the Lin family under their noses.

This time, there are hundreds of families surrounding the Lin family.

Four of them are well-known.

Wang family from Jiangdong.

Jiangdong Wangjia is very powerful, which is bigger than Jiangdong's!

Wang family master, is a martial Saint level master!

At this time, Wang Mu, the leader of the Wang family, stood outside the Lin family and closed his eyes.

Three days ago, a man who claimed to be Linkai killed his son!

His son is also a martial arts master level master!

In addition to Jiangdong Wangjia, there are also Zhangjia from the island.

Although the master of the Zhangjia family is not an ancient warrior, an old man beside him is a master of martial Saint level!

Two days ago, a young man who claimed to be Lin Jia and Lin Kai killed the daughter-in-law of Zhang Jia!

Not only that, but also raped and killed many young girls in Zhangjia.

This makes the whole Zhangjia, extremely angry!

There were hundreds of families, large and small, who had enemies with the Lin family!

And in the distance, a pair of cold eyes, is cold looking at all this.

He is Lin Yuan.

During the time when Lin Kai went to the Middle East, he was not idle.

As he practiced, he traveled all over the country, killing thousands of people as Lin Jia Lin Kai!

And now, he's not disappointed.

Countless families surrounded the Lin family!

Among them, there are hundreds of ancient warriors!

There are dozens of martial Saint level masters!

Lin Kai, although I don't have the strength to kill you, I will destroy your family now!

At the beginning, you killed my father and drove me out of the family. Did you think that you would have the end now?


Lin Yuan watched quietly. He would not do it himself. It was too boring.

He wants Linkai to die in despair!

At this time, outside the Lin family, bursts of shouting sound.

"Lin Ting! Get out of here"Linkai! You killed my mother-in-law, and we will not share the same hatred

"Get out of here!"


The sound of clamor rang out, and all the residents near Lin's house were empty.

The police dare not even fart.

The streets are empty.

In the hall of the Lin family, Lin Ting is the leader, and the backbone of the Lin family is silent and sitting on the chair.

Lin Ting's face was very ugly.

Beside him is his wife and Lin Kai's mother, Liu Yun.

Liu Yun's face is also extremely ugly.

Under the two of them, Zhang Dahai was the leader, and all the backbone members of the Lin family were at the scene.

The linting party has hundreds of people.

These people are the mainstay of the Lin family.

"Master, it's bad. There are more and more people!"

"Besides, no one can go out! To go out is to die

Zhang Dahai frowns tightly and says.

Zhang Dahai, now the president of Lin's group, is also Lin Ting's confidant.

"How many of them are there?" Lin Ting frowned.

Zhang Dahai replied: "there are too many people, countless, but it seems that there are thousands of people."

"And many of them are ancient."

"And masters of martial arts level."

After listening to Zhang Dahai, many people in the Lin family were silent.

Even martial Saint level masters have appeared, can they survive this level?

Although the Lin family is the largest family in Jiangbei, in fact, it is only the largest financial family in Jiangbei.

In terms of ancient martial arts, the Lin family is very weak.

The Lin family just paid for a few martial saints.

"Can you come over, please?" Lin Ting asked.

As long as a few martial saints can be invited here, they can scare off thousands of people outside.

Zhang Dahai's face was so ugly that he shook his head.

"As soon as I heard that something happened to the Lin family, I couldn't get in touch with several of them."

Hearing this, Lin Ting sighed.

A nominal offering is a nominal offering, just a name! Once something happened, they all ran away!

"None of our Lin family friends would like to help us?" Lin Ting asked.

Zhang Dahai shook his head and said, "there are hundreds of forces outside the gate, and there are many big forces. No one is willing to offend them for the sake of our Lin family."

Zhang Dahai's words, the scene everyone is silent.

Everyone knows, they are all dead end!

Now the Lin family, like a grass swaying with the wind in the gale, will be blown away at any time.

All the big forces outside the gate will rush in at any time and kill all the people of the Lin family!

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