Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 785

This is clearly the special parking space for the chairman!

As the chairman of Dafeng entertainment company, Lin Kai occupies this parking space!

And the hot girl frowned. She took off her sunglasses and shook her hair. She was impatient.

"Do you know who I am? Dare you talk back to me? Go away

The attitude of the shrewd beauty is very insolent.

Lin Kai laughed at that time.

"Ha ha, I don't know who you are. Do you know who I am?"

Smell speech, that pungent beauty up and down to look at Lin Kai.

I saw Lin Kai selling goods all over the place. He didn't have a watch on his wrist. He rode a broken bicycle under his butt. He was a real loser.

The pungent beauty rolled her eyes: "ha ha, loser, who else can you be?"

"Move your broken bicycle quickly and delay my broadcast. Can you afford to pay for the loss?"

The hot girl is getting impatient.

On the air? Is she the anchor of her own company?

Lin Kai looked up and down, and saw that she was hot, white and tender, and looked very pure. With her beautiful face and filter, I'm afraid she is the best beauty.

I guess he's the anchor in my company.

And the pungent beauty is so staring at by Lin Kai, she shows eyebrows tightly wrinkled.

"You have no quality. Your mother didn't teach you how to be polite when you stare at others like this?" The pungent beauty began to curse.

Hearing this, Lin laughed: "ha ha, politeness? I think it's you who are impolite, aren't you? This is the special parking space for the chairman. Please park your car elsewhere! "

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the pungent beauty rolled her eyes and looked disgusted and impatient.

"Oh, my God! When I first came to work, I met a loser in my way

After that, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, she immediately said, "sister Jingjing, come down quickly. There is a fool blocking my way at the door of the company!"

Then she hung up.

She also took a gloating look at Lin Kai.

"You wait for me!"

Lin Kai had no choice but to smile. He wanted to see who would support her.

Soon after, a woman rushed out of the company.

It was a woman in her thirties, with heavy make-up, wavy hair, twisting her body, striding over.

She is the Jingjing sister in the mouth of the pungent beauty and her agent.

After seeing Lin Kai, sister Jingjing immediately frowned: "yo! Who are you? How dare you take up my double parking space? "

The pungent beauty also stepped down from the BMW. She swung her hair and held her arms in her arms. She played with the smell: "a poor loser, riding a bicycle, had to grab my parking space. I was so ha ha ha."

After listening to the words of the pungent beauty, sister Jingjing showed a flattering smile on her face.

"Shuangshuang, don't worry about such a lousy loser. It's not worth being angry."

After that, she looked at Lin Kai, turned her tone and scolded, "Hello! Move your broken bike! This is gale entertainment company. It's not a place for you to indulge

"Do you know who I am? I'm a gold medal agent of gale entertainment company. Believe it or not, I'll ask the security guard to blow you away? "

Jingjing elder sister cross waist, very insolent.

Her chest card has shown her identity as a gold broker for gale entertainment.

What is a gold broker? That is, the Internet Celebrities and anchors who have won a lot of popularity are gold medal agents.

Gold medal agent, monthly salary of millions, no wonder so rampant.

Lin laughed: "ha ha, what about gold brokers? This is the chairman's parking space! When the gods come, I will not move

After listening to Lin Kai's words, sister Jingjing was angry at that time.

"Oh, I met a man who was not afraid of death today."

"Good! You're not afraid of me, are you? Do you know who she is

"She is the gold anchor of our gale entertainment company! Millions of fans! You can buy a BMW with all the money you earn in one day

"Do you know her weight in our gale entertainment company? Stomping can make the company tremble! "

Shrewd beauty is very proud of the head, arms, a look of high above.

She seems to enjoy Jingjing's flattery.

It turned out to be a gold medal anchor! No wonder it's so crazy.

Lin laughed: "ha ha, what about the gold medal anchor? This is the chairman's parking space! "

Lin Kai insisted on the chairman's parking space.

At that time, it was a itchy tooth that made sister Jingjing hate Lin Kai.

"What? Do you want to say that you are the chairman? Riding a broken bicycle and occupying the chairman's parking space At this time, the pungent beauty said with disdain.

Smell speech, that crystal elder sister is also in front of a bright, pointing to Lin Kai then opened to scold: "you hard not want to say, you are the chairman of the board?""What a joke! The chairman of Dafeng entertainment company has never been to our company for a long time. This special parking space for the chairman of the board of directors is dedicated to both of us! Get out of here

After listening to the two of them, Lin Kai also had a good laugh.

"Ha ha, to be honest, I am the chairman of Dafeng entertainment company."

At that time, the scene was quiet.

Jingjing sister and hot beauty are staring at Lin Kai. After a long time, a burst of laughter rings out.

See Jingjing sister and pungent beauty all smile, smile that is a florid twig.

"Ha ha! Don't you want to laugh me to death? Just you? To the chairman of the board? "

"I think you look like the toilet cleaner in our company!" The hot girl laughed.

Jingjing elder sister is smiling tears all shed down: "ha ha ha! Are you still the chairman of our company? Chairman, how did you come by bike? Shouldn't you come by private plane as you are? Ha ha ha

They didn't stop laughing.

The passers-by also laughed after hearing Lin Kai's words.

Can you still be the chairman of the board if you are all over the place and riding a bicycle?

Lin Kai helplessly poked his hair: "why do I tell the truth, but no one believes it?"

As soon as Lin Kai said this, another burst of laughter broke out.

"Ha ha! I finally know why you are in the way. I'm afraid it's not something wrong with your head, are you? " She patted her thighs and said with a smile.

Sister Jingjing is laughing and coughing.

"Ha ha! Cough ha-ha! A lunatic

"Shuangshuang, you wait. I'll call the security guard and drive the psychopath away!"

After that, sister Jingjing took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone call.

"Hello? I'm Jingjing! I'm at the gate of the company and I'll call some people over. A fool says he's the chairman of our company! "

"Yes! Come here. "

After that, sister Jingjing hung up the phone.

Hang up the phone, Jing Jing sister rather gloated at Lin Kai.

"Don't move, do you? Wait, I'll take you to the police station in a moment

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