Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 784

The immortal cultivator is not only more powerful than the ancient warrior, but also has an advantage that the ancient warrior can't compare.

Immortals can live forever! But ancient martial arts can't.

The red eye wolf king has lived for thousands of years with this golden elixir.

Now this elixir fell into Lin Kai's hands, and Lin Kai would not be polite.

But think about it carefully, the red eye wolf king is still some poor, his master died for thousands of years, but his majesty is still there, he does not dare to disrespect his master.

If it dares to check the owner's situation and find the elixir, it may not be so miserable.

The wolf king died in the cave, but Lin Kai.

At this time, Lin Kai returned to his room, closed the door, meditated on the bed, and was ready to absorb the spiritual power of this golden elixir.

Run huntian Jue, from the golden elixir came a very powerful energy!

Energy flows in Linkai's internal organs and nourishes every corner of his body.

And Lin Kai's elixir field is gradually filled with spiritual power.

For those who practice immortals, Qi training period is only the lowest threshold for them.

After entering the foundation period, he can be called a real immortal.

During the Qi training period, the spiritual power is invisible and converges in the elixir field.

Once you become an immortal in the foundation period, you will have qualitative changes.

The spiritual power will be condensed into shape, and it will be more convenient and faster to use it. The speed of spiritual power recovery will be several times that of Qi training period.

Lin Kai, however, is trying to condense his spiritual power.

Three days passed by.

These three days, Lin Kai has been absorbing the spiritual power within the golden elixir.

After the spiritual power in the golden elixir was absorbed by Linkai, it was compressed again and again in his own elixir field!

Compress, compress and recompress.

He wants to compress the psychic power into a substantial psychic ball!

Once solidified, it means that Linkai has officially entered the foundation period!

At this time, Lin Kai's sweat, clothes have been soaked in sweat, he is very close to success.

The spirit power in his elixir field is almost full, and the spirit ball will be formed soon!

"Give me Yes

At this time, Lin Kai roared.

He exhausted his whole body's strength, and finally, with a crack, the spiritual power in the Dantian instantly condensed together, forming a ball shaped object the size of a thumb.

It is Linkai's unformed golden elixir!

Now Lin Kai is the immortal in the foundation period!

At the moment of becoming a base builder, a huge dark cloud appeared in the sky above the Jade Dragon Pavilion in Cuihu garden.

With a crack, a flash of lightning fell from the sky and struck the yard of Yulong Pavilion.

Then, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sky was clear again.

This flash of lightning is a blessing from heaven to Lin Kai.

Every time I get to the immortal level, there will be a breakthrough, such as thunder.

Now, Lin Kai is not of a high level. When Lin Kai breaks through the realm of Yuan Ying's transformation into God, he will be baptized by Tianlei, that is to say, crossing robbery.

After becoming an immortal in the foundation period, Lin Kai moved his muscles and bones. At this time, he felt full of strength!

The one who built the foundation and built the immortal is really strong!

At this point, let Lin Kai face the master level strong, Lin Kai is confident that he can kill him!

This is the strength of the foundation period!

Take a look at his own body, this ferry robbery, then spent three days time, Lin Kai's body, has already been covered with sweat.

Linkai ran into the bathroom, took a shower, changed a clean suit, and returned to his room.

Pick up the mobile phone and see that there are many missed calls on the phone.

It's all from Zhou Ziqian.

Oh, no, Lin Kaiyi patted his head and promised to introduce her to gale entertainment company, but I forgot about it.

At that time, Lin Kai called Zhou Ziqian back.

Soon after, the phone was connected, and Zhou Ziqian complained, "well, you know how to call me?"

"I thought I was cheated!"

Zhou Ziqian complained in the voice, with a coquettish tone.

Lin Kai had no choice but to smile and say, "I have something to do with me these two days. I haven't forgotten your business. I'm sorry!"

"Well, I'll forgive you."

Zhou Ziqian said quietly.

"I'll go to the company now. When I get there, I'll call you and you can come and join us."

"Really? Great

Zhou Ziqian's voice, very excited.

"Really, I'll hang up first." Lin Kai said, and he had already hung up.

I haven't been to the company for a long time, and I don't know how the company is developing now.Lin Kai knows that the gale entertainment company now is not just about stars.

Now the gale entertainment company, whether it is live broadcast, games, online shopping, and even real estate are involved.

Wang Zhentian once sent a document to himself. Now the gale entertainment company has about five branches.

Lin Kai plans to go to the nearest gale entertainment company to have a look.

Thinking, Lin opened the door, but out of the door, Lin opened silly eyes.

There's no car in the parking lot! There is only one bicycle.

Damn it. After I left, Wang Gang and they drove all the cars away?

The two unimoks in the bag of heaven and earth are suffering a lot in the Middle East. They are dilapidated, noisy and can't be used normally.

Can't help, Lin Kai can only ride a bicycle, toward the gale entertainment company.

Soon after, Lin Kai came to the gale entertainment company.

This is branch one, which specializes in live broadcasting. It is a giant in the live broadcasting industry.

The office building is 18 stories high, which is very spectacular.

Lin drove to the downstairs by bike, and downstairs, there are all luxury cars, such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi and so on.

And there are a lot of young and beautiful young anchor into the company.

These are all employees of the company.

"Not bad!" Lin Kai exclaimed.

Said, he rode a bicycle, came to a parking space, directly stopped the bicycle.

But no sooner had the bicycle stopped than a whistling sound began.

Drop by drop!

Looking back, I saw an open BMW parked behind Lin Kai. On the BMW, there was a beautiful woman.

She has wavy hair and a very hot figure. In winter, she has very few clothes, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a pair of high cold appearance.

"Hello! Move the car! This is a parking space for motor vehicles. Are you blind? "

The beauty hooked off her sunglasses and frowned.

But Lin Kaiyi Leng, he looked at the parking space, it is indeed a motorized parking space, but the parking space is clearly written with a few big words for the chairman!

Is this woman a senior executive in her own company?

"Beauty, this is the chairman's parking space. Are you the chairman of the company?" Lin Kai asked with a playful smile.

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