Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 786

Lin Kai has no choice but to smile, looking for someone to catch up with him? Good! He wants to see who will drive him away today!

Soon after, only a group of people rushed out of the company.

There were more than a dozen people, all of them security men in uniform, with rubber batons in their hands, and their faces were ferocious.

The captain of the security team is an uncle in his forties. He is full of flesh and has a very arrogant attitude.

"Sister Jingjing, who claims to be the chairman of the company?" Asked the security captain, glaring.

Sister Jingjing rolled her eyes and glanced at Lin Kai: "this is the boy."

Smell speech, the security captain immediately looked at Lin Kai.

He looked up and down at Lin Kai and immediately laughed.

"Ha ha! Just you? Claiming to be the chairman of our gale entertainment company? "

Lin Kai smiles and nods: "it's me."

"Ha ha! Joke! If you are the chairman of our company, I will be the first level head of Beijing! "

"You look like a loser. You're selling goods all over the place, pushing a broken bicycle, and returning it to the chairman? Why don't you go to heaven? "

As soon as the security captain's words came out, all the security guards laughed.

Looking at Lin Kai's eyes, they are all with fun, just like looking at a fool.

Obviously, no one takes Linkai seriously.

Lin Kai also had no choice but to smile. Nowadays, no one believes the truth!

"Boy, do you know where this is? I'm tired of talking nonsense here

"Since you hit the muzzle of a gun, don't blame me. Somebody, bring me to the security room!"

The security captain sneered and ordered.


Immediately, several security guards immediately agreed and were ready to start.

But at this time, a burst of flute sound.

Drop by drop!

Everyone looked back in unison, and the security guards stopped their movements.

I saw that it was a white Maserati, the car is very brand-new, also very luxurious.

And the security team leader and sister Jingjing are all in front of their eyes after seeing the car.

Because they know that the owner of this car is Li Xin, the Secretary of the board of directors!

Seeing this, she also knew that her car was in the way, so she quickly moved her red BMW to one side.

This Li Xin, but the chairman's side of the red man, can't afford to offend!

The white Maserati went straight in and stopped in the special parking space. Soon after, Li Xin got out of the car.

I saw Li Xin in a professional black suit, valiant, her eyebrows with a haughty, she is now soaring, is no longer the small secretary of the company that was going to close down.

Now, she is the close secretary of the chairman of the popular gale entertainment company!

As soon as she appeared, a group of people gathered around.

"Ah! Secretary Li, how did you come to the branch office? If you come here, you will be welcome far away Jingjing elder sister's face is smiling to open a flower, welcome the past.

But Li Xin's cold little face did not even look at her.

"It's said that the chairman of the board is going to inspect today. I'm here to look for the chairman."

After listening to Li Xin's words, several people were shocked.

The chairman of the board should come to inspect?

The chairman of their gale entertainment company has hardly appeared in the company.

Most people in the company have never seen the chairman of the board. Today, the chairman of the board is going to inspect it?

The heart of the pungent beauty is a little excited, she has always been a little confident about her beauty.

She believes that as long as she can see the chairman, she will have a chance to perform. Even if the chairman is a poor old man of 60 or 70, she is willing to have some relations with the chairman.

At this time, Li Xin cast a cold glance at the pungent beauty and said, "are you the famous Shuangshuang in the company?"

On hearing this, the shrewd beauty replied, "do you remember me? I'm double. "

"Your popularity is not low, do well, maybe you can surpass the ball in the future."

"Yes, yes..."

Ball is the anchor that Lin Kai recruited himself into the company. With the company's strong support, ball is now a front-line anchor.

She's a role model for the whole company's female anchor.

When Li Xin was about to enter the company, she saw a group of security guards blocking the door of the company.

She frowned.

"What's going on ahead? The chairman doesn't know when he will come to the company. What is it like to surround so many security guards? "

After listening to Li Xin's words, the security captain quickly replied: "Secretary Li, there is a silly fork riding a bicycle. He has to park his bicycle in the special parking space for the chairman of the board, and he claims to be the chairman of the company."

"I've got a man with me. I'm driving him away!"Lixin smell speech, also smile: "ha ha, it is really silly fork, take me to have a look."

"Yes, please."

Immediately, three people with Li Xin, through the crowd, directly came to Lin Kai in front of.

At this time, Lin Kai was lying on his bicycle and almost fell asleep.

The security captain pointed to Lin Kai and said, "Secretary Li, you see, this is the silly fork."

Li Xin also looked at the past with a funny smile on her face.

That is to say, she was silly at that time.

Silly fork?

Claiming to be the chairman of the company?

This is the chairman of the company!

Her eyes widened.

When the chairman came to inspect the company and park his car, he was embarrassed by a group of security guards?

This is her dereliction of duty! She didn't do a good job of greeting.

At that time, there was a buzz in her head, and the whole person was confused.

Jingjing sister is very impatient at this time a kick in Lin Kai's bicycle.

"Hello! You want to sleep here? The Secretary of the chairman is here! Don't you call yourself the chairman of our company? Now the Secretary of the board of directors is here. I'd like to see if Secretary Li knows you as a waste! "

The hot girl teased her hair and laughed: "ha ha, the loser riding a bicycle, can he be the chairman of the company?"

These two people's words, each more said a word, Li Xin's mood will be more heavy a point.

Are you crazy?

He is the chairman of the board!

With a flattering smile on his face, the security captain asked, "Secretary Li, do you want me to teach this boy a good lesson? Make sure he doesn't dare to come back to our company to pick up trouble in the future

With that, the security captain pinched his fist.

And Li Xin is about to faint at this time.

Is that how you treat the chairman of the board to inspect the company?

And Lin Kai also looks at Li Xin. After seeing Li Xin, Lin Kai also smiles.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Secretary Li's chest is much bigger."

As soon as Lin Kai said this, the security captain immediately became angry: "reckless!"

"How dare you tease Secretary Li? Do you know who she is? You're tired of being a secretary to the chairman of the gale entertainment company? "

"Somebody, tie me up! Take it to the security room! Give me a good lesson! Palm

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