Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 771

With that, the seals and the Bushido team set out.

The two teams rushed to the first floor. They both wanted to climb to the top of the mountain, and then put their national flag on the top of the mountain!

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Yan looked at Lin Kai: "let's go, too? No delay. "

Lin Kai nodded and said, "go!"

Having said that, Zhuang Yan took the team members to simply pack up their own equipment, and went to the mountain in a hurry.

Along the way is very smooth, three special teams soon came to the huge barrier in front of.

After crossing the barrier, people feel as if they have come to another world.

A paradise!

The air is incomparably fresh. If you take a breath, you will feel full of satisfaction.

The climate is also very good. It doesn't feel hot or cold.

Spring breeze is blowing in the face of the great sunshine, everyone's nervous mood is relaxed a lot.

A look up, people will see that long steps!

Ten thousand steps!

And at the end of the mountain is the golden palace!

Whoever can plant the national flag outside the palace gate is the final winner!

"Go At this time, the seal team leader had a big drink, and the team immediately set out toward the steps.

But when they came to the steps, they were surprised to find that they were eight people in a row, but not everyone could climb the steps.

Outside the steps, there seems to be an invisible barrier to stop them.

Only six people can climb the steps.

"Well? What's the situation? " The fat man frowned.

Lin Kai is also interested in looking at the steps in front of him.

The five floors of the Middle East are more and more dangerous. I'm afraid the steps to the sky are not so simple.

Lin Kai still remembers the test steps he took when he was in Jiulong Mountain. Each step has its own difficulty.

Maybe the steps in front of us are similar to the test steps.

At this time, only a line of golden font appeared in front of the public!

The golden font is ancient Chinese. No one can understand it.

Of all the people present, only one person could understand, and that person was Lin Kai.

Lin Kai has the ability to extract talisman, and is proficient in thousands of Chinese characters. The ancient writings in front of him are naturally difficult to defeat.

"The temple, the most sacred temple in the eastern land, is the place where Jinyu immortal master sat down. He was 508 years old and was in the middle of his highest cultivation."

"The most regretful place for master Jinyu is the temple."

"Those who are predestined can get the temple."

"Ten thousand feet of immortal rank, you can go up if you have a destiny."

After seeing these words, Lin Kai's eyes brightened.

In front of the palace, there is an immortal's inheritance!

What's more, it's the transformation of God and cultivation!

The cultivation of immortals can be divided into the following levels: Qi training stage, foundation building stage, golden elixir stage, Yuanying stage, Huashen stage and Zhenxian stage.

Each big grade is divided into four sub grades.

The next stage, the middle stage, the later stage and the consummation.

Lin Kai's practice of mixing heaven is the skill of an immortal. It is very profound.

Now, he is practicing Qi and accomplishing his cultivation.

It seems that the land of the Middle East is really a holy land for cultivating immortals!

Even such masters as Hua Shen period exist!

Those who do not go to the steps are those who have no fate with inheritance!

At this time, the island's ninja, also began to go up.

It's amazing, six ninjas, only four ninjas.

The six men of the gale special team, also the same, only four people went up.

And the black army, eight men all went up!

At this time, it was time for the seven people of China.

Led by Lin Kai, everyone climbed the steps.

And Linkai and they are also very lucky, seven people, all of them have climbed the steps!

Even rhubarb is on the steps!

At this time, in front of the public, once again appeared a line of ancient prose.

"The first test, conduct, bad conduct, can not climb the immortal level."

The first test is character!

Lin Kai took a look at the people behind him and shook his head. There was no doubt that there was something wrong with their conduct.

Then they went up, and after a while, another invisible barrier appeared in front of them.

This time, the crowd went up again.

Four of the six seals didn't board!

Only the white captain and one of the team members got to the immortal rank.

The eight of the terror team were even worse. Of the eight, only one of them got to the immortal rank. That was the black captain.The island's Bushido special combat team is relatively lucky.

Of the four ninjas, three of them have reached the immortal level.

And the gale special team, only the captain boarded the Xianjie.

Next, it's time for China's special forces.

Lin Kai takes the lead and leads the people to the immortal steps. Lin Kai directly ascends the immortal steps without any hindrance.

And rhubarb also jumped up, rhubarb stretched out his long tongue, ha Qi, a face unknowingly sharp.

There are five people in the forest!

The two people who did not ascend the immortal rank were Tian Guo and ye Cunxin.

At this time, another line appeared in front of the public.

"Those who have no spiritual roots have no chance of immortality."


Lin Kai understood that it was a necessary thing for an immortal.

People don't necessarily have spiritual roots. Some people do, some don't.

Those who can not ascend the immortal rank are those who have no spiritual root.

They went up again, and soon after, another invisible barrier appeared in front of them.

This time, it was more miserable.

Only the white seals are on the first rank.

Gale special team, no one can walk up!

Bushido special battle team, only the Ninja captain boarded the immortal stage.

And the black group, all eliminated!

Robbing front special team, only Lin Kai and Lengfeng, and he Chenguang boarded the immortal stage.

Rhubarb also ascended the immortal rank.

Soon after, another set of characters appeared in front of the public.

"Those who are over twenty-five years old will not be able to ascend the immortal rank."

Original immortal Master inheritance, but also pick age!

So far, only five people and a dog have made it to the Xianji stage.

People have climbed hundreds of steps of the immortal stage. Looking back, several special teams of people are looking forward to the five people on the immortal stage.

In people's eyes, there is only expectation!

Lin Kai waited for a few people and went up again.

Once again, the barriers appeared in front of the people. At this time, the people seemed to understand that these barriers are the test for all.

All of us, without stopping, walk towards the barrier.

But at this time, Lin opened his eyebrows and frowned.

This barrier in front of me is not strong!

just a few barriers, are invisible, like a bubble general.

But the barrier in front of him was tangible. It seemed that people and animals were harmless, but it gave Lin a feeling that there was no silver 300 Liang here.

"Wait a minute." Lin Kai suddenly stops he Chenguang and Lengfeng.

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