Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 772

"What's the matter?" He Chenguang and Lengfeng turn back at the same time, looking at Lin Kai, a face of doubt.

Lin Kai frowned and said, "I feel that something is wrong."

As soon as Lin Kai finished his words, he heard only two muffled sounds!

The white captain and the Ninja captain have just touched the invisible barrier, just like being heavily boxed. They are pale and fly back directly!

Plop! Plop! Two sound, two people both landing.

Wow, both of them spewed blood.

Sure enough, this barrier is not so simple!

At this point, four big characters appear from the barrier.

"Those who are destined to enter."

Who is predestined?

Who is predestined?

Lin Kai frowned.

Ninja Captain stood up and scratched his head: "Nani?"

At this time, he came to Lin Kai and asked, "Lin sang, what do these four words mean?"

Lin Kai replied, "those who are destined to enter."

"Predestined?" Island Ninja face of doubt.

What is predestination? Nobody knows.

At this time, he Chenguang jumped out and said, "I want to have a try!"

Lin Kai saw this and did not stop him.

The first few barriers, there are obvious requirements, to meet the requirements, to climb a higher level.

But in front of this barrier, only for a fate, this people are very confused.

Also do not know, who is the predestined.

He Chenguang walked past, his hands tentatively touched the barrier.

White captain and Ninja captain are also staring at he Chenguang. They naturally hope that he Chenguang will be rebounded with them!

Sure enough, he Chenguang just touched the barrier, his body was like being hit hard and flew back directly!


He Chenguang landed, at this time he Chenguang, pale, whoa spit out a mouthful of blood.

The power of the barrier, very strong!

See, Leng Feng frowns.

He said, "I'll try it too!"

After saying that, Leng Feng also went up, but his end, like he Chenguang, a few seconds later, another person who vomited blood appeared.

Five people, four people have no fate.

Now only Lin Kai is left. Everyone looks at Lin Kai.

Among these people who entered the Middle East, Lin Kai's performance is commendable, and his strength is also extremely strong.

Is he the so-called predestined person?

"Captain, you're the only one left." He Chenguang looks at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai nodded. At this time, Lin Kai had no way to retreat. At that time, Lin Kai strode to the barrier.

When Lin Kai touched the barrier, a huge force came!

After that, Lin Kai's whole person was lifted to fly out!

With a plop, Lin Kai's body smashed to the ground.

However, Lin Kai's physical fitness is very strong, he did not vomit blood.

But even so, Lin Kai still felt that his internal organs were tumbling. The resilience of this barrier was very strong!

Seeing that Lin Kai was also rebounded back, the white captain and Ninja captain were relieved.

They were relieved to see that even Lin Kai had no fate.

He Chenguang and Lengfeng both sighed.

Is it difficult that there is no predestined person among them?

"It seems that we are not predestined people." The white captain lowered his head and sighed.

All were silent.

Five people, were rebounded back, the barrier is like an impassable gap, all of them have some despair.

No one can climb the top of the first floor today?

At this time, Lin Kai's eyes flashed a little anger.

Damn it, since I entered the Middle East, I've been getting angry everywhere. Now I even want to bully me with a barrier?

I'm not destined? Laozi is the system hit!

How dare you say I'm not lucky?

At that time, Lin Kai's anger rose, and he reached for the golden sword.

"Damn it, I'll cut you off!" Lin Kai scolded and strode over with the golden sword.

"Linkai! Don't be impulsive

He Chenguang gave a big drink.

But Lin Kai couldn't listen at all. He rushed over with his golden sword.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Kai roared with all his strength and slashed it hard!

See the development of the forest roar, rhubarb also yelled, toward the barrier in the past!Originally, Lin Kai thought that the barrier in front of him would be very hard, and his sword could not split the barrier in front of him.

But something quite unexpected happened to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai's sword easily fell into the barrier.

As a result of excessive force, Lin Kai was taken directly to the other side of the barrier.


Lin Kai saw the gold sword in his hand, and cut it hard on the ground, and the steps were all chopped out of a hole.

Lin Kai was stunned.

Even rhubarb went through the barrier.


Did you come in?

The barrier in front of me is so strong that it can't be split by one's own sword, right?

It's not just Lin kaimeng who is forced, but the rest of the people.

Both the white captain and the Ninja captain opened their eyes and looked at Lin Kai strangely.

"Lin Kai, this..." He Chenguang widened his eyes, and his face was incredible.

Once again, he touched the barrier in front of him, but a huge force came from the barrier, and he Chenguang flew out!

What's the situation?

Is it hard to make this barrier in front of you?

At this time, in front of Lin Kai, a few big words appeared.

"The brave are the predestined."


After seeing this line of words, Lin Kai suddenly realized.

The so-called predestined person is actually courage!

Courage to overcome difficulties!

I see.

If Lin Kai had given up climbing the immortal rank after his first failure, he would never have reached a higher level in his life.

If you can get through the barrier, you will not be afraid of failure!

At this time, Lin Kai took a look at he Chenguang and said, "this barrier is better than it is. Come on!"

What is needed is courage

"If you are brave, you will be lucky."

Lin Kai said a few words to he Chenguang. He did not go to wait for them. Instead, he went straight to the higher immortal steps.

He Chenguang and Lengfeng looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

The brave, the fate?

The white captain and the Ninja captain also looked at each other. Since Lin Kai and the dog had gone up, there must be a way to pass through the barrier in front of him!

As a result, the four began to imitate Lin Kai, and began to rush upward!

Lin Kai followed the steps of immortals and went up all the way.

At this time, Lin Kai had already stepped up to the level of the immortal.

Not long after walking, I saw a box in front of Lin Kai.

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