Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 770

I don't know how long it took for Lin Kai to wake up.

The first thing he saw was an extremely ugly fat face.

It was the fat man's face. He was lying in front of Lin Kai, snoring and sleeping.

Lin Kai slapped the past subconsciously!


The fat man jumped up and said, "snake! There are snakes

The fat man's face panic, quickly picked up one side of the machine gun.

And Lin Kai just reacted at this time. The man in front of him is a fat man! It's not a ghost!

After a little movement, Lin Kai felt a sharp pain all over his body, and his body seemed to fall apart.

"Hiss..." Linkai took a breath of cold air.

"My God! You wake up at last The fat man came over.

Lin Kai rubbed his painful head and asked, "how long did I sleep?"

The fat man pinched his fingers and said, "I've been sleeping for three days."

"Three days?" Lin Kai looked stunned.

Did you sleep so long?

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't matter if you sleep longer after being hurt so badly.

Lin Kai's self-healing ability is relatively strong. After such a heavy injury, he recovered almost in three days.

He's still in that little castle.

"Has the boa constrictor come to attack these three days?" Asked Linkai.

The fat man shook his head and replied, "no, since you killed the snake king, no Python has attacked us."

"Seals, what about them?" Asked Linkai.

Now that these three special forces have been equipped, they are likely to threaten Lin Kai and others to submit by relying on the large number of people.

The fat man replied, "after they got the equipment, they have been very good. They know that you saved their lives, so they all stay outside one by one."

After listening to the fat man's words, Lin Kai was relieved.

"By the way, this is what the snake king has. Here you are."

After that, the fat man took out a piece of jade from his pocket and gave it to Lin Kai.

The jade is blue, very beautiful and crystal clear.

When Lin Kai saw the jade, his eyes lit up!

Water jade!

Yes, Shuiyu among the five elements jade!

Five elements jade, Lin Kai already has a piece, that is fire jade.

Unexpectedly, the snake king's body, actually carried a piece of jade!

If you can gather five pieces of jade, you can draw a jade rune, that is, the extremely strong five element Rune!

A five element Rune can protect one party's safety!

"Good thing!" Lin Kai picked up Shuiyu and said fondly.

"What is this?" the fat man asked

Lin Kai replied, "you don't understand. This is a good thing."

After that, Lin Kai stood up.

After sleeping for three days, Lin Kai felt that he was in a hurry to urinate. At that time, he rushed out of the castle and found a place where there was no one. He began to urinate.

The great war three days ago destroyed almost all the buildings around the castle!

The whole castle group looks desolate! Only the castle where Linkai is located is still standing in place.

A small solution of Kung Fu, a look back, Lin Kai was scared, see five special forces, have gathered together!

Full of seals!

Full of terror squad!

Two dead gales!

Two dead Bushido squad!

There is also a dead man's robbing front special team!

All the people looked at Lin Kai, and saw that they lined up in order, their faces were serious, and their eyes were full of admiration.


Zhuang Yan orders, brush! Thirty five people saluted Lin Kai in unison.

Lin Kai was startled: "what are you doing?"

At this time, only saw the island's Bushido special combat team's Ninja Captain stood up.

He looked at him with admiration and said, "Lin sang, the battle three days ago, your performance, let's sigh that we are not as good as you are!"

"You have saved the lives of our whole team!"

"We have decided not to pursue the matter of Gongben Bancang any more."

At this time, the white captain also stood up and said, "Lin Kai, you are very strong, you are a great opponent!"

"We understand that we made a lot of mistakes before, which led to our failure to get equipment and resources later. All of these are our own responsibility."

"But you saved us twice at the most dangerous moment! Our seals are not white eyed wolves who don't remember their kindness. We have recorded this kindness! "

The white captain said solemnly.

And the team members of the gale special team are all following the white team leader.Hearing this, Lin Kai was quite moved. He didn't expect that he had affected so many people!

"Well, don't thank me. This time, we are competitive, not hostile."

"I saved you because I am a Chinese soldier!"

"To tell you the truth, I don't think you're very pleased. If I were not a soldier, I would never have saved you!"

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, a burst of laughter rang out.

The white captain also scratched his head. He didn't expect Lin Kai to be so frank!

At this moment, there was a big bang, and the ground suddenly shook!

Everyone looked into the distance!

See the distant horizon of the barrier, has changed!

The barrier that blocks everyone from entering the first layer seems to have changed!

The barrier, which was originally a void, could not see anything.

But at this time, the switch of the barrier seems to be turned on, the scenery inside the barrier, people all see in the eyes!

After seeing the scenery in the barrier, everyone's breathing was very fast!

Inside the first floor, there is a mountain!

Huge mountains!

Like a fairyland! The sunshine is bright, the white clouds are floating, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is pleasant.

At the top of the mountain, there is a golden palace!

The golden palace glows like a holy land!

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is a golden ladder!

The steps lead to the palace! Ten thousand steps! Very sacred!

Is this the first floor?

Everyone held their breath and looked at the first floor in front of them.

"It's beautiful. Is this fairyland?" At this time, the fat man couldn't help asking himself.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Kai was silly. He had never seen such a beautiful place.

Suddenly, he remembered what the red eyed wolf king had said to himself.

He said that the land of the Middle East is not called the land of the Middle East, but the land of eastern Turkey!

The eastern land was a holy land for cultivating immortals!

So, is there a royal family in this continent?

The first floor you see is where the royal family lives?

Is it the representative of supreme power?

These, Lin Kai can not be confirmed.

At this time, the white captain looked at Lin Kai and said, "Lin Kai, I admire you very much, but this does not mean that I am afraid of you!"

"The next road, we seals will do our best

The Ninja captain of the Bushido special combat team of the island also said: "Lin sang, I look forward to your performance."

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