Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 769

After hearing the words of the purple snake king, Lin Kai's heart clapped.

Another creature that can talk!

Lin Kai knew that in the magical world of the eastern land, all the creatures who could speak were of super high intelligence and strength.

For example, the extremely strong wolf king!

The snake king in front of him is more difficult to deal with than the wolf king!

"Master! We didn't offend you. Why should we hunt for it? " Linkai asked as he ran wildly.

After hearing Lin Kai's words, the purple snake king was also surprised.

"Can you understand me?" The reaction of the purple snake king is the same as that of the wolf king.

Lin Kai replied, "I understand! Master

"Hum! You are a human being with some strength. However, if you break into the eastern land, only one will die

The snake king screamed and threw his tail to Linkai!

But Lin Kai just felt a cold wind behind him. He subconsciously turned a somersault and went out. Then he heard the violent explosion behind him!


When the snake king's tail was slapped, several ancient castles collapsed directly!

After seeing this scene, Lin Kai's back was in a cold sweat.

It's so tough! How can you be its opponent?

"Man, don't run away, accept your life!"

Snake king pursues to Lin Kai, once again a tail attack roll to Lin Kai!

Facing the huge and incomparable tail, this time, Lin Kai has no way out!

Flustered, Lin Kai directly used his own gold token.

"Gold suit!"

Under Lin Kai's roar, he saw that the golden armor flew out of the token directly, and adhered to Lin Kai's body!

Gold armor!

Golden knee pads!

Gold dress!

Golden boots!

Golden Gloves!

Gold helmet!

Golden sword!

As soon as the seven piece set appeared, Lin Kai was like this. The immortal descended to the world in general, and his whole body was glittering with gold.

At this time, the snake king's big tail also attacked.

Bang, Lin Kai was directly caught in the big tail of the purple snake king!

At that time, great pressure came!

This Python is so powerful! The pressure of its body is too big!

However, fortunately, the gold suit for Lin Kai offset a lot of power, so that Lin Kai is still able to withstand now!

The snake king took a cold look at Lin Kai, then opened his mouth and bit Lin Kai!

At that time, a burst of stench came, the purple electricity snake king swallowed to Lin Kai!

But Lin Kai had no strength to resist, and was swallowed by the purple snake king in his mouth!

After entering the mouth of the snake king, the snake king's sharp teeth bite down!

Click, teeth directly on top of the gold armor! Can't go deep into Linkai's body!

But even so, Lin Kai still vomited out a big mouthful of blood, squeeze pressure is too strong!

After biting without biting, the snake king swallowed Lin Kai directly into his stomach!

Hum! Into my stomach, I see how you live!

After that, the snake king swallowed the castle and drove it away.

"No!" After seeing this, the fat man roared.

"Captain!" The fat man's eyes were red.

Everyone also saw the scene of Linkai being swallowed.

"Ah, ah!" The fat man roared, and the big pineapple in his hand strafed to the snake king, as if to vent his discontent in his heart!

All the people also killed their eyes.

Everyone admired Lin Kai in their hearts and dared to fight with the snake king. Lin Kai's death was deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Is Lin Kai really dead?

Not yet.

After entering the stomach of the snake king, Lin Kaiyi glides down. In the stomach of the snake king, the stench is incomparable!

In addition, there is strong corrosive stomach acid, sprinkled on Lin Kai's body.

Lin Kai can't live long in this place!

However, Lin Kai took a look around him, and immediately his eyes brightened.

Of course, the snake's stomach is hard, but it's hard!

At that time, Lin Kai held a gold sword and chopped it on the snake king's intestines. At that time, blood splashed out!

And the purple snake king was about to approach the castle. At this time, it suddenly screamed and rolled on the ground!

The snake king is as mad as a madman, constantly tossing on the ground, and his expression seems extremely painful!

"Human beings!" The snake king roared.

Linkai is in the intestine of the snake king, and starts to destroy crazily!

The long knife kept chopping and chopping, which made a mess of the snake king's intestines!At this point, the snake king began to vomit!

A strong suction came. Lin Kai's body was sucked out of control!

You can't just leave like this!

Although it destroyed the snake king's intestines, it was not enough to kill the snake king.

By the way, I still have a grenade!

At this time, Lin Kai had an idea, he thought of his body, but also equipped with three grenades!

At that time, Lin Kai took out the grenades. All the three grenades opened the safety ring and threw them into the depths of the snake king's body!

At this time, Lin Kai was vomited out!

After being vomited out, the snake king stares at Lin Kai with venom on his face.

"Man, you die!"

As soon as the snake king's words were said, he heard three muffled thumps!

His stomach suddenly went up three times!

Then the snake king's eyes widened.

Its body, it starts to stop twisting.

Wow, the snake king vomited a lot of blood!

It is also mixed with the intestines and flesh of the snake king!


The snake king's eyes are incredible.

It did not expect that this human into their own intestines, was not killed by their stomach acid.

You know, the prey that was swallowed by it never lived for three seconds!

But this man did it!

After twisting twice, the snake king's body collapsed to the ground.

With a bang, the snake king's body set off a large amount of dust!

The snake king is dead!

As soon as Zidian snake king died, countless boa constrictors around him began to fear the forest.

Because Lin Kai's body, with the blood of the snake king!

Countless boa constrictors began to retreat slowly.

The boa constrictors of the whole castle group began to retreat.

These boa constrictors come and go fast.

But in less than ten minutes, there was no Python in the whole castle group.

It's all gone!

And all the people in the castle cheered after seeing this scene!

This time, they won!

Man survived!

Lin Kai, dressed in a gold suit and holding a gold sword, stands in front of the body of the snake king.

His mouth, also showed a trace of proud smile.

"Who said I couldn't fight you?"

After saying this, Lin Kai couldn't hold on.

With a bang, he fell straight to the ground.

And the purple electricity snake king a struggle, he has been seriously injured!

If not for the gold suit, his body would have been bitten by the snake king!

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