Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 582

But Lin Kai also stopped his own pace, looked up coldly at the crowd.

There are more than a dozen men in black surrounding Linkai.

These ten men in black, each of whom was strong and bulging at the waist, were obviously professional bodyguards.

Lin laughed.

"Ah, Wang Qinglong? See you again

Lin Kai put his hands in his pockets, and his expression was indifferent. He did not put Wang Qinglong in his eyes.

And Wang Qinglong looked at Lin Kai's eyes, almost able to spray fire!

He will never forget the man who broke his arms all his life!

At this time, Wang Qinglong's mouth also showed a cruel smile.

There's no place to find, it's no effort to get there!

This was delivered by Lin Kai himself!

"Linkai, I want you to kneel down and beg for mercy! I'm going to tear you to pieces! Pull your muscles out

"I want you to No son or son

Wang Qinglong almost gnawed his teeth in anger.

And Wang Tianhe's eyes, are only angry.

How can he not be angry when his baby son is beaten like this?

This is his only son!

"Call me!" Wang Tianhe roared.

And more than a dozen professional bodyguards immediately rushed up, countless fists toward Lin Kai's face.

But Lin Kai was not in a hurry. He put his hands back and whistled.

The rhubarb at his feet immediately understood. At this time, rhubarb cried out two times.


And a dozen bodyguards, no one noticed this local dog. They didn't know that this local dog had become a nightmare for them to have nightmares every night!

Rhubarb moved.

Its speed, incomparably fast, shuttles through the crowd.

Every mouthful can make a bodyguard's face change greatly, and a piece of meat will fall from his body!

And its defense is also very strong, the bodyguard's fist and baton hit its body, can't let it stay at all!

But Lin Kai stood with his negative hand and didn't even move.

These mortals are not qualified to let him do it!

One by one, one by one, rhubarb is bound to seriously injure a bodyguard.

Soon after, a burst of wailing sound sounded, only to see the more than a dozen bodyguards fell to the ground, some people, even their arms were torn off, the scene is very bloody.

"My hand!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Run! Run


A burst of fear sounded, the more than a dozen bodyguards were almost rolling away from rhubarb.

Look at the mouth of rhubarb, all blood, that look, cold and merciless, as if it is a tiger down the mountain!

At this time, Wang Qinglong opened his eyes, this scene, let him feel very similar.

Isn't this local dog the fierce tiger that bit off his arms?

Wang Tianhe frowned. He didn't expect that the dog was so powerful.

Can he beat more than a dozen bodyguards, even the most powerful police dog in China can't do it?

However, Wang Tianhe is not afraid.

With a crack, Wang Tianhe snapped his fingers.

With a click, another man came down from the Humvee.

The man was about 50 years old. He was an old man. He was wearing a white Tai Chi suit, black hair and full of spirit.

In his hand, he still holds a string of essays.

As soon as this man appeared, even Wang Tianhe was very respectful to him.

This one is the first master of the Wang family, Mr. Wang.

"Mr. Wang." Wang Tianhe slightly bow his head, way.

But old Wang looked at the rhubarb under Lin Kai's feet and laughed.

"Well, there's something about this dog."

Wang looked at Lin Kai contemptuously. He didn't pay attention to Lin Kai and rhubarb at all.

"Mr. Wang, thank you for your help." Wang Tianhe said again.

In Wang Qinglong's eyes, there is also a trace of complacency.

He seems to have seen Lin Kai kneeling under his feet begging for mercy.

He knew that Lin Kai could fight, but that dog might not be an ordinary dog, but what about that?

Old Wang is a warrior!

And it's still the top level of martial arts, which can be said to be a half step martial arts master!

If Lin Kai can play again, can he be Wang Lao's opponent? Wang Lao's strength is more than ten times as strong as his family!

At this time, Mr. Wang stood with his hands on his back and looked at Lin Kai: "young man, I don't want to bully the small with big ones. In this way, you can break your arms and I can plead for you in front of the master."

Wang Lao laughs, did not open Lin in the eye at all.

Wang Qinglong also sneered at this time: "ha ha, Lin Kai, I advise you to kneel down and apologize immediately.""Mr. Wang's strength is more powerful than you can imagine!"

"I know you can fight, and I know that your local dog can fight."

"But, my Wang family, Wang Lao, is an ancient warrior at the peak level and a half step martial arts master!"

"Old Wang, if you want to die or die!"

"You'd better kneel down and surrender!"

"Don't worry, I'll let you enjoy it!"

With that, Wang Qinglong has begun to imagine Lin Kai being abused by himself in his mind.

But Lin Kai faced old Wang and said with a smile, "ha ha, what kind of a half step martial arts master, I'm old. It's not good to go home and provide for the aged?"

"What kind of underworld are you going to fight?"

Lin Kai Ho's a sound, directly spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground.

Even rhubarb has a very humanized roll.

In the face of one man and one dog's disdain, Wang's face darkened.

Do you dare to put him in the eye?

The whole four rings, who dare not give him Wang Lao Mian?

Being so ridiculed by a posterity, he also felt shameless at this time.

"I'm going to give you one last chance now, kneel down and apologize!"

"Otherwise, I will let your body float on the Huangpu River tomorrow. Do you believe it?"

At this time, Wang Lao's eyes have a trace of killing intention, loose Tai Chi suit is blown by the strong wind, full of momentum.

This time, Lin Kai raised a middle finger directly at Mr. Wang.

"I don't believe it. If you have the ability, you can kill me!"

"If you can catch me, I will kneel down and beg for mercy."

"What a big voice!"

"The younger generation, you are crazy!"

This time, Mr. Wang finally could not calm down.

He pointed at Lin Kai and gave a furious rebuke.

He is a famous ancient martial arts expert in the four rings!

Zhenqi has almost reached the level of being outsider, but this young man looks down on himself so much.

Old Wang can't bear it!

"Boy, you killed yourself!"

"Today, I will let you die clearly, let you see what a real martial arts teacher is!"

After that, I saw Mr. Wang step forward a few steps, ha, a horse step on the down.

Later, Wang Laoqi transported the elixir field, and his hands were in front of his chest.

Then, a group of true Qi gradually emerged in his hands.

The true air of cyan looks unstable and not so pure.

Wang Lao can only reluctantly release the true Qi out of the body, and can use it to attack people.

However, to be able to do this, has made him proud enough!

Because only a martial arts master can release his true Qi!

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