Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 583

Sitting in the wheelchair, Wang Qinglong stood up excitedly at this time!

Let go!

How many people can do it in the whole capital?

Mr. Wang can do it!

At this time, Wang Qinglong's face, it is a thump.

Lin Kai, now you see the real strength of my Wang family?

You should be very sorry, right? Should be very sorry to offend me?

You don't worry, even if you die, I will never let you peaceful! I'll hang your body on a deserted tree!

Expose your body to the sun!

Let you die with your eyes closed!

Thinking of this, Wang Qinglong has been proud to laugh!

And Wang Lao is also a face of arrogance, real gas out, boy, you must be scared?


At this time, only heard Wang Lao a big drink, and then, he clapped at Lin!

I saw a real Qi condensing in the air, and ran directly to Linkai to fight over!

But in the face of Wang Lao's real gas blow.

Lin Kai's eyes, there is a sarcastic smile.

Lin Kai raised his arm at will and clapped it out.

Then, a strong wind blows, a strong genuine Qi from Lin Kai's palm!

No effort at all!

The real Qi condenses into a palm shape in the air and pats it to Mr. Wang.

But Wang Lao's eyes, is full of surprised look.

Then it turned into surprise and then shock!

This is How to release genuine Qi?

How could it be!

He's so young!

It only takes less than a second for him to gather his true spirit!

And I need half a minute!

Is he a martial arts master?

As soon as the idea came out, Mr. Wang almost fainted to the ground.

I saw that Lin Kai's genuine Qi ran into Wang Lao's real Qi. With a puff, Wang's genuine Qi seemed to be like a bunch of farts.

Lin Kai's real Qi was directly hit and scattered.

Later, Lin Kai took the palm and ran directly to Wang Lao.

Old Wang's eyes widened. He wanted to hide, but he couldn't get away from it!


A big bang!

Lin Kai slapped Wang Lao into the wall directly!

The walls collapsed!

A burst of dust was photographed. After a long time, the dust dissipated, and the figure of Wang Lao also fell into the eyes of all.

Wang Lao's chest had collapsed, and his whole body was covered with blood, which made him a mess.

He opened his eyes wide, and the corners of his mouth shed blood, apparently dead!

With just one stroke, Lin Kai killed the master of the Wang family!

At this time, the whole scene was dead silent.

All the people in the Wang family were dumbfounded.

Looking at Wang's body, the head of the Wang family felt as if he had been set off by a storm.

The first master of the Wang family, that's it Dead?

The head of the Wang family is stupid.

Old Wang is the support of his family!

It can be said that the reason why his family has become so powerful is that Mr. Wang is in the Wang family, and Wang is always the patron saint of the Wang family!

This time they came to Chang's house, they were even more ready to beat down the Chang family!

But now, old Wang is dead?

Their dependence is dead?

In Wang Qinglong's eyes, there was a look of shock.

Now he can't believe what happened in front of him is true.

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

Let him hate the gnashing teeth of Lin Kai, incredibly so strong?

When you are young, you can release your true Qi and beat Lao Wang to death?

Can he avenge Wang Qinglong?

Don't talk about revenge. Can Wang Qinglong protect himself now?

All the people of his royal family are lambs to be slaughtered in front of Linkai!

And this scene, also happened to be chased out of Chang uncle saw.

Looking at the scene in front of him, uncle Chang was excited and frightened.

All over the body a little shiver, in the heart is afraid incomparably.

Fortunately, Lin Kai didn't get angry when he was in Chang's house, otherwise, Chang's family would be full of blood! This person's strength is really too strong!

At this time, uncle Chang finally believed that Lin Kai was a martial arts master, such as a fake one!

No wonder Chang Lao respects him so much, because the strong only respect the strong!

At this time, Lin Kai came to Wang Qinglong step by step with one of his hands on his back.

At this time, Wang Qinglin is afraid to open his eyes.

"You What are you going to do Wang Qinglong stammered."What are you doing? Wang Qinglong, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it yourself! "

"You have to die yourself, don't you? Well, I'll satisfy you. "

Lin Kai said, and his eyes were cold.

At this time, Wang Qinglong has realized the danger. He knows that Lin Kai is not joking.

He's going to kill himself!

The fear in his heart has made him lose his cool.

Only heard Wang Qinglong scream, SA Ya Zi Ran!

Turn around and run! He doesn't care about his father at all.

At this time, the whistling sound of nightmares and the sound of rhubarb bark directly chased the past.

The end of Wang Qinglong can be imagined.

Wang Tianhe watched his son lose his life in the mouth of rhubarb.

Wang Tianhe's heart also began to fear. With a plop, Wang Tianhe knelt in front of Lin Kai without dignity.

He was afraid, he was sorry.

"Rao Life, I I was wrong... " Wang Tianhe even stuttered.

And Lin Kai glanced at Wang Tianhe and said faintly: "cut off your arms and save your life."

Wang Tianhe heard the speech and hesitated for a moment, but he still pulled out the pistol and pointed to his arm.

Compared with life, a pair of arms is nothing!

Bang! Bang!

Two shots, Wang Tianhe issued a pig like scream, the whole person almost fainted in pain on the ground.

But Lin Kai gave a cold hum: "hum, I don't understand. Isn't it good to live? I have to come and die. "

After that, Lin Kai crossed Wang Tianhe, whistled and prepared to leave with rhubarb.

After killing two people, Lin Kai has no sense of guilt.

I don't know when, Lin Kai became a murderous demon.

Is it a devil? Lin Kai asked himself in his heart that he was just killing those damned people.

Besides, he is now a member of Jiulongshan. It is not illegal for him to kill people.

Anyone who can threaten the lives of Jiulongshan members can be killed by Jiulongshan members.

Whether or not the other party has that idea or not.

Lin Kai is about to walk out of the community. Uncle Chang is biting his teeth and patting his thigh. He still chases after him.

Although he was very afraid, Lin Kai was the only hope to save Chang's family leader!

He can't watch Linkai leave like this!

Lin Kai is about to leave the community. Uncle Chang runs over quickly and plops. Uncle Chang kneels down in front of Lin Kai.

"Martial master, please help the head of my Chang family."

But Lin Kai stopped and looked down at Uncle Chang.

In Lin Kai's eyes, there was a sneer like smile: "just now I treated you for free, but you refused, and now I am kneeling to ask for my treatment?"

"Who do you think I am? Do you play as a monkey? "

"Yes, I'll give you a chance! When the sun comes out in the west, I'll come to cure you

"Go away!"

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