Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 581

Chang Tian naturally understood what a martial arts teacher was.

That is a master who can kill people in the invisible!

And Lin Kai is actually a martial arts master?

And Chang Tian's heart was afraid at that time.

When Uncle Chang hears the speech, he looks at Lin Kai again with a serious look on his face.

But the doctors, who basically don't know what the martial arts teacher is, all look at Lin Kai with sarcasm.

Chang Tian was originally scared, but he turned his eyes and sneered: "ha ha, Chang Lao, do you think I am a fool?"

"Martial arts are very rare and often old. You are gifted. At this age, you have reached the level of martial arts."

"This boy is only a teenager. Did you tell me that he is a martial arts master?"

"It's a great way to smooth the world!"

As soon as Chang Tian's words came out, uncle Chang nodded slightly to show his approval.

After all, martial arts masters are too rare to be found in the whole capital.

What's more, which of the martial arts masters is not over 50 years old?

If Lin Kai is really a martial arts master, he is a unique genius! A genius will come to his little home?

Chang Tian doesn't believe it at all! Uncle Chang doesn't believe it!

Chang Lao's face is helpless at this time. No matter what he says, the two just don't believe it!

"Martial master, do you want to show them your strength?" Chang Lao had no choice but to beg for help from Lin.

Lin Kai stood with a negative hand and shook his head: "no, since they don't believe me, it's OK for Lin Kai to leave."

After that, Lin turned around and wanted to go.

And then came Chang Tian's cold Laughter: "ha ha, does he dare to show his hand? But we don't have the strength to cheat our family

Smell speech, Lin Kai's eyes appeared a trace of cold.

I saw him suddenly turn back, clap out!

Even if Lin Kai is still several meters away from Chang Tian, a genuine Qi bursts out of his palm!

The six hundred points of true Qi can make Lin Kai take and release his true Qi freely.

The invisible true Qi is directly patted on Chang Tian's body, setting off a wave of Qi!

And Chang Tian's body, directly lifted by this genuine Qi, flew out and hit the wall!


Chang Tian only felt that he was hit by a strong force, and then his stomach was tumbling. Wow, a mouthful of blood vomited out directly!

The scene was quiet.

Who did not expect, Lin Kai actually shot! And in such a terrible way!

Lin Kai said coldly: "dare to insult me again, I want your life!"

With that, Lin strode out of the living room.

And the whole Chang family was silent.

All the doctors were stunned.

Among the doctors present, only a few knew about the existence of the ancient warriors, but basically none of them had seen the ancient warriors.

After seeing Lin open his hand, their eyes almost glared out.

But Chang Lao sat on the sofa, sighed, and looked at Chang Tian and Chang uncle with resentment.

If it wasn't for them, how could Lin Kai be angry?

The expression on Uncle Chang's face is very wonderful.

He never thought that the young man was really a martial arts master!

With one hand, Chang Tian will be knocked down in the air, and his true Qi will be released. Such a strong strength is not a martial arts master, so what is it?

Besides, he is so young!

Chang Tian rubs his chest and opens his clothes. A red palm print has been printed on his chest.

Chang Tian's heart is also set off by the storm.

His strength is so strong that he is really a martial arts master!

Chang Shasha stamped her feet angrily and said, "Oh! Look at you! Uncle, uncle, do you know how difficult it is for us to invite Lin Kai Kai

Chang Tian and Chang uncle look ugly and are scolded by Chang Shasha, but they can't say a word.

"What is the origin of Linkai Uncle Chang asked.

Chang stood out, he came to Uncle Chang and said in a low voice: "this time we entered the forest, we all depended on that little brother to survive."

"I was saved by him, too."

"Three miracles, all taken by this man."

"This man is powerful, and the tiger guarding the elixir is not his opponent."

"And, I guess, there must be a lot behind him!"

"I'm young. I'm so advanced. There must be a strong master behind me. Maybe it's some old monsters who haven't come out of the world."

"And he must also master the secret arts that ordinary people don't understand. It depends on whether the owner wants to survive or not."

"And you, however, put him..."

"Alas..."Chang Lao sighed.

Uncle Chang was so stupid at that time that he collapsed directly on the chair with a plop.

He hates that iron is not steel and looks at Chang Tian.

"You! What do you want me to say about you! "

"Come on! Send for the chase

"No, I'll go myself!"

After that, uncle Chang directly threw down the handlebar in his hand and took three steps to form a step. He strode out of the living room to chase Lin Kai.

At this time, Lin Kai has gone out of Chang's home, with rhubarb, and is about to go out of the community.

But at this time, five or six black Hummer SUVs stopped in front of Lin Kai.

The dark Hummer SUV is very brand-new and extremely domineering. Click, click, open the door and see countless strong men in black coming down from the Hummer SUV.

About a dozen people.

And from the front of the Hummer, came down a person.

This man, about 50 years old, was wearing a suit, sunglasses and a string of Buddhist beads in his hand. His expression was serious.

After he came down, another person was pushed off the Humvee.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, his arms had disappeared, his face pale and bloodless, looking down on the ground.

Oh, I met my acquaintance. Isn't this Wang Qinglong who was taught a lesson by Lin Kai?

So the middle-aged man is the head of the Wang family?

Lin laughed.

When Wang Qinglong looked up, he happened to see Lin Kai.

After seeing Lin Kai, he was stunned.

Then, the memory surged into my mind like a tide!

In the jungle, Lin Kai insulted his scenes, he recalled all of them!

It's all him! It's all about him! I became a disabled person!

Without arms, be laughed at!


Wang Qinglong almost roared.

Wang Tianhe, the owner of the Wang family, also looked at Lin Kai. He frowned and asked, "do you know him?"

"Father..." Wang Qinglong almost gnawed his teeth and said, "it's him! Break my arms in the jungle

"Father! I'm going to kill him! I will tear him to pieces

"Otherwise, it will be hard to solve the hatred in my heart!"

On the face of the king, there was anger.

Wang Qinglong is his only son. How can he not be angry when his arms are broken?

What's more, Lin Kai's method is extremely cruel. Wang Qinglong's arm was bitten off by a tiger! There's no connection.

Wang Qinglong has become a disabled person!

"Take it for me!"

Wang Qinglong denounced, more than ten strong men in black directly surrounded Lin.

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