Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 546

Five minutes and forty-five seconds, a record set by Kui that year, has never been broken.

And Lin Kai can be said to have killed Kui.

Two minutes and thirty-eight seconds!

It's twice as fast as sunflower!

He is a rare genius in the world!

He is a genius who defeated Ye Nantian.

At that time, people in the whole monitoring room took a breath of cold air.

They all admire Lin Kai on the screen.

The people who can let Kui watch the war in person must be not ordinary people, and Lin Kai has not let everyone down. He is really strong!

Strong enough to even sunflower to sigh!

Kui passed the red steps in five minutes, which was enough to shock people.

And Lin Kai's achievements are enough to be proud of Jiulongshan!

It took only two minutes and thirty-eight seconds!

I'm afraid no one in Jiulongshan can break this score!

"Good! Head, the man you are looking for is a real talent The fat man raised his thumb.

Even he had to admire Linkai.

The others nodded their approval.

They are all people who walk through the ladder and know how difficult it is.

But Lin Kai is so relaxed. You can see that Lin Kai has real ability!

"Re grade, Lin Kai has passed the red ladder, now give him a grade B rating!"

Said the fat man.

In Jiulongshan, every member has his own score.

Grade C is the lowest score. You can stay in Kowloon mountain with a C score.

The members with grade B score are the elite of Jiulongshan!

At this time, in front of Lin Kai, a new ladder appeared.

This time, it's a black staircase.

After going through the blue and red stairs, this time facing the black ladder, you can understand with your feet that the black ladder must be extremely dangerous!

The red ladder is already so dangerous. I don't know what kind of difficulties there are on the black ladder.

Lin Kai took the first step.

This time, Lin Kai's vigilance cat eye did not remind him.

This makes Lin Kai confused. Is there no danger on the black ladder?

No way!

Lin Kai continued to walk up with doubts.

After a few steps, Lin opened his eyes, for he noticed that the ground began to shake slightly.

Although the frequency of shaking is not very high, Lin Kai, who is very alert, is sensitive to find out.

Looking up, I saw a giant step by step down the black ladder!

Linkai's eyesight was undoubtedly excellent, and the giant's appearance fell into his eyes.

It's a giant robot!

Height of three meters, the whole body made of metal, mechanical arm, mechanical legs, head as big as the wheel.

Step by step, the silver robot comes down, and the target is Lin Kai!

Fuck, let me hit the robot?

There is no mechanism trap on the black ladder, only this opponent!

Kowloon nine!

Inside the surveillance room, the fat man laughed again.

"Hey, after so many times of strengthening and transformation, this Kowloon 9 is no longer the Former Kowloon 9."

"When I hit this big guy before, I felt extremely hard."


"No one is expected to be his opponent."

People also nodded, this big guy after so many strengthening, few people are its opponents.

Can Linkai pass through the black ladder?

Scene, No. 9 is fast approaching Linkai.

But Lin Kai also stopped and looked at No. 9 with an alert face.

And No. 9 stopped at a distance of 100 meters.

I saw it as big as Niu Ling's eyes twinkled, slowly raised his right hand.

And Lin Kai's eyes narrowed, because he saw something amazing!

On the five fingers of this iron guy, there are five gun barrels!

Damn it, really?

Five barrels, like Gatling?

Besides, the black stairs are so narrow that even the gods can't pass through the five gun barrels?

No. 9 didn't give Lin time to think about it. He only heard a sound of click and click. Five fire dragons had been ejected from five gun barrels!

Innumerable anesthetics bullets were scattered all over the world, which can be described as a barrage of bullets!


Lin Kai exclaimed in his heart, this is really too abnormal!

How the hell are you hiding?Yeah?

Lin Kai suddenly found a detail.

Although these bullets were all over the world, they were a test for Lin Kai, and the bullet's lethality was not big.

So it's not very fast.

Lin Kai's eyes brightened.

"Golden pupil!" Lin Kai called out.

After using the skill of golden pupil, Lin Kai immediately played the function of slowing down the scenery in front of him.

The originally roaring bullets, however, slowed down a lot in Lin Kai's eyes.

In addition, Lin Kai's speed at 500 points and his reaction force at 500 points are also able to cope.

The robot did not leave a way for Lin Kai. Since it is a test, there must be a way to pass.

And the way is, as long as you're quick enough to get through the bullets!

Inside the monitoring room, a thin man put on the fat man's shoulder and joked, "guess how many shots this boy has to get?"

The fat man chuckled: "Hey, when I passed the black ladder, I was shot five times!"

"The boy must have been shot seven or eight."

"What's more, the 9th is now strengthened. It's not so easy to pass this pass."

Kui that year's record, in five shot through this pass.

As long as the body does not have more than 20 bullets, can be counted as customs clearance.

After all, such a barrage of bullets, said that not a shot, it is impossible!

The crowd teased and watched the surveillance.

Then they couldn't laugh.

Because they saw a very abnormal scene!

I saw Lin Kai's body quickly rushed to the bullet rain, and his body also made some evasive actions that ordinary people can't do!

Air somersault! Side up! Climb on the ground!

Action in one go!

At this time, Lin Kai, like a flexible monkey, directly through the bullet rain!

A few seconds later, Lin Kai has come to the front of the ninth!

And Lin Kai's body, not a shot!

Pass the customs without injury!

Click, click

The sound of jaw dropping on the ground was heard, and the fat man and his group almost didn't bite their tongue off.

Is this still a man?

Not a bullet, so easily through the barrage of bullets!

Even Kui couldn't do it!

Sunflower eyes a squint, the eyes appeared to appreciate the look, and even a trace of envy!

Yes, Lin Kai's talent makes Kui envy him.

Kui was shot five times in that year. He was a genius!

And Lin Kai in the case of No. 9 strengthening, a shot did not hit, this is more than the talent of sunflower several times!

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