Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 545

"How many seconds?" Kui asked coldly.

The fat man's hands trembled when he looked at the stopwatch. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said excitedly, "report, 29 seconds..."


There was a sound of his chin falling to the ground.

Twenty nine seconds!

It took Lin Kai only twenty-nine seconds to pass the hundred green steps!

And the fastest through the record is Kui created, 48 seconds!

He's faster than Kui!

You should know that only one-third of each of the 100 cyan steps is safe.

That is to say, Lin Kai has to go step by step and can't cross the steps.

He has to carefully observe the differences in the surface of the steps and analyze which place is safe and which is dangerous.

But Lin kaigang ran straight up!

And every step is in a safe area.

It was as if the danger zone and the safe zone had been separated in his eyes!

It took only 29 seconds to get through the blue steps.

He passed the test and really became a member of Jiulongshan!

"Worthy of beating Ye Nantian, it's interesting." The fat man nodded and praised Lin Kai.

Kui also nodded, with a satisfied look in her eyes.

Forty eight seconds is the record he set five years ago. Everyone can only walk through the sky once. Lin Kai is the first man to break the sunflower record in these five years!

And Linkai had stopped at the end of the blue steps.

Because he found that the blue steps in front of him had changed from cyan to red!

"Danger escalation?" Lin Kai had a good laugh.

In the monitoring room, everyone is staring at Lin Kai very seriously.

The white steps are accessible to everyone.

The blue steps are the first test for people entering Jiulong Mountain.

If you pass the blue steps, you can be rated as a member of level C and qualified to enter Jiulong Mountain.

Lin Kai can now give up stepping on the red steps and get his C-level qualification certificate.

The fat man touched his chin and said, "when I passed the red steps, I didn't spend less effort! This boy, it will take at least two hours to get there, maybe he can't get through it! "

As soon as the fat man's words came out, the others nodded.

At the scene, Lin Kai opened his golden pupil.

As soon as the golden pupil opened, Lin Kai saw through the mysterious steps under the red steps.

Under the red steps, the weighting device is hidden!

The more upward, the higher the adjustment of weighting device!

This red step tests Lin Kai's strength and endurance!

With each step, the weight will be increased by one point.

Three hundred steps, it's hard to imagine how much pressure there is on the 300th step!

But for Lin Kai, whose strength and strength are more than 500 points, it's a piece of cake.

At that time, Lin Kai took the first step.

Step on the steps, a huge suction from the bottom of the steps!

It seems that there are countless magnets on Lin Kai's body, and the step is a big piece of iron. The magnet is pulling Linkai to the ground!

Only this first step brought Lin Kai 50 Jin of pressure!

It's a piece of cake.

Lin chuckled and continued to walk up.

With each step, the gravity will increase by one point!

One hundred catties! 150 Jin! Two hundred pounds! Three hundred pounds!

After ten steps, the gravity has reached a terrible 300 Jin!

An adult man's bearing capacity, holding up 200 Jin!

No one can carry 300 Jin unless Hercules.

But Lin Kai carried it down!

And his face is not red, heart does not jump, 300 kg, for him, it seems that there is no pressure in general.

Inside the monitoring room, Kui and others hold their breath and look at Lin Kai on the screen.

For them, there is no pressure.

Lin Kai continues to go up, and the pressure is growing.

Four hundred pounds! Five hundred catties! Six hundred pounds!

At this time, Lin Kai has already made 50 steps.

And the pressure has reached a terrible 600 kg!

Keep going up, seven hundred pounds, eight hundred pounds, nine hundred pounds, one thousand pounds!

By the time I got here, the weight had reached a terrible thousand jin!

Although the people who can join Jiulongshan are not ordinary people, few people can withstand the pressure of 1000 kg even if they have gene mutation!

Then look at Lin Kai, and finally drops of sweat appear on his forehead.

However, the problem is not big.

For Lin Kai, he just carried a stone on his back at this time. He was just a little tired, and he could walk on.And in the monitoring room of Kui and others, chin almost fell down.

It's a hell of a kilo! This kid is still like a normal person!

Once again, the fat man took a mouthful of saliva: "I remember when I was walking on the red stairs, I almost didn't press me down!"

Other people also nodded to agree: "yes, look at this boy again, a kilogram is like a kilogram, playing?"

In sunflower's eyes, appreciative eyes are more thick.

Lin Kai keeps going up.

Soon, Lin Kai has reached the 200 th step, at this time, the pressure has reached a terrible ton!

Even if Lin Kai has 500 points of strength and 500 points of physical strength, he will not be relaxed in the face of a ton of pressure.

Finally, Lin opened his mouth and began to breathe air with his mouth.

The next 100 steps, gravity will not increase, the test is Lin Kai's physical strength!

Carrying a ton of pressure to continue to go up, not to mention physical strength, if it is ordinary people, a ton of pressure, enough to crush the internal organs of the body!

Lin Kai continues to walk up, the sweat on his forehead, which is the size of soybean, has rolled down, and his heart rate starts to accelerate.

With the passage of time, the weight of a ton seems to be getting heavier and heavier, which can almost depress Linkai!

Can't stop!

This is the belief in Lin Kai's heart!

Although very tired, but I want to prove myself!

It's just Jiulong Mountain. I can come here for your face!

Keep going up!

250 steps!

290 steps!

Only the last ten steps left!

At this time, look at Lin Kai, the sweat has soaked his clothes, even his hair is wet, his legs are trembling.

It's almost the end!











After taking the last step, the pressure of a ton of body disappears instantly.

Lin Kai relaxed, and even felt his body was light enough to fly!


Inside the monitoring room, there was another silence.

"How many seconds did he take?" Kui's voice trembled.

The fat man looked at the data sheet, his face was very dignified, and he stammered: "two minutes and thirty-eight seconds..."

"How many seconds is my record?" Kui asked in a hurry.

The fat man looked at the data sheet again and replied, "report, your record is..."

Speaking of this, the fat man hesitated, because the new man hit the mountain master's face!

What's more, it's still the kind that you smoke hard!

"Say it Kui was worried and roared at the fat man.

"Report! Five minutes and forty-five seconds! "

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