Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 547

"I'll go. How did the boy get through?" The fat man asked with wide eyes.

Others are also big eyes, small eyes, a face of shock.

This is incredible!

They have never seen a man so quick and responsive!

This man is only 19 years old this year!

Even the ninth mountain first genius Kui was not so fierce in those years!

Lin Kai broke the record of sunflower!

It's really amazing!

Other people also gave their thumbs up. They couldn't admire Lin Kai!

"Don't worry. It's not over yet." Sunflower at this time not cold not light said a word.

Kui this sentence a, other people are also repeatedly nodded, have looked at the monitoring screen.

Although Lin Kai escaped the bullet perfectly, it was not so easy.

No. 9 is not a bullet only machine.

It's not so easy to get through this.

At the scene, Lin Kai dodged the bullet and went directly to the No. 9.

And No. 9 also looked down at Lin Kai very humanized. Then, his green eyes turned red instantly!

Linkela sounded its alarm!

It's going to attack Linkai now!

No. 9 raised his huge mechanical arm and directly hit Lin Kai's head in front of him!


A strong wind blows from Lin Kai's face. Before the mechanical arm arrives, Lin Kai's face hurts when the strong wind blows first!

This guy is real!

This punch is a ton of power!

Even if Lin Kai was hit, he would have to eat too much!

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed, and the fundus of his eyes was also fierce.

How dare a machine be so presumptuous?

Lin Kai is not satisfied with this machine.

"Come on Lin Kai roared, his body suddenly squatted down, and then he punched the robot arm of No. 9!

The mechanical arm of No. 9 is as strong as the mechanical arm of an excavator. It is a body of steel!

But Lin Kai is so small in front of No. 9.

His fist is not even one tenth the size of size nine.

This is simply a mantis to block the car!


A muffled sound sounded, and Lin Kai's fist collided with the robot arm of No. 9.

With a loud bang, the steps under the forest's feet collapsed directly! Linkai's body sank in!

Even though his body sank in, Lin Kai's body stood upright!

No. 9 didn't make Lin Kai give in for it!

"Ah Lin Kai roared, 500 points of strength by him to play to the limit, a hard lift, No. 9 of the mechanical arm was directly lifted by Lin Kai out!

Thump! Thump!

I saw No. 9 step back directly, but Lin Kai beat back No. 9!

Lin Kai came out of the pit and looked at No. 9 in front of him.

The strength of this No. 9 is extremely strong. The fist just now has a ton of power!

Like ordinary people standing here, I'm afraid it has long been smashed into meat mud!

Even Lin Kai felt a little numb at the mouth of the tiger, and half of his arms were unconscious.

This No. 9 is even stronger than ye Nantian.

What kind of organization is Jiulongshan?

Even the robot is so powerful!

At this time, I saw that the color of No. 9 eye has changed from red to black. Lin Kai completely angered it!

And it is ready to use its strongest means!

"Kowloon 9, the bull's collision!" No. 9 made a mechanical sound.

Then there was a click.

No. 9 put his arms together and became a huge hammer!

It held the hammer in front of itself, bent down, ready to use the hammer to collide with Linkai!

Deng! Deng! Deng!

Only heard a dull footstep sound, No. 9 directly rushed to Lin Kai.

Every step it took, the ground trembled a minute, even the black steps could not bear the heavy force of No. 9, and collapsed one by one.

The steps are so wide that it's forcing the forest to open.

Either collide with it, or Linkai leaves the black ladder and is eliminated from the sky ladder.

If you want to defeat it, only open it!

And it's hard to beat number nine!

As ordinary people are here, they will certainly be scared out of their guts. After all, No. 9's bull collision is its ultimate trick.

Its bull collision, can bump out the incomparable huge strength!

Even the mountains and stones can't stand, let alone flesh and blood.And Lin Kai laughed.

How could someone fight with him?

At that time, Lin Kai murmured to himself.

"Longicorn Shooting stars

Then, Lin Kai roared.

He also ran to the past!

At the same time, a faint genuine Qi comes out of Lin Kai's body.

The true spirit in Lin Kai's side, gradually formed a gold bull's shape!

The golden bull is like an ancient beast, shrouded in Lin Kai's side.

And Lin Kai's eyes were red, and his veins burst out.

I saw Linkai make every effort to jump, and the golden bull also jumped with Lin Kai. A jumping bull, its horn is its most powerful weapon!

Gold bull, collision!

At this time, Lin Kai is like a meteor falling, hitting No. 9!

One is the bull collision, the other is the longicorn meteor collision, who is better?


A big bang! At that time, there was a very dazzling light on the black stairs!

The explosion rang through the ninth mountain!

The ninth mountain trembled for it.

Many people feel that the ground is shaking.

A cloud of dust rose.

It's been a long time.

No one knows what happened at the scene.

Inside the monitoring room, everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen.

Who won?

After a few minutes, the dust gradually cleared away, and people could finally see the scene.

There was a man standing on the black stairs.

The man stood with his hands down. Although his clothes were in tatters, his momentum was incomparable.

Proud, cold, powerful.

That man is Lin Kai.

Nine. It's gone.

Instead, it's scrap iron.

It's broken up!

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

This is number nine!

It's a combat robot built by Jiulongshan at a cost of tens of billions!

Now it's a pile of scrap metal!

No. 9's "corpse" was lying on the ground, and from time to time there was a crackle of electricity.

Nine's dead. You can't die anymore.

Lin Kai also passed this pass.

Inside the monitoring room, there was no sound.

"Linkai, didn't get a bullet?" Kui asked in a trembling voice.

"No The fat man's face was very pale.

"How many minutes did he last?" Kui asked again.

The fat man's hands trembled: "normally speaking, Lin Kai can hold on for three minutes under No. 9, even if he passes the customs."

"But, it's only two and a half minutes. The ninth can't hold on..."

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