Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 544

When Zhao Tianxing arrived, the atmosphere changed.

And Wang Yuyan also from just that everywhere pressing thorn, into a gentle and considerate little girl.

I saw her holding the corner of her clothes, rather shy sitting on the seat.

This one is Zhao Tianxing!

The eldest young master of Zhao's group.

Wang Yuyan is the prince charming.

If you can become a boyfriend and girlfriend with him, Wang Yuyan will wake up laughing in her dreams.

And now the opportunity comes, Zhao Tianxing is sitting in front of her!

Wang YuYan's mother Li Fen is also quite satisfied with Zhao Tianxing, smiling.

She is naturally very satisfied with Zhao Tianxing, Zhao Tianxing, no matter in appearance or family background, is super first-class.

If Wang Yuyan married Zhao Tianxing, she was married into a rich family!

And the Wangs will become the most famous family in Jiangjing town.

Compared with Lin Kai, Li Fen is more interested in Zhao Tianxing.

"Well, auntie, this is really Rafi in 1982. Is there anything happy about the Wangs today? How could you drink such a precious red wine Zhao Tianxing asked.

He is testing Li Fen.

Li Fen didn't think much about it, so she said, "this is just sent by the manager of Michelin restaurant, and also a platinum card."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Tianxing's eyes brightened.

It seems that great changes have taken place in the Wang family. This is a fortune!

After all, even the Zhao family is not eligible for the platinum card presented by Michelin, while the Wang family is eligible.

Thinking about it, Zhao Tianxing looks at Wang Yuyan.

"That's it."

"Yuyan, there is a party in my house at night. I want to invite you to be my girlfriend. I wonder if you can appreciate it?"

After listening to Zhao Tianxing's words, Wang Yuyan was overjoyed.

Prince charming invited her to his house!

At that time, Wang Yuyan nodded at the chicken pecking rice, and there was a trace of shyness on her face.



On the other side, Lin Kai and Lao Li Tou went home directly.

Lao Li went on to open a breakfast shop.

Although it is already afternoon, but the business of breakfast shop is still very hot.

I can't make a lot of money.

In the evening, Lin Kai also received a text message from a strange number, saying that he would like to report to Jiulongshan tomorrow.

Jiulong Mountain!

Lin Kai was a little excited.

Lin Kai, the most mysterious organization in China, finally has a chance to see his true face!

Go to bed early, Lin Kai is ready to meet the holy tomorrow!


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Kai finished washing, said hello to old Li Tou, and went out.

At the entrance of the Hutong, there is a black military SUV.

Lin opened the door and sat down directly.

The man who came to pick up Lin Kai was a strong man in a black suit. He said nothing and was very cold.

After Lin got on the bus, he started the car without saying a word and took Lin to leave.

The capital is very big.

And the capital also has prosperous area and general area, within a ring that is the place where the big guy stays.

In the Second Ring Road, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Those in the Third Ring Road are all rich people, while those in the Fourth Ring Road are well-off families with tens of thousands of monthly income.

Most of them are ordinary people.

Jiangjing town is located in the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.

If you go outside, you'll find the suburbs.

The cold hearted man took Lin Kai to drive directly out of the Fifth Ring Road. After driving for about two hours, Lin Kai saw nine mountains!

These nine mountains are very powerful. One is higher than the other. The highest one is as high as Mount Tai.

And the lowest mountain is also very huge.

The clouds are misty, just like fairyland, even the air is fresh a lot.

When you enter the mountain, you will feel chilly immediately.

This is Jiulong Mountain!

Under Jiulong Mountain is the Beijing Military Region!

The whole capital military region surrounded Jiulong Mountain.

The car entered the capital military region. Soon, the car passed through the capital military region and came to the ninth mountain, the smallest one.

The driver drove Lin to here and left.

As soon as he looked up, Lin Kai saw a step leading to the mountain.

There was a vast expanse of clouds, and nothing could be seen.

There was no one to guard. There was only a sign at the entrance.

It says, "no admittance without a certificate."

Is this Jiulong Mountain?

Is this guard too lax?

On the other side, in a monitoring room above Jiulong Mountain, there are several people sitting.Among them, there is the ninth mountain owner, Kui.

He was still wearing a mask and looked coldly at the surveillance.

The rest of the people around him are other leaders of Jiulong Mountain.

"Head, this is the guy who defeated Ye Nantian?" Asked a portly fat man.

Kui nodded.

The fat man grinned: "Hey, we haven't recruited new members for a long time."

"This new member can! Even the people of the eighth mountain can be defeated. "

"I'd like to see if he can pass the ten thousand steps!"

The rest of them were all laughing.

They are all old people. Naturally, they know that the steps leading to the ninth mountain are not so easy to climb.

Ten thousand steps can kill an ordinary person!

Lin Kai hesitated for a few seconds at the foot of the mountain, but he took the first step.

Walking up a hundred steps, Lin Kai did not find anything unusual.

Suddenly, the color of the steps changed.

From white to cyan.

Lin Kai looks at the blue steps in front of him, his brows frown. What does that mean?

The fat man in the monitoring room grinned again: "Hey, blue steps. If he can walk through, he can be regarded as a member of Jiulong Mountain!"

That's right!

The steps of Jiulong Mountain have their own mystery.

You can only become a member of Jiulong Mountain if you can step over the blue steps.

Otherwise, Lin Kai will be eliminated.

Lin Kai only hesitated for a moment, then took the first step.

But his steps had not yet fallen, the watchful cat's eye on his chest suddenly burst into a strong vibration!

It's telling Linkai that you can't step on the steps in front of you!

Can't step on it?

What's the danger?

If there is any danger, how can you go up the mountain?

So they're testing their own observation?

If it is a test, they will certainly leave a way for themselves. They can't pass here. There must be other places to pass.

Lin Kai moved from the left to the right and lifted his leg again. Sure enough, this time, the cat's eye alert did not remind him of the danger.

Lin strode down.

After the rules and the cat's eye to make clear the response point on the steps!

All dangerous places are crossed by the forest!

Anyway, his reaction is strong enough!

In front of Lin Kai, the green steps full of traps are like a joke.

It can't stop Lin from driving for a second.

Inside the monitoring room, there was a complete silence.

What the hell is going on?

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