Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 538

Lin Kai is counting down very seriously. It seems that he is really a big man.

All the people on the scene looked at Lin Kai like a fool.

What background can an 18-year-old kid have?

Jiang Dahai is also one of the most famous people in Jiangjing town. He doesn't believe that there will be any big people he can't afford to offend!

Wang Youcai looks at Lin Kai with sarcasm on his face. At this time, he is not so angry.

Because Linkai is a psychosis!

It's not like a psychopath.

At this time, old Li Tou was almost mad.

He keeps on driving out of Baolin, and Lin Kai keeps on dying!

Originally fart big point son, now Leng is by Lin Kai to make a day big matter son!

And up to now, Lin Kai hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter. Is he really a psychopath?

Lao Li's face turned white with anger.

"Three, two, one..."

Lin Kai counted to one, knocked on the table and said calmly, "your retribution is coming."

Lin Kai's expression is extremely confident and cocky. It seems that someone will really help him.

Wang Youcai laughed at that time: "ha ha! It's just like that

Wang Youcai's voice has just fallen, suddenly the ground trembles, bursts of rapid footsteps ring.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridor, and there were more than a few people listening to the sound!

Wang Youcai's face changed. Can someone help this psychosis?

He doesn't believe it!

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai also looked back. They opened the door of the interrogation room and glanced out.

Just such a glance, but their souls are scared to fly!

They turned their heads trembling, pale, as if to see something terrible.

Soon after, a dark crowd appeared at the door of the interrogation room.

These people, each wearing black special combat uniform, holding explosion-proof shield, and then, is a well-equipped special police force!

Every special police officer is equipped with assault rifles. The black muzzle is on Jiang Dahai's forehead!

This group of people, well-trained, directly blocked the door of the interrogation room.

There are dozens of swats.

Every special police officer's face is very cold, this is not a drill, they are really carrying out the task!

"Hold your head and squat down! Drop your weapon! right off! Otherwise, we will take action by force! "

A special police officer standing at the door yelled.

Jiang Dahai and Li Gui are very pale on their faces and shocked in their hearts.

But they still do not believe that these people are to deal with themselves, after all, they are police officers!

One is the director, and the other is the director. I'm afraid this group of special police officers is not wrong?

At that time, Jiang Dahai gave a dry cough: "cough, comrade, I am the director of Jiangjing Town Public Security Bureau. Are you afraid that you have made a mistake?"

Li Gui also explained: "comrade, I am the director of Jiangjing town police station."

Both of them showed their identities and looked as if they were winning.

After all, they are also members of the system. They are not likely to point guns at their comrades, are they?

But did not think, in the interrogation room gate of the special police a big drink: "hold your head and squat down! Don't you understand? "

Said, the special police slowly into the interrogation room, the muzzle has been against Jiang Dahai and Li Gui's head.

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai realized at this time that these people are really aiming at themselves!

At that time, Li Gui and Jiang Dahai looked at each other, holding their heads and squatting down.

Including the green hair Wang Youcai, was also subdued by the special police.

Later, the special police took out the bright handcuffs from his waist, and with a click, he directly handcuffed Wang Youcai and other three people.

But old Li Tou and Lin Kai, these special police did not dare to approach them.

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai are confused.

He was handcuffed, but Lin Kai didn't do anything?

Until now, they didn't believe that this group of people came to help Lin Kai!

At this time, a burst of footstep sound, saw from outside the interrogation room, into a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man in his forties, gentle, wearing a police uniform, wearing glasses, stride into the interrogation room.

After seeing this middle-aged man, Jiang Dahai and Li Gui are overjoyed!

Because it is the director of Jiangjing town police department, Jiang Dahai's immediate superior, director Wang!

"Director! Here you are! Look, what's going on? How did your men handcuff me Jiang Dahai can't wait to ask.

And Wang hall long hate iron not steel stare at Jiang Dahai, did not pay attention to him at all.He looked directly at Lin Kai, who was sitting in the corner. His eyes lit up and strode over.

"Are you Mr. Lin?" Wang asked.

Mr. Lin?

After hearing this address, Jiang Dahai and Li Gui are both dumbfounded.

Is it possible that director Wang was called over by Lin Kai?

And director Wang must be respectful to Lin Kai.

Can Lin Kai's identity have a long way to go?

And old Li Tou is also stupid at this time, this one, he naturally met, had been on TV and newspaper many times.

This is the director of the police department!

At this time, director Wang actually called Lin Kai Mr. Lin.

At that time, old Li Tou was stupid.

Linkai nodded: "it's me."

Hearing the speech, director Wang did not dare to neglect: "Mr. Lin, am I not late?"

"What do you say?" Lin Kai shook the broken handcuffs on his hands.

After seeing the handcuffs, director Wang frowned.

At the same time, he said hello to Jiang Dahai and Li Gui's ancestors hundreds of times!

Do you dare to offend anyone?

Director Wang received a call from Jiulongshan!

Most people don't know what kind of organization Jiulongshan is, but director Wang knows it.

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai are making trouble for this one.

And the trouble is very tricky.

Thinking of this, the angry director Wang turned around and came to Jiang Dahai and Li Gui in front of him, raised his hand and directly hit him!

Bang! Bang!

Two slaps down, these two people are muddled.

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai looked at each other and covered their faces.

At this time, their hearts also vaguely guess what.

I'm afraid the young man in front of me has a long history!

Director Wang stares at Jiang Dahai and Li Gui and asks, "do you know what mistakes you have made?"

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai nodded: "know I know... "

"Know you dare to make mistakes?" Wang asked in a cold voice.

Jiang Dahai and Li Gui are speechless.

They have been in Jiangjing town for such a long time. For the first time, they were taught a lesson by director Wang because of the big things.

They glanced at Lin Kai not far away.

It seems that this man can't be provoked!

"Go and apologize to Mr. Lin at once! Get the forgiveness of the client, or I can't protect you in this matter! "

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