Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 539


Let them two apologize to Lin Kai, a little fart child. They are really unconvinced.

But there is no way. Now even director Wang has spoken, and they have to bow their heads.

It seems that Lin Kai has a great future.

Helpless, Li Gui and Jiang Dahai came to Lin Kai in front of them. They lowered their heads: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

The two people are unwilling to apologize.

After all, one is the director and the other is the director. They bow their heads and have given Lin Kaitian great face.

If Lin Kai is a smart man, he will stop after meeting.

But Lin Kai sits on the chair, cocks two legs, did not even look at these two people.

Lin Kai said faintly: "I gave you a chance just now, but you don't cherish it."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Gui was also a little angry: "what else do you want? We've all apologized! Don't push us! It's a big deal, but the net is broken! "

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Lin Kai looks at Li Gui with great interest.

"Do you have that qualification?"

After that, Lin Kai looked at director Wang again.

On Wang's forehead, sweat the size of soybeans has been dripping down.

He would like to kill Li Gui at this time!

Li Gui is just killing himself!

Even if he died, he was still in the area under his jurisdiction. In this way, he, the director of the Department, would be implicated.

It seems that Li Gui still doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter!

At that time, director Wang coughed twice: "cough, Li Gui, pay attention to your attitude."

Director Wang has already clearly prompted Li Gui.

But Li Gui didn't take director Wang's suggestion seriously. He was blowing his beard and staring at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai knocked on the table and looked at director Wang: "director Wang, how do you deal with these two people? Should you know?"

Facing Lin Kai's question, director Wang reluctantly showed a smile: "clear and clear."

Said, Wang hall long hate iron not into steel stare at two people.

"Come on! Take these two down to me! Give me all the details of them! All the cases they handled were turned out! I want to see how much money these two corrupt officials have embezzled

After listening to Director Wang's words, Li Gui and Jiang Dahai were dumbfounded at that time.


You want a thorough investigation of both of them?

Because of Lin Kai?

They were stupid then.

They didn't expect that director Wang would kill them because of a little fart!

At this time, Li Guicai realized the seriousness of the matter. What kind of existence did he provoke?

Jiang Dahai also hugged the arm of director Wang and cried, "director Wang, fart is just a little bit of a thing, isn't it?"

Jiang Dahai's face showed a look of fear.

"No?" Director Wang narrowed his eyes and threw Jiang Dahai away: "Mr. Lin wants me to leave. It's just a matter of words. Do you think it's not as good as that?"

After listening to Director Wang's words, it was like a thunderbolt in Jiang Dahai's heart at that time!


How big is this forest?

It is only a matter of one sentence to let director Wang leave office.

So his background

Think of here, Jiang Dahai has a goose bumps.

At this time, he would like to slap himself two times, all blame his lack of eyesight, offended such a big man!

This time, I can't turn over all my life!

And Li Gui is stupid.

Li Gui, who had threatened to fish with Lin Kaiyu just now, looks pale and can't say a word.

Do you have the qualification to fish with Lin?

As Lin Kai said, he is not worthy of it!

And Lin Kai side of the old Li head at this time all look silly.

How big is this guy who helped himself?

Can you let the director leave?

No wonder this young man has been so calm. It turns out that there are big people behind him!

Old Li Tou has been hanging the heart, finally put down, there is Lin Kai in, he does not have to worry about himself will be caught in.

Don't worry about Lin getting caught in the meeting.

As for Wang Youcai, his legs began to tremble.

Just now I asked Lin Kai to lick his shoes!

Isn't this a death hunt?

He licked his shoes for Lin!

If Lin Kai doesn't intend to forgive him, his fate will be more miserable than Jiang Dahai!

At this time, Wang Youcai finally knew that he was afraid. He only heard a plop, and he knelt down directly!And kowtow to the forest.

"Lin Ye, Lin Ye, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wang Youcai kowtowed very forcefully. After a while, his forehead was bloody.

But Lin Kai has been smiling faintly, did not stop him.

Li Gui hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and knelt down.

Now only kneel down, there is hope of survival!

Li Gui, who just held Lin Kai's freedom in his hand, suddenly became a passive character.

Now Lin Kai is holding him in his hand!

"Mr. Lin, I was wrong. Please forgive me." Li Gui lowered his head.

A man in his thirties and forties was begging for mercy from a young man of eighteen or nineteen.

And this person is still the director of the police station, if this scene is seen by outsiders, you will be shocked!

And Lin Kai took a faint look at Li Gui and grinned: "I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it."

"Li Gui, I want to ask you, do you have the right to close the shop?"

"What's more, in the breakfast shop, there is no problem with breakfast, but you deliberately add questions to it. Is this what the police should do?"

"Jiang Dahai, police chief, right? Great

"I ask you, you want to take me directly, regardless of the details. Who gives you the right?"

"Besides, is Wang Youcai a civilian? Who gave him the right to interrogate me instead of the police? "

"Please tell me the answer!"

After listening to a series of questions from Lin Kai, everyone was speechless.

Lin Kai said, "Wang Youcai, you rely on your brother-in-law to be the director of the police station. Who gives you the right to commit crimes in Jiangjing town?"

"Li Gui, you are Wang Youcai's brother-in-law. If Wang Youcai doesn't learn well, you don't care about him. You actually help a gangster to bully the common people. This is what a police station director does?"

"None of you can run away!"


Lin Kaiyi hit the table, and the iron table was directly smashed out of a deep hole!

They all trembled when they looked at the pit. They understood that this great man was really angry!

And director Wang's heart was shaking. He had no way to explain to him what had happened under his own eyes!

Lin Kai looked at director Wang coldly: "director Wang, I hope you can handle this matter carefully and properly, otherwise, you should know clearly in your mind."

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