Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 537

In green hair's opinion, Lin Kai and Lao Li Tou have no room to struggle.

Their freedom is in the hands of green hair.

As long as you don't kneel and lick your shoes, I'll let you reflect in prison for a few years!

Lin Kai sits in the same place with a cool expression in his eyes.

But Lao Li can't sit still. It doesn't matter if he goes in, but he is afraid that Lin Kai will lose his freedom for the rest of his life!

After all, his son is a warning!

Old Li sighed and stood up trembling: "boss, I'll come..."

Said, old Li head hands trembling to pick up the shoe on the ground.

The green fur shoes are very smelly, and there is a layer of dirty stains on the surface. These shoes are just smelling, not to mention licking!

Green hair gave a contemptuous glance at old Li's head, and his face was full of complacency.

Against Wang Youcai, the end is like this!

When old Li Tou wanted to hold the shoe, Lin Kai's hand appeared quietly and grasped his arm.

Lin Kai frowned: "uncle, why?"

Lao Li's hand stopped for a moment, and he looked at Lin Kai with disappointment: "you don't understand!"

At first, Lao Li thought Lin Kai was a good man.

He has blood and responsibility.

But now he found that Lin Kai is a cold headed youth!

No flexibility at all!

The reason why the two of them will have the present situation is completely caused by Lin Kai!

If Lin Kai didn't care about green Mao's business yesterday, they would not be in prison!

But now, Lin Kai hasn't come to realize that he is still fearless, which makes Lao Li's heart very angry.

"Uncle, there are laws in this world. Why should you be afraid of him?" Lin Kai asked with a smile.

After hearing this, old Li Tou sighed deeply.

"Young man, you are still too young. Don't you know what official care is?"

"Officials protect each other?" Lin Kai tilted his head and laughed.

"Today, I'm going to beat him up and protect him Having said that, Lin Kai directly pulled Lao Li Tou up.

And old Li Tou's eyes also appeared a look of panic, he vaguely guessed what Lin Kai wanted to do.

He doesn't want to hit people in the police station, does he?

"No Old Li Tou exclaimed.

But it's still late. Lin Kai stands up directly. The handcuffs on his wrist are like toys, and they break with a click!

Green hair's eyes also showed a look of surprise. He jumped up directly from his seat and stepped back two steps.

"What do you want? This is a police station

Lin Kai pinched his fist and made a crackling sound.

"No one can save you anywhere!"

After that, Lin Kaiyi hits green hair's face directly!

Green hair can't dodge at all. He can only watch his fist enlarge in front of his eyes.


After one blow, green hair fell down in response to the sound. His face was already very bloated. This time, he became a pig's head!

Green Mao was stunned by this blow. He was also afraid. He knew the force value of Lin Kai!

At that time, green hair rolled and crawled out.

"Come on! Hit people! It's a hit

Green hair called for help.

Soon after, with a bang, the door of the interrogation room was kicked open, and several policemen had already crowded in from outside.

After seeing these policemen, green Mao saw his own savior.

He quickly hid behind a policeman.

Soon after, Jiang Dahai, director of the police station, and Li Gui, director of the police station, appeared in the interrogation room.

After seeing the beaten green hair, both of them were furious.

"Presumptuous! It's too presumptuous

"If you dare to beat people in the police station, are you afraid you are going to be against the sky?"

Jiang Dahai angrily said.

After hitting people, Lin Kai calmly sat on the chair and squinted at the crowd.

"Presumptuous? Who is reckless? Interrogation room, can a civilian be allowed to enforce the rights of the police? "

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Jiang Dahai and Li Gui's faces are heavy.

Indeed, no one else is allowed to appear in the interrogation room, and civilians are not allowed to interrogate suspects instead of the police.

But even so, they did not plan to bow their heads.

"If you hit someone, do you dare to argue?"

"Lin Kai, you beat people first, attack the police later, and now you beat people in the police station again. Since you don't cooperate with us, we can only deal with you seriously!"

Li Gui said angrily.

After listening to Li Gui's words, Li Tou almost didn't faint.Should we deal with it again?

Although he is very old, he doesn't want to stay in prison until he can't get out!

At this time, he took a look at the forest.

This boy, too tiger!

Beating people in the police station, isn't it a groundbreaking act on Tai Sui's head?

But Linkai silk is not afraid, he looked at the crowd lightly: "I now give you a chance to quit your present job, get out of the police station, I can let you go."

Listening to Lin Kai's sudden words, Li Gui and Jiang Dahai are stunned for a moment.

They all suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Lin Kai wants them to quit their jobs?

Did he think he was the chief of the police?

After a while, they burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha! Did I hear you right? You want us to quit our jobs? "

"Who do you think you are?"

"Don't say it's you. Even if the director comes, he can't quit us!"

"What a joke!"

Li Gui and Jiang Dahai burst into laughter.

The police came out laughing.

Old Li Tou's face is also red at this time. He has found out that Lin Kai is not only a Leng Touqing, but also a first-class player!

Who do you think you are? Give them a chance?

They give you a chance, you burn high incense!

At this time, old Li Tou stood out with a smile: "director, director, you two adults have a large number, please forgive us this time."

"The waiter I recruited is a bit out of order. He's sick."

With a smile, Lao Li pointed to Lin Kai's brain.

Now there is only such an explanation. Only when Lin Kai is said to be mentally ill can he be forgiven by them.

After listening to the old Li Tou's words, Jiang Dahai also sneered: "ha ha, psychosis? I think so. Normal people can't be so tiger! "

"It turned out to be a mental illness." Li Gui's face also showed a sarcastic smile.

Seeing that their tone was a little slack, old Li Tou was also relieved. It seemed that the two of them still had the chance to go out.

"OK, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it. There are still ten seconds left for you to experience despair."

After that, Lin Kai tapped on the table.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

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