Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 536

Before the third warning of the young policeman had been uttered, he could not speak.

Because he found that Lin Kai in front of him was looking at himself with a kind of contempt.

In his eyes, full of disdain for himself, as well as his strong self-confidence attitude.

It seems that in his eyes, he is just an ant that can be trampled to death at any time.

There was an invisible momentum in him, which oppressed the young police.

The young policeman took a mouthful of saliva and subconsciously took two steps back.

Lin Kai looked at a dozen policemen and sneered: "Oh, that's your attitude as a people's policeman?"

"Catch people first, regardless of the nature of the matter?"

Jiang Dahai, the director of the police bureau, said: "no matter who is right and who is wrong, it is wrong to hit the police! You have no right to beat the police! "

Hearing this, Lin Kai also laughed: "ha ha, I'm sorry, I really have the right to fight the police, and I even have the right to kill people!"

"Arrogant!" After listening to Lin Kai's words, Jiang Dahai was also angry.

In his opinion, Lin Kai is a arrogant ignorant youth!

"In this world, no one has the right to beat the police!"

"Not even emperor Lao Tzu!"

"Somebody, bring it back to me! If you resist, use force! If you hurt the police, shoot directly! "

As soon as Jiang Haihai's order came down, a dozen policemen surrounded Lin Kai.

The bright handcuffs have been pulled out.

Several pistols have been aimed at linkey.

And Lin Kai did not move, allowing the police to control themselves.

And handcuffed myself.

It's not that Lin Kai is afraid of the police, but because there are many people around. Once the police shoot, Lin Kai can't guarantee the safety of others.

Just in time, this matter needs to be dealt with privately. Lin Kai went back to the police station with them.

Lin Kai was handcuffed, and the people around him sighed.

Finally, a man who dares to resist Li Gui appears.

I was taken away before I had a day's hopping.

This thing makes us more afraid of Li Gui and green hair in our hearts. These two people can't be provoked!

Old Li Tou sighed and shook his head.

Helplessly watching a good man framed by a bad man, his heart is not good ah!

At the same time, he also complained about Lin Kai.

You could have escaped just now! But you're going to be a hero. Now? Have you been fixed by Li Gui?

Li Gui's face is even more proud of the smile.

Even if Lin Kai's face is burning with pain, he can't hide the smile on his face.

This time, Lin Kai was able to help him, and Li Gui made a good show in front of the common people.

After that, who dares to provoke him to Li Gui?

And Lin Kai, this unfortunate man, is about to be punished by his Li Gui!

There was a green smile on her face.

He gloated at Lin Kai and even raised his middle finger at him!

Aren't you a tough guy? Can't you fight? Show me another one!

I can let you live in prison with a phone call!

Jiang Dahai backs his hands and looks at Lin Kai with a smile on his face.

I thought you were so brave. When you faced the pistol, you admitted it!

"Take it for me!" Jiang Haihai waves his hand, two policemen hold Lin Kai's arm, directly take Lin Kai into the police car!

As soon as Lao Li Tou looked at it, he was in a hurry.

"Wait a minute! wait a second! That child is innocent

As soon as Lao Li Tou's words were finished, he saw a vicious look in his eyes.

Li Gui said with a smile: "Oh, you also follow! If you don't qualify for breakfast, you can go to the health shop

"Take it away!"

At the command of Li Gui, two more policemen took old Li Tou into the police car.

Lin Kai and the breakfast shop owner, both arrested.

At this time, the onlookers also made way for the lawless Li Gui and other people. The residents of Jiangjing town dare not speak out.

Even if a good man is caught, they dare not stand up and resist.

Because the end of resistance is only one, like Lin Kai, who was mercilessly captured and jailed!

Before long, Lin Kai and Lao Li Tou were both taken to the Jiangjing Town Public Security Bureau.

In an interrogation room, Lin Kai and Lao Li Tou are locked together.

There is no one in the interrogation room for the time being. Old Li Tou looks at Lin Kai with a face of vicissitudes. At this time, old Li Tou seems to be several years old in a day, and his face is listless.

"Xiaokai, you are still young. Someone will come to interrogate us in a moment. If you have any responsibility, you should push me."

"If only you could get out ahead of time."Linkai leaned back on his chair with a cold face.

"Uncle, don't worry. None of the people who put us in can run away."

Hearing Lin Kai's affirmation, Lao Li sighed instead of being happy.

Lin Kai is a young man who likes to brag.

You've been locked in, and you still have the guts to brag?

If they don't hit you, they'll be fine!

Soon after, with a click, the door of the interrogation room was opened.

The visitor is not a policeman, but a green hair who has been beaten by Lin Kai.

Green hair came into the interrogation room with his hands on his back. As soon as he shook his hand, he closed the door of the interrogation room.

"I didn't expect it was me?" Green hair laughed.

He sat opposite Lin Kai and looked at Lin Kai with a sarcastic look on his face: "you boy, you are a cow! Even I dare to fight? "

"But now, you know what happens to me?"

Green hair cocked her legs and smoked.

"The director of the police station is my brother-in-law, and the chief of the police station has a good relationship with my brother-in-law. If you fight with me, you are the old longevity star, eat arsenic, and want to die!"

After saying that, green hair stares at old Li Tou again.

"And you, you old head, I'm tired of seeing you now!"

"You protect the boy, don't you? that 's ok! I want you and him to spend the rest of their lives in prison! "

"How your son got in, I'll let you in!"

Green hair that extremely arrogant words, let old Li head down.

His son is one of his pain points. Now he is mentioned by green hair, and his heart will still ache faintly.

Green hair scornfully looked at Lin Kai and said with a smile, "Oh, but I'll give you a chance."

With a click, green fur took off his shoes and threw them on the ground in front of Linkai.

"You, lick my shoe and put it on."

"I can consider lenient treatment of you, only let you stay in it for a few months."

Finish saying, green hair holds an arm, look at two people from high above.

He believed that this condition must be very attractive.

After all, that's freedom!

Just lick my shoes!

Come and beg me! Come and please me!

Green hair's face, has revealed a smile, proud smile.

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