Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 535

Lao Li's voice was shaking. He was the director of the police station!

The crime of assaulting the police is very serious. If Li Gui tries to operate it a little bit, he can keep Lin Kai from going out for several years!

But Lin Kai didn't listen to the old Li Tou's words. He saw Lin Kai's hands rise and fall and slap Li Gui's face with a slap.

This slap hit Li Gui with seven meat and eight vegetables. His eyes were full of stars, and half of his face was swollen.

The rest of the police a look, at that time carrying batons to run to Linkai.

More than a dozen police officers will fight with their batons!

But Lin Kai's eyes were cold and glanced at the dozen policemen.

Then Lin started.

Like a tiger in a sheep, those armed police are vulnerable to a blow in front of Linkai.

Three, five, two, all down.

There were howls, and the policemen covered their wounds and rolled on the ground.

Lin Kai's powerful skills, once again shocked the public.

Last time, green hair took a few small gangsters, and was completely knocked down by Linkai.

This time, a dozen well-trained police officers are as vulnerable as before Lin Kai!

This boy is not an ordinary man!

The crowd took a breath.

But Linkai is in big trouble!

He hit the police!

In addition, he beat more than a dozen police officers, which can no longer be used to determine Lin Kai's crime. To be serious, Lin Kai is a terrorist!

Li Gui, who fell to the ground, not only was not afraid, but sneered.

He covered his face, took out his mobile phone and said indistinctly: "you You're done! Dare to hit me, I I'll let you sit on the bottom of the prison

Then he called.

Not long after the call was made, it was put through.



"I was beaten up by rioters in Jiangjing town. Yes, more than a dozen of our policemen were beaten up!"

"Yes! OK

Li Gui hung up the phone, looking at Lin Kai with a look of schadenfreude.

He called the director!

I believe the director is coming here with a large number of people.

At that time, Lin Kai will definitely be overwhelmed!

"If you have the ability, don't leave!"

"I don't believe it. If you can fight again, you can beat a pistol!"

Li Gui's face is full of toes.

The green hair king has talent hiding behind Li Gui, his eyes are full of resentment.

But he knew that Lin was finished.

The director is coming!

You're about to suffer!

"Boy, dare to hit me, even if you can? My brother-in-law knows the police chief of Jiangjing town! "

"In a moment, my brother-in-law will have you arrested!"

"Handcuff you!"

"To spend the rest of your life in prison!"

Green hair exclaimed.

At this time, old Li Tou also sighed.

He shook his head.

This time, the immortal couldn't keep Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is really young and full of vigor.

Do things without considering the consequences.

This green hair's backing is not simple! Otherwise, he can commit crimes in Jiangjing town for such a long time without any accident?

Officials protect each other!

When the police chief comes, it must be Lin Kai!

At that time, old Li Tou advised: "young man, run quickly!"

"I'll carry it for you! Isn't that prison? I'm old, anyway. Where do I sit, not sit? "

Old Li Tou waved his hand to Lin Kai to run quickly.

However, none of the onlookers stopped Lin Kai. On the contrary, they automatically gave up a road to let Linkai escape.

They know that Li Gui and Wang Youcai are not good birds.

If Lin Kai beats them, they will only admire him, but not help the two scum to subdue him.

"Run, young man. You can't beat them."

"Yes, young man, neither of them is a good bird. Run, and no one will laugh at you."

"Big brother, run


The enthusiastic masses around him tried to persuade him.

Even someone came to a motorcycle, no license plate, signal Lin to drive on.

Seeing this, Lin Kai's heart is still warm. It seems that there are many good people in the world.

But Lin Kai didn't choose to run away. He shook his head and said with a smile, "no, don't say it's the director. Even if the director comes, he has to give me face to Lin!"

After listening to Lin Kai's arrogant words, everyone was stunned.Is that crazy?

Although it is worth learning from your spirit of starting out for the elderly, bragging can greatly reduce people's favor for Lin Kai.

At that time, countless people sighed and shook their heads.

I thought I met a hero, but I didn't expect to meet a lengtouqing.

In a moment, the chief of the police will come, and you will have a hard time!

At this time, green hair also laughed: "ha ha! silly ass! Not running? You'll cry later

Green Mao was afraid that Lin ran away.

If he ran away, there was really no place to look for him.

But Lin Kai is such a fool that he doesn't run!

If you don't run, you'll be punished!

Soon after, only a burst of sirens sounded, and four or five police cars came from afar!

After the four or five police cars appeared, they surrounded the scene directly and more than a dozen policemen stepped down from the police cars.

A dozen police officers, armed with pistols, quickly entered the scene.

After these more than ten policemen, there was a policeman in regular clothes, in his forties, with a strong figure and a cold eye.

This is Jiang Dahai, the director of Jiangjing police station.

After seeing Jiang Dahai, Li Gui was overjoyed and waved again and again.

"Director Jiang! Director Jiang! Here I am

With that, Li Gui stood up from the ground and ran to Jiang Haihai in a hurry.

At the same time, Li Gui gave Lin Kai a cold glance, and there was schadenfreude in his eyes.

Jiang Dahai frowns after seeing Li Gui's red and swollen face.

To beat the police like this is really lawless!

"Who beat you?" Jiang Dahai asked.

Li Guiyi pointed to Lin Kai, with a look of grievance on his face: "director Jiang, that's him!"

"The breakfast shop of Lao Li was closed down because of the hygiene problem. This young man is a relative of the old Li Tou. He can't help but call us when he comes up!"

After listening to Li Gui's words, Jiang Dahai was furious.

Disobeying the law, you dare to beat the police!

"Catch it for me!" Jiang Dahai gave an order.

Later, only a dozen policemen surrounded Linkai directly, several cold pistols have pointed at Linkai.

"Don't move!"

"Hold your head in your hands! Get down

There was a loud shout.

But Lin Kai stands in place, coldly looking at the police in front of him.

Lin Kai calmly said: "I advise you to put down the gun in your hand. I hate that others point a gun at my head."

Hearing Lin Kai's arrogant tone, a young policeman quickly approached Lin Kai, and almost all the pistols pointed at Lin Kai's forehead!

"The first warning! Hold your head in both hands and squat down

"Second warning!"

"The third time..."

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