Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 534

Uncle firmly disagrees with Lin's going.

After all, Wang Youcai's brother-in-law is not easy to provoke.

The director of the police station! A powerful official!

Lin Kai looked helpless. He explained patiently, "uncle, don't worry. I'll be OK."

After that, Lin Kai, regardless of whether the uncle agreed or not, broke free. He took his hand and ran to Lao Li Tou's breakfast shop in a hurry.

At this time, Lao Li Tou's breakfast shop has been surrounded by three floors outside.

Outside, a crowd of melon eaters were watching.

At the door of the breakfast shop, there are three or four police cars, and more than ten policemen have surrounded the breakfast shop.

See breakfast shop door crowded, old Li head was also put on handcuffs.

Green hair, who was beaten by Lin Kai violence yesterday, has been wrapped in gauze at this time, and his head is the same as that of a mummy.

He looked at Lao Li's eyes, which was a grudge.

And beside green hair, there is a middle-aged man with a big belly.

The middle-aged man was a little bald, dressed in uniform, with his hands in his pockets, looking coldly at the handcuffed old Li Tou.

He is Lvmao's brother-in-law, Li Gui.

"Say, where is the man who struck?" Li Gui asked in a cold voice.

Old Li Tou had a bitter smile on his face.

Although he had already guessed that there would be such a result, he did not expect that retribution would come so quickly.

Old Li gave Li Gui a cold look.

He will not forget that it was this man who put his son in prison!

Regardless of the nature, he only looked at his brother-in-law. Lao Li Tou did not have any affection for him.

He is also old, and he is not afraid of Li Gui.

"I don't know!" Old Li Tou replied.

"I don't know?" Li Gui's eyes narrowed: "you don't want to open this breakfast shop? Your son doesn't want to be released? "

"Pooh At the mention of his son, old Li Tou was angry: "you brute! Do you deserve to be a police officer for wronging good people

After listening to the old Li Tou's words, Li Gui didn't get angry but laughed: "ha ha, I don't deserve it, you don't have to decide!"

"You don't say that, do you? Good! Now I seriously doubt the hygiene problem of your breakfast shop. Now I will conduct on-site investigation! "

At Li Gui's command, two policemen immediately entered the breakfast shop and rummaged.

Soon after, a policeman came out with a steamed bun.

"Director! His steamed buns are not clean! "

The policeman handed the bun to Li Gui.

Li Gui takes the steamed stuffed buns and opens them. There is a cockroach about the size of a thumb among them!

Cockroaches are still alive, crawling in buns.

"What else do you have to say?"


Li Gui threw the steamed stuffed bun on the ground.

"There are cockroaches in your steamed buns! How can people eat at ease in such a breakfast shop? "

"Seal it for me!"

At the command of Li Gui, the police under his command entered the breakfast shop, moved out all that could be moved, and then closed the door, directly locked it, and pasted a seal.

Seal the breakfast shop of old Li Tou directly!

At this time, the scene was silent.

No one dares to stand out for Lao Li Tou, although everyone knows that his breakfast shop is absolutely hygienic.

But Li Gui is in power, and no one dares to challenge him.

Looking at the closure of his breakfast shop, Lao Li seemed to be bleeding.

This is his hard work!

"You must not die easily!" Lao Li almost roared.

Li Guiyi, a policeman, sneered? doubly guilty! Go back to jail

After that, a policeman took Lao Li's arm and took him to the police car.

Green hair standing on one side, his eyes flashed a proud look.

Bad old man, dare to break my business, I let you and your son, in prison well sober up!

After catching the man, Li Gui turns to face the crowd.

Li Guiting's chest was raised and his face was upright: "neighbors, Lao Li's breakfast shop has been temporarily closed down because of hygiene problems. As the director of the local police station, I have a certain responsibility. After I go back, I will have a good review."

Li Gui said that he was right and strong, as if he had done a good deed.

"Good!" A policeman under Li Gui clapped his hands immediately.

The rest of the police also applauded, looking at Li Gui with a fawning face.

And there were scattered applause from the crowd.

Li Gui nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and was ready to close the team.

When Li Gui was about to get into the police car, a young man suddenly came out of the crowd.The young man's eyes were cold and stern. He went straight to Li Gui and grabbed his collar.

Li Gui is surprised and looks up. Lin Kai gives a cruel smile to Li Gui.

"Do you know why the flowers are so red?" Lin Kai grinned.

Then, Lin Kai raised his hand and fell, PA! A ring, Lin Kai a slap in the face of Li Gui.

This slap directly knocked Li Gui to the ground.

Li Gui shakes his head and feels dizzy.

His face was red and swollen.

I was almost overwhelmed.

And prepare to get on the police, are also stunned.

They look at Lin Kai stupidly, for a long time can't react.

Who is this man? Why are you so tiger? How dare the police station directors fight?

And the crowd was stunned.

Nobody thought that Lin Kai would dare to appear at this time!

And hit the director of the police station!

Is he crazy?

However, looking at Li Gui being slapped by Lin Kai, people still feel a burst of dark cool.

It's time to fight! Good fight!

Green hair after seeing Lin Kai, his eyes almost all shine, this hit him countless slaps, finally appeared!

"You son of a bitch, you've finally shown up!" Green hair is almost gnashing teeth said.

And the police also responded, they gradually surrounded Linkai, and had the guy in their hands.

Rubber batons.

Li Gui was also helped up, he looked at Lin Kai, eyes full of anger.

He was beaten!

Since Li Gui became the director of the police station, no one has ever dared to beat him!

"Dare you attack the police?" Li Gui asked in a cold voice.

Lin Kai looked at Li Gui contemptuously: "are you a policeman? You're not just a cop, you're not a man, a two legged beast. "

"Today, master Lin teaches you how to be a man!"

After that, Lin Kaiyi rolled up his sleeves and prepared to give Li Gui a little color to see.

When Li Gui saw that Lin Kai was going to do something, he did not panic, but showed a sneer.

Dare to attack the police, and more than once, you are finished, I will let you enjoy a few years in prison!

At this time, old Li Tou, who had been taken into the police car, suddenly jumped down. When he saw that Lin Kai was going to hit Li Gui, his face changed greatly.

"Stop it!"

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