Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 533

What a arrogant tone.

Don't you pay attention to the director of the police station?

Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. It seems that Lin Kai is going to follow green Mao to the end!

Lin Kai put old Li's head behind his back and looked at green hair with interest.

And green hair's heart cluttered a, oneself won't encounter lengtouqing?

Not even the head of a police station?

"Boy, my brother-in-law is the director of the police station! You can go to jail. You can apologize now. It's too late! " Green hair threatened again.

Lin Kai pinched his fist and made a crackling sound.

Then, Lin approached green hair step by step.

And green hair this time just felt afraid, step back.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't mess with me."

"It's against the law to hit people!"

"Be careful that I let my brother-in-law catch you!"

Green hair warned Lin Kai and retreated to the corner.

If you look at his brothers, they are all laid down by Lin Kai. Now green hair is a bare rod commander.

Lin Kai sneered: "Oh, I'll beat you today. If you have the ability, let your brother-in-law catch me!"

After that, Lin Kaiyi slapped green hair's face!



Green hair's face was crooked, and once again there was a palm print on his face. His face was already red and swollen. This time, he really became a pig's head.


Green hair did not say a word, it was another crack.

Lin Kai slapped up again!

"I'll slap your parents! You have no breeding! I don't know how to respect the old and love the young. "


"This slap, I fight for the neighbors! I'll beat you to do all the wrong things


"I'll slap your brother-in-law! As the director of the police station, I have to beat your brother-in-law when he comes


"This slap, I'll fight for myself! If you dare to offend me, Lin Kai, are you crazy


These slaps down, green hair's face, has been bigger than the original circle.

If it wasn't for the iconic hair, I'm afraid his mother would not recognize this as her son.

And green hair only felt the burning pain on his face and numbness on his face. He seemed to be unable to feel the existence of his face.

A vertigo came from the brain. Finally, green hair and white eyes rolled over and fainted directly on the ground.

Then, Lin Kai wiped his hands with a paper towel and threw the paper towel on green hair's face.

After Lin Kai finished beating, the people around him clapped their hands sincerely again.

This time, they applauded for Lin Kai's courage!

Lin Kai has backbone!

Even if he knew that green hair's brother-in-law was the director of the police station, he was not afraid at all.

This kind of villain should be beaten!

Everyone admired Linkai's courage.

A lot of people gave Lin Kai thumbs up.

Only old Li Tou had a wry smile on his face. He waved his hand and said, "big guy, if it's OK, let's go, let's go..."

And the crowd was evacuated to the hospital.

Lin Kaitai made a breakthrough for Li Tou, but he was not very happy.

He was sitting on the bench in the breakfast shop, lighting a red pagoda mountain, frowning and smoking melancholy.

But Lin Kai took back the money that green hair robbed Lao Li Tou and put it on the table in front of Lao Li Tou.

"Uncle, keep the money. If the boy dares to come to you for trouble in the future, call me. My name is Lin Kai."

After that, Lin Kai left his phone number.

After hearing the speech, Lao Li chuckled gratefully. Then, he shook his head again.

"Thank you so much today, young man."

"But I'll tell you the truth. You'd better run."

"The farther you run, the better. You'd better run out of the capital. The name of the person you beat just now is Wang Youcai. His brother-in-law is the director of Jiangjing town police station. If his brother-in-law knows that Wang Youcai has been beaten, he will not let you go!"

"I'm going to pack up, too. It's closed."

Lao Li's face showed a bitter smile.

Lin Kai frowned. He didn't expect that because of his help, he asked an old man in his sixties to close the shop and leave.

Is this Wang talented, so terrible?

"What are you afraid of? Now it's a legal society. Do they dare to kill people? " Asked Linkai.

Speaking of this, old Li Tou's eyes showed a kind of vicissitudes and worries.

He took a deep puff, puffed out a ring, and recalled, "my son is about ten years older than you.""Because my son couldn't bear to see what Wang Youcai did, he beat Wang Youcai's man, and was arrested by Wang Youcai's brother-in-law and sentenced him to three years."

Listen to the words of old Li Tou, Lin Kai's heart, rise a nameless anger.

A small police station director, in this Jiangjing Town, can cover the sky with one hand!

Such scum can be so sheltered, is this still the police of the people?

A chill flashed in Lin Kai's eyes. Now, let the director go for a while. When Lin Kai's certificate comes down, Lin Kai will be the first to handle this director!

"Don't worry, sir. Where is your home? I'll stay with you these two days, and I won't let you down. "

Lin laughed.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, old Li Tou thought that Lin Kai had nowhere to go and wanted to take refuge in his home.

At that time, old Li Tou thought a little and nodded.

"Well, the most dangerous place is the safest place. It's OK to go to my house to avoid the wind."

After that, Lao Li tidied up in the breakfast shop and closed the breakfast shop.

Later, old Li Tou and Lin Kai walked to the Hutong opposite the breakfast shop.

Not long after, Lin Kai came to Lao Li Tou's home.

A Chinese courtyard seems to be old. As soon as you enter the courtyard, a simple wind blows. There is a big locust tree in the courtyard, and the furniture in the room has a sense of age.

It's not so shabby, it's just that the furniture is very old.

Old Li Tou arranged a room for Lin Kai to live here.

I have to say that Lao Li Tou's heart is excellent. He is afraid that Lin Kai will be caught by Wang Youcai's brother-in-law, and he arranges Lin Kai to his own home.

One day passed, and the next morning, while Lin Kai was still asleep, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Lin Kai was awakened by a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw an uncle in his fifties waiting outside.

When he saw Lin Kai, he caught Lin Kai's hand and said, "are you Lin Kai? Come with me! Wang Youcai's brother-in-law is here! Lao Li Tou's breakfast shop has been closed! They'll find it in a minute

Hearing the speech, Lin opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes. His anger surged into his heart. What a bully!

"I'll go to the breakfast shop."

After that, Lin Kai wanted to shake off the uncle's hand.

But the uncle held on to Lin Kai's hand.

"No! Old Li Tou said, you can't go. If you go, you will die! The end is more serious than that of old Li Tou's son

"I can't watch you ruin your future like this!"

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