Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 508

"Keep practicing!"

"Don't stop!"

Director Shen supervised his daughter and son.

And the girls and the boys didn't stop. They were practicing boxing all the time.

Their faces were proud.

The eyes are also very proud.

Because they feel that they are the favored ones!

Their family background is prominent, but also so hard, they think they are very strong, because they practice martial arts at a small age.

All the onlookers also made a voice of cheering.

This cheering sound, but also let them some flutter.

The surprised eyes of the people around them are the motivation for them to practice boxing.

They enjoy being surrounded by people, which makes them feel that they are not ordinary people.

I can see that their boxing speed is faster and faster, and their boxing skills are more and more beautiful.

But Lin Kai, who was watching, frowned.

Because in addition to the first set of Military Boxing, they are more beautiful, the other boxing techniques are all HuaQuan embroidered legs!

Lin Kai frowns and shakes his head. Director Shen sees this detail in his eyes.

Director Shen looks at Lin Kai with displeasure.

Among the onlookers, Lin Kai was the only one who did not applaud.

It upset him.

After a while, he shook his head and sighed.

Because there's nothing to see from these three people's fists.

But Lin Kai hasn't made two steps yet. Director Shen has stopped Lin Kai.

The man and woman also stare at Lin Kai.

Lin kaigang just sighed and shook his head, but they all saw it in their eyes!

Director Shen squinted at Lin Kai and said, "young man, I just looked at you with disdain. Do you have any opinion on our Shen family boxing?"

Lin Kai saw that he was stopped.

He also did not hide tuck in, way: "Military Boxing is good."

"However, there are still some flaws in your Shenjia boxing. It takes too long to shake back, and it is easy to leave flaws for the enemy."

When director Shen heard this, you really dare to put forward your opinions.

At that time, director Shen became angry: "are you questioning our Shenjia boxing?"

Shen's boxing has always been a very proud boxing skill of Shen director!

There are a lot of police in the police department. They all study the Shenjia boxing.

this boxing method, do not know how many suspects have been arrested, and now is actually questioned by Lin Kai.

Lin Kaiyi is stunned. He is not good at coming!

"I don't dare to question. I just have some opinions of my younger generation." Lin Kai is more polite.

"Oh, you still have an opinion? How old are you? Nineteen, right? Our Shen family's boxing skills have been passed down from generation to generation. Is it hard to do so? Our ancestors' vision is not as fierce as you? "

At this time, the hot young girl said with her arms in her arms.

Not good at staring at the boy.

All the people around him also pointed to Linkai.

"This young man, it's so wild!"

"Yes, director Shen is a meritorious official of our island city! I don't know how many earth shaking cases have been broken. Some time ago, I heard that even the butcher on a rainy night has been arrested. "

"It's beyond his power that this young man should question the Shenjia boxing."

"I don't know."


The crowd pointed to Lin Kai and criticized him for not questioning the Shenjia boxing.

Lin Kai also had no choice but to smile. At that time, he waved his hand and wanted to leave the scene.

But two young men, a man and a woman, blocked Lin Kai's way.

"Stop! If you don't give us a statement today, you don't want to leave! " The young girl gave a big drink.

Lin Kai frowned and looked at the three people with an unhappy face: "what can I tell you? Why don't you let me go if I don't commit a crime or two

Director Shen waved, and the girl and the boy stepped aside.

Director Shen looked at Lin Kai with displeasure: "young man, since you put forward your opinions, you are also a martial arts practitioner."

"Do you dare to compete with my daughter?"

Director Shen squints at Lin Kai.

There was a roar of laughter around.

It's self-evident that director Shen's meaning is that I'll show you how powerful our shens are!

At that time, you a man can't even beat a girl. You're disgraced!

The girl also holds her arm and stares at Lin Kai haughtily.

She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Three or five strong adults can't get close to her. Facing Lin Kai, she is not afraid at all.

He didn't even open Lin's eyes.

Lin laughed: "ha ha, the biggest taboo of martial arts practitioners is pride.""I don't want to bully the small with the big. Forget it."

Lin Kai refused directly.

"I don't think you dare?" The girl was laughing.

"You dare not even fight a girl like me, and you dare to question our Shenjia boxing?"

"I think you just pretend to understand. Do you really think you are a martial arts master?"

"Ha ha, if you don't know martial arts, don't question our Shenjia boxing. Our Shenjia boxing has been passed down for a hundred years. Can you, a little boy who knows nothing about it, question it?"

After listening to the girl's words, Lin Kai also laughed: "are you very proud?"

The girl raised her head and looked at Lin Kai with a twinkle in her eyes: "that's confidence!"

Lin Kai nodded and looked at director Shen and all the people: "you have a good look. They want to challenge me, but I'm not bullying the small with the big!"

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, a burst of laughter rang out.

Everyone was amused by Lin Kai's words.

Even if he is older than Lin?

You're kidding!

At that time, Lin Kai must be beaten!

"We are witnesses to you. They are going to challenge you. Let's fight! Ha ha

"Let's go! I can't wait! "

"Young man, don't be merciful


There was a sneer all around.

Director Shen stands with his hands down and stares at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai nodded, looked at the girl and picked up one of his hands.

"Don't say I bully you, I'll fight you with one hand." Lin Kai Dao.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the girls were amused by Lin Kai's arrogance.

"Ha ha, you still have a hand? I'll show you how good our Shenjia boxing is

After that, they came to a piece of open space.

The girl posed an aggressive posture, and Lin Kai stood in the same place, with a hand on his back, and looked at the girl with contempt on his face.

"Drink The girl yelled, turned around and kicked Lin Kai's waist.

People's waist, is very fragile, and the side kick waist, can make the leg burst out the extremely strong strength, because the waist position is not high or low, it is best to kick.

He kicked Lin Kai's waist directly with a kick. The girl's feet were straight. If this foot was kicked on ordinary people, ordinary people would not be able to stand up.

Unfortunately, she met Lin Kai.

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