Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 509

"HuaQuan embroidered legs." Lin Kai disdained to shake his head.

I saw Lin Kai standing with a negative hand, standing in place without moving, one hand gently grasps to the girl's ankle neck.

With a bang, the girl's ankle was directly grasped by Lin Kai.

The girl's temperature is very high and her skin is warm.

The confident look on the girl's face made her surprised.

This person's reaction and speed, how fast?

This foot of their own, according to reason, ordinary people can't take it!

If you pick up your foot with your hand, your hand will be kicked out!

But Linkai caught it easily!

"It takes too long to roll forward. If you meet a master, you can beat you before you kick it!"

After that, Lin Kaiyi swung the girl's leg, and the girl stepped back three steps.

The girl's face in addition to surprise, that is left not to accept.

You are lucky to catch me!

I saw the girl's face angry, staring at Lin Kai: "come again!"

Having said that, the girl a big drink, once again rushed to Lin Kai.

This time, when the girl learned her skills, she suddenly somersault in front of Lin Kai. Her hands were on the ground, and her feet were like scissors, twisting to Lin Kai's neck.

Hu, the girl's legs have come to Lin Kai's eyes.

The people around him exclaimed.

This is a girl's must kill skill, the Shen family strangles!

If the legs are clamped around the neck, the girl will use the power of somersault to throw people out.

Be thrown to fly out, light head broken blood, heavy on the spot death!

But Lin Kai looks at the girl with disdain. Even when his legs are in front of him, Lin Kai never dodges.

With a crack, the girl's legs directly caught Lin Kai's neck.

On the girl's face, there was a look of great joy.

Caught in your own legs, you're dead!

But then the girl couldn't laugh.

Because she found that her legs seemed to be clamped to a wire pole.

No matter how she flings, the other side is still!

The girl swung a few times, her arm on the ground almost no strength, but Linkai still did not move.

Lin Kai looked at the girl's buttocks with contempt.

"Hanging? It seems to have great lethality, but it's still that problem. It takes too long to roll forward. "

"Who will stand like me waiting for you to hang?"

"When you meet a power player, you're dead."

After that, Lin Kai grabbed the girl's ankle and threw her on the ground.

Ouch, the girl's butt fell heavily on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Kai stood still and did not move, so he broke the Shenjia boxing.

On the way, people exclaimed in surprise. Apparently, no one thought that Lin Kai, who looked like a young man, was a martial arts expert.

The girl seems to be so clever in martial arts, in front of Lin Kai, is actually vulnerable.

Lin Kai looked at the director of the Shen hall and hugged his fist: "see you."

After that, Lin Kai wanted to leave the scene.

But director Shen blocked Lin Kai's way.

See Shen hall long sword eyebrow cold vertical, looking at Lin Kai: "hit my daughter, so easy to go?"

"Hit your daughter?" When Lin Kai heard the speech, he was also dumbfounded.

"Shenting, you are responsible for what you say. It's you who come to me for a contest. Now it's you who say I beat people. What do you want me to do?"

Director Shen sneered: "ha ha, my daughter is not good at learning martial arts, but my Shen family boxing is not something you can stigmatize. Let me meet you!"

After all, director Shen quickly approached Lin Kai. Even though he was in his forties, he was still very fast.

In less than a second, he approached Linkai.

Director Shen's shoulder is like a rhinoceros, which directly connects to Linkai.

There was a cry of surprise from all around.

"Director Shen is the martial arts champion of our island city."

"Yes, when director Shen was young, he captured many bandits relying on Shen family boxing."

"This young man has angered director Shen. He is just looking for trouble for himself."

In the face of director Shen, who is like a bull, Lin Kai still stands with a negative hand.

Lin Kai is not cold and not light said: "close to the mountain, close combat lethality is great, but the use of the mountain by, you need absolute strength and speed, you, can not."

After that, Lin Kai held out a hand.


Lin Kai held down the furious Shen director directly.

No matter how powerful Shen Ting is, he can't move forward.

This move is powerful and close to the mountain, so it is broken by Lin Kai's hand.At this time, director Shen felt as if he had hit a mountain. He allowed himself to break his head and blood, but the other side did not move.

No matter how hard you try, you can't push the forest.

At this time, director Shen found that he had met a hard nut.

"I don't accept it!"

Director Shen stepped back a few steps and ran into Lin Kai with a roar.

"Ah, ah!" A burst of roar, director Shen, like an angry rhinoceros, bumped into Lin Kai.

Shenjia boxing? That is to deal with ordinary people.

This time, Lin Kai is not used to director Shen. If he doesn't give him some color to see, he doesn't know how to respect himself!

"Let's show you, really close to the mountain!"

Lin Kai sneered.

He didn't use skills, he just imitated the way rhinoceros attacked, kicking one foot to the ground.

Then, Lin Kai's body shot out like a shell!

Anger, around the body, there is an invisible layer of true Qi to protect the body.

Lin Kai's eyes are like an angry rhinoceros.

And Lin Kai's momentum is unstoppable!

Director Shen was startled at that time. If he bumped into himself, would he not be crushed to pieces?


A gust of strong wind blows, only to see Lin Kai directly from the side of director Shen.

Director Shen was in a cold sweat.

He did not choose to collide with himself, but chose to ignore himself.

He's releasing water.


A loud noise sounded, and Lin Kai hit the huge willow behind Shen.

The willow is so huge that it needs to be held by one person.

But after being hit by the forest, the willow actually made a click.

They all looked at the willow tree.

I saw that the part of the willow that had been hit had been cracked.

Click! CLICK!

There were two more sounds, and the crack became bigger and bigger. At last, a very clear click was made, and the whole willow tree fell down!

With a crash, the willow trees hit the ground, and countless leaves were shaken to the ground.

People looked at the knocked down willow, which was a shock in their hearts.

A man knocked down a willow tree with his own body!

Such abnormal strength, more abnormal than rhinoceros!

This is more impressive than pulling down the willows!

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