Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 507

"Thank you." The remote control and the door open.

Yang Jianxiong watched Lin Kai leave and turned around.

As soon as he turned around, the smile on Yang Jianxiong's face disappeared.

Instead, it is a face of seriousness, eyes still with a touch of murderous gas.

I saw Yang Jianxiong walking towards the Liu family.

And all the Liu family were shocked by Yang Jianxiong's momentum and did not dare to say a word more.

Yang Jianxiong looked at the people of the Liu family and said in a cold voice, "I don't care whether you are Liu family or Wang family. Lin Kai is my family member of Yang Jianxiong!"

"If you dare to touch a hair of Lin Kai, I want you Liu family to lose their lives!"

After that, Yang Jianxiong went straight into the long Hummer.

As soon as the driver stepped on the gas pedal, the extended Hummer disappeared into the public's sight.

And all the people in the Liu family were ugly.

It was Yang Jianxiong who talked to them just now! The owner of the Yang family.

He didn't put Liu family in the eye at all. It was true that Liu family was not enough for Yang family.

But the most unacceptable thing is that Lin Kai, the gnawing old man they despise most, is so valued by Yang Jianxiong and claims that Lin Kai is his family.

Is this black sheep really so good?

Think about it carefully. In fact, Lin Kai is really excellent.

During this period of time when he came to the Liu family, Lin Kai has always been very friendly to the Liu family, and now Lin Kai is quite different from the previous one.

In the past, Lin Kai dandy didn't take the Liu family seriously.

But now Lin Kai is not only polite, but also very low-key.

It is a gift worth more than one billion yuan.

Lin Kai's performance is in the eyes of the Liu family, but they don't want to admit that Lin Kai is excellent.

Because in their eyes, Lin Kai is a dandy black sheep. No matter how Lin Kai changes, the Liu family doesn't want to admit that Lin Kai is excellent!

Until now, their hearts, finally regret.

If we had made a good friend to Lin Kai earlier, would they still have problems with their Liu family?

The Liu family all sighed and shook their heads to leave.


After entering the winter wind, Lin Kai was immediately shocked by the luxurious villa.

This villa is more luxurious than the one I bought in Jinling!

It not only covers a larger area, but also has a private swimming pool.

After Lin Kai entered the villa, the chef, three nannies and four security guards immediately came out to see Lin Kai.

The chef is a chef from a foreign country. He is a foreigner with a big nose and a little fat.

And nannies are all nannies of China.

And they are all young girls in their early twenties. They are more beautiful than others.

Yang Jianxiong is also intentional, afraid of his loneliness, sent himself three such a water nanny.

The security guard is a big security guard.

After meeting them, Lin Kai came to the room. The spacious room was decorated very comfortably. There were water beds, super LCD TVs and movie rooms.

After taking a bath and lying on the big water bed, Lin Kai fell asleep again.

In the afternoon, he woke up and ate something. Lin Kai changed his clothes and went to the happy coast for a walk.

The happy coast is indeed the most upscale community in the whole island, and the scenery is very pleasant.

Walking on the road, suddenly Lin Kai felt that he was living such a happy life.

It's just one less girlfriend.

When Lin Kai fantasized about the future, three people trotted past Lin Kai.

A couple of men.

Lin Kai's eyes were immediately attracted by the girl.

That figure, really hot!

A pair of gray tights on the lower body, the legs and buttocks are perfectly outlined, and the upper body is a pink sports coat. The hair is combed into a ponytail and left behind, full of youthful flavor.

When the girl ran past Lin Kai, she still had a faint fragrance.

Nice figure!

This is Lin Kai's first thought.

As for the two men, Lin Kai didn't pay much attention to them.

Then he walked on, and before long, Linkai went to a small park in the middle of happy coast.

Sitting in the pavilion, Lin Kai saw the three men again.

Under a big willow tree, Lin Kai sees the girl again.

This time, Lin Kai can take a close look at the girl's face.

He looks very young. He is only 19 years old. He has collagen on his face, his facial features are very delicate, and his skin is so watery that he can't help but kiss him.

She looked serious and didn't notice Lin Kai at all.

Next to her, there is a young boy, who looks about the same age as the girl and looks very handsome. They seem to be brothers and sisters.Another man, who looked like their father, was in his forties.

Also wearing a sportswear, the body is very strong, a serious face, the expression is not angry from prestige.

"I've taught you boxing, practice it three times!" The middle-aged man gave a big drink.

The young boy and the girl heard the speech and began to practice under the willow.



"Hey, ha!"

A man and a woman started boxing. It was a tiger and a tiger. It was also very beautiful to punch.

Standard Military Boxing!

Lin Kai also looked at it with great interest.

There were also many people standing around, attracted by the young men and women who were fighting.

And some people whispered, "isn't that the director of the police department?"? To practice his children again? "

"Yes, director Shen values his son and daughter. He takes his son and daughter to exercise every day and comes here to practice boxing every day."

"The tiger father has no dog."


It turned out to be the director of the police department.

There are no ordinary people who can live in this place. Lin Kai nods slightly.

After three sets of Military Boxing, the girl was sweating and the boy was panting.

Director Shen did not let them rest.

"After the Military Boxing, let's fight our Shenjia boxing!"

At this time, director Shen stood in front of the boys and girls and joined them in boxing.

I saw the three men step down and began to fight a set of strange boxing.

It is similar to Taiji, but it is stronger than Taiji. It is fast and slow, which makes people confused.



The three began to fight. They looked very beautiful and powerful.

Although it looks beautiful, in Lin Kai's eyes, compared with Military Boxing, this set of boxing is simply HuaQuan embroidered legs!

But the people around them didn't know that they just thought the boxing was very beautiful, and they clapped and applauded.


"Good boxing!"

There was a burst of applause.

And director Shen's face also showed a proud smile.

This son and a girl are all his pride.

Although my son is young, he is now a police officer of the first rank!

My daughter is also a police officer II.

They performed well in the police station, and their future was no worse than his father!

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