Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 501

The three great men of the Yang family all knelt down to Lin Kai.

This scene is really shocking.

Lin Kai looked at the three men kneeling in front of him, but he was speechless for a while.

At that time, Lin Kai helped up three people and said, "please get up quickly, master Yang. You are so polite!"

Lin Kai went to help three people, but found that none of them moved.

Kneeling on the ground, the knee seems to be glued to the ground, and it can't be pulled.

Ye Miaoshu and maple boundless are a face of firm expression.

"Mr. Lin, if you don't accept us as apprentices today, we can't get up on our knees!" Ye Miaoshu said.

Hearing ye Miaoshu's words, Lin Kai is also a burst of sweat.

On second thought, after a period of time, they will leave the island, and then they will not find themselves.

At that time, Lin Kai nodded.

"All right, all right, get up."

Lin Kai was helpless.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, ye Miaoshu and Feng Wuyuan are overjoyed. They are as happy as children.

Yang Jianxiong also stood up with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that Lin Kai's medical skills are really excellent.

Eight needles not only cured Yang Jianxiong's trauma, but also cured Yang Jianxiong's rheumatism in the past few years.

It's amazing.

"Brother Lin, I can't repay you for saving my life!" Yang Jianxiong considered for a moment, and finally gave Yang a look.

Yang readily understood.

Soon after, Yang came with a key, and she gave it to Lin Kai.

Yang Jianxiong said with a smile: "brother Lin, this key is the key of a villa on the happy coast. In order to repay you, this villa will be given to you!"

"A villa?" Lin Kai shook his head and returned the key to Yang.

"No, it's too expensive. I can't take it." Lin Kai shook his head and refused.

Lin Kai doesn't pay much attention to money. He values attribute points and upgrade points.

After saving Yang Jianxiong, Lin Kai has gained 100 upgrade points and 100 attribute points, which is a reward for Lin Kai.

Yang Jianxiong but a face firm expression: "no, brother Lin, if you don't accept this villa, I can't get up on my knees!"

With that, Yang Jianxiong was about to kneel.

Seeing that Yang Jianxiong was going to kneel down, Lin Kai went to help him.

Lin Kai's heart is helpless. Where is such a person? He also gave others a villa and knelt down if he didn't accept it.

"Good, good. I'll take it. Can't I take it?" Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry.

A villa, for the Yang family, I'm afraid it's only a drop in the ocean. Lin Kai didn't put it in his heart. He put the key in his pocket.

But Lin Kai doesn't know that happy coast is not only the most expensive villa area in the whole island, but also the place where powerful people live on the island.

This is not a place you can live in if you have money.

This place, similar to the military compound, has no certain status. The local island government does not allow you to live in it.

The existence of the happy coast is also established by the island government in order to attract people.

Yang Jianxiong, as the owner of the Yang family, naturally has a building.

Lin Kai didn't know the value of happy coast, so he accepted it foolishly.

After accepting the key to the room, Lin Kai and Yang Jianxiong exchanged greetings and politeness for a while, and then they got up to leave.

Yang Jianxiong wants to stay in Linkai for a meal, but Lin Kai refuses.

Because Lin Kai has more important things to do!

Age: 19

gender: male

strength: 500

speed: 500

reaction: 500

physical strength: 500

defense: 500

true Qi: 0

heart of the strong: 0 / 100

skills: Golden pupil (gold), watermelon (silver), balloon (silver), Ganoderma lucidum (gold), turtle (bronze), mountain stone (silver), Yuli (silver) , rabid ape (silver), longicorn meteor strike (gold), crow (silver), Flathead brother extraction ability (demigod level)

self created skills: Ghost attack (silver)

upgrade points: 1010

attribute points: 190

Lin Kai has 190 attribute points, and Lin Kai plans to add these 190 attribute points to his own attributes.

Just when Lin Kai was ready to put his attributes on his strength.

Lin Kai found that he had an extra attribute.

The name of the attribute is Zhenqi.

Really angry?

What is this for?

"System, get out and explain it!" Lin Kai said without good breath.The system always plays with this system, and makes a little surprise from time to time.

Soon, Lin Kai's ear rang out the system's answer: "make a fuss, this is you unlock the second ordinary people do not have the attribute, really angry!"

Attributes that ordinary people don't have?

Defense is the first attribute that ordinary people don't have, because ordinary people don't rely on science and technology. Basically, they don't have defense. A bullet can kill them.

But with defense, it's not the same.

Now that Lin Kai has 500 points of defense, he can basically ignore the bullets of small caliber rifles.

What is the attribute of this genuine Qi?

"What's that really angry about?"

"Is it like that in the novel, if I have true Qi, I can go to heaven and escape from the earth, and I can do anything?"

Lin Kai asked excitedly.

If so, that would be great.

After that, I will be Superman!

The system replied angrily, "dream of you!"

"True Qi is to produce a stream of gas in your elixir field, which can effectively improve your abilities in all aspects."

"I'll tell you so, Zhenqi, just like the inscriptions in your game."

"If a player with an inscription and a player without an inscription control the same hero, it's like a heaven and a ground."

"And true Qi, you can understand it as an inscription. After you have genuine Qi, you can use the skill, which is much more destructive."

"The higher the true Qi is, the more you can realize the power of it."

After listening to the system's explanation, Lin Kai also understood.

True Qi is a kind of thing to help oneself become stronger!

Lin Kai didn't hesitate to listen to the system. He put all his remaining 190 attribute points on his true Qi.

After adding the true Qi, Lin Kai only felt a burning sensation coming from his abdomen, that is, the elixir field.

At first, Lin Kai could bear the feeling.

But after a while, the feeling became more and more intense. It seemed that there was a fire burning in the elixir field of Linkai!

This kind of pain made Lin Kai scream and clench his fist. His body became very red, just like a red hot iron. It was very ferocious and terrifying.

Even the sofa sitting under the buttocks by Lin Kai burst into flames and caught fire!

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