Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 502

But fortunately, the feeling came and went quickly. In about ten minutes, this restless feeling finally disappeared.

Fortunately, the fire is not big, otherwise the whole hotel will be on fire.

After extinguishing the fire, Lin Kai felt his own elixir.

At this time, Lin Kai felt that there was a stream of gas flowing in his Dantian.

Although there is gas in Dantian, but this gas will not give Lin Kai very uncomfortable feeling.

On the contrary, with this gas in the Dantian, Lin Kai felt that his body was much lighter and seemed to be as light as a swallow.

After that, Lin Kai took a horse step and pricked himself in place. He drank a lot, and Lin Kai punched out.

Lin opened his fist with a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The curtain ten meters away was blown by a breeze.

It was obviously blown by the genuine Qi from Lin's fist.

This is the real gas!

Lin Kai feels that when he punches, his fist is obviously surrounded by genuine Qi.

True Qi can not only increase Lin Kai's attack power, but also improve his forced grid.

Lin Kai is very satisfied. It's only 190 points. After that, when the value of his true Qi is high, maybe he can be like the hero in the movie and punch freely, and the world will change color.

After upgrading his own attributes, Lin Kai will now consider upgrading his own skills.

At present, Lin Kai still has many silver level skills to upgrade.

But there are only a few skills that are of great use to Linkai.

Among them, the most useful is the ghost attack and kill.

As a self created skill of Lin Kai, ghost attack and kill has great usability.

It can not only help Linkai escape, but also help Linkai make a surprise attack. It is very useful.

In addition to the ghost attack and kill, there are rock skills, balloon skills, crow skills and so on.

There is also a very useful skill for Linkai, Yuri skill.

Yuri skill can help Linkai control the enemy's mind. For him, it is also a very helpful skill.

Which skill do you want to upgrade? Lin Kai has a headache.

Finally, Lin Kai decided to upgrade his original skills, ghost attack and kill!

We are going to fight ye Nantian soon. If you don't have any skills, you can't do it!

"System, help me upgrade the ghost attack!"


The system agreed.

Then, Lin Kai began a long upgrade.

Half an hour later, the ghost attack and kill skill has been upgraded successfully!

In Lin Kai's mind, he also got a new ghost attack.

Complete the upgrade!

Let's take a look at the list of attributes and skills of Lin Kai, which has been completely new.

Age: 19

gender: male

strength: 500

speed: 500

reaction: 500

physical strength: 500

defense: 500

true Qi: 190

heart of the strong: 0 / 100

skills: Golden pupil (gold), watermelon (silver), balloon (silver), Ganoderma lucidum (gold), tortoise (bronze), mountain stone (silver), Yuli (silver) ), rage ape (silver), longicorn meteor strike (gold), crow (silver), Flathead brother extraction ability (demigod level)

self created skills: Ghost attack (gold)

upgrade point: 10

attribute point: 0

good, Lin Kai nodded with satisfaction.

Now on the south of the upper leaf, Lin Kai has full confidence!

Soon after, aunt cleaning came again.

This time, cleaning aunt or with strange eyes came in.

After seeing that the sofa was burnt, aunt cleaning looked at Lin Kai just like looking at the animals in the zoo.

Lost money, changed a set of sofa, cleaning aunt before leaving, but also mumbled a: "now young people, really can play."

Lin Kai:


The next day, early in the morning, Lin Kai finished washing and had breakfast, and then received a call from Yang Mi.

Over the phone, Yang Mi's voice was very lazy: "Lin Kai?"

Lin Kai thought with a smile: "call master, don't forget, you want to be my maid for a month."

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, Yang Mi, who was on the other side of the phone, was silent for a long time. He said angrily, "dead Lin Kai! Want miss ben to be your maid? Dream

"Miss Ben is Miss Yang! I'm not going to be your maid

Anyway, Lin Kai has cured her father, so Yang Mi simply turns his face and doesn't recognize people.

Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs helplessly.

He knew the little girl would not admit it.But it doesn't matter. Lin Kai didn't take it seriously.

"Well, what can I do for you to call the host?" Asked Linkai.

Yang Mi didn't respond angrily: "the villa on the happy coast has been transferred. If you are OK today, just go and have a look. There is an Italian chef, three nannies and four security guards in the villa. The Yang family has already paid them three years' wages. Go and identify the door."

After listening to Yang Mi's words, Lin Kai is also very surprised.

One chef, three nannies, four security guards?

How big is the villa?

"OK." Lin hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Lin drove downstairs to drive his own car, but found that Rolls Royce had limited number. In desperation, Lin Kai could only take a car to happy coast.

Half an hour later, Linkai arrived at the happy coast. As soon as he got off the bus, he was shocked by the happiness coast in front of him.

What a spectacle!

The happy coast is built in front of the sea. On the left is a beautiful rainforest, and on the right is an island city.

No matter in terms of traffic or scenery, they are top-notch.

The villas on the happy coast are even more beautiful. The buildings have different styles and sizes. The streets are clean, and even the air has the smell of flowers.

This is the best high-end residential area that Linkai has ever seen.

Yang Jianxiong gave himself a house here, and he had a heart.

At the gate of the happy coast, two security guards stopped Lin Kai.

The security guards here are also of high quality. They will not look down on Lin Kai because he is dressed in ordinary clothes.

"Please show me your access card, sir." The security guard was very polite.

Access card?

Lin Kai thinks that the little girl Yang Mi didn't give it to herself!

Lin Kai took out the villa key and asked, "is this OK?"

After seeing the key, the security guard was surprised and shook his head: "no way."

Just when Lin Kai was ready to call Yang Mi, two cars stopped behind Lin Kai.

A red BMW. Lin Kai knows this car. This car belongs to Liu Qiao!

In the rear, there is a black Mercedes Benz, which belongs to Liu Futong.

What a narrow road!

Sure enough, Liu Qiao came down from the BMW. She was wearing a red windbreaker, sunglasses, and a pair of white gloves. She looked like a lady standing high.

After seeing Lin Kai, Liu Qiao made a sarcastic voice: "Yo, who should I be in the way? Isn't this Lin Da Shao? Why, you can't get in without the access card? "

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