Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 500

Even Feng Wuyuan was defeated. At that time, Yang Mi's face was very ugly.

That's the boundless Maple!

The first master of the Yang family.

He was defeated by Lin Kai, a 19-year-old boy.

What is the origin of Lin Kai?

At this time, Yang Mi realized that Lin Kai was definitely not an ordinary person.

If he is an ordinary person, his skill can be more powerful than his own Maple boundless?

If he were a common man, could he beat the butcher on a rainy night?

If he is a normal person, can he use Qi to transport needles?

All kinds of signs show that Lin Kai has a great future behind him!

It's a joke to fight against him!

So he is not afraid of his own Yang family!

Yang Mi suddenly realized.

At this time, Feng Wuyuan and ye Miaoshu all look at Yang Mi. They have no way to take Lin Kai. They can only expect Yang Mi to bow down.

Only Yang Mi bows his head, can you ask Lin to open a hand, Yang Jianxiong can be saved!

Yang Mi also figured it out. Lin Kai is definitely not an ordinary person. Even if he bows his head, he has nothing to lose face.

At that time, Yang Mi blushed and said in a voice smaller than the wings of a mosquito: "I will be your maid, you You go with me... "

"What? I can't hear you At that time, Lin Kai held his arm and said with a playful smile.

Yang Mi was also angry. She said in a loud voice, "I said I would be your maid! You go with me

Lin Kai laughed: "ha ha! Yes, I'll go with you

Why did Lin Kai go with Yang Mi? Is it because Lin is happy and kind?

Of course, Lin Kai is the protagonist. Of course, he is very kind-hearted.

He went with Yang Mi, there is another reason, that is, for the task, for the attribute point!

Although Lin Kai's attribute points are very high now, are they too many? Of course not!

So Lin Kai chose to rescue Yang Jianxiong.

At that time, Lin Kai went back to his room and changed his clothes. He followed Yang Mi to the downstairs, where a Porsche was parked.

After getting on the bus, Lin Kai set out toward the central hospital.

Soon after, Lin Kai arrived at the central hospital and Yang Jianxiong's ward.

In Yang Jianxiong's ward, several people are waiting anxiously.

But Yang Jianxiong on the hospital bed, looks not optimistic, has arranged on the ventilator, the complexion is very pale, looks very miserable.

Yang Jianxiong takes a look at Lin Kai. He is too weak to say a word.

Lin Kai also sees Li Ming. After seeing Lin Kai, Li Ming dodges his eyes and dare not look at him directly.

Yang quickly walked over, plop, Yang directly knelt in front of Lin Kai, nose a tear.

"Mr. Lin, I beg you, you must save Jianxiong! I kneel down for you

Lin Kai was also frightened and helped Yang up.

"Mrs. Yang, wait a moment. I'll take a look at the situation first." Lin Kai said quickly.

Yang nodded and stood aside.

Lin Kai comes to the hospital bed and goes to see Yang Jianxiong's injury. After carefully examining Yang Jianxiong's injury, Lin Kai frowns.

Because of Yang Jianxiong's injury, it's not easy!

If the rib is broken, it's not cured!

But Lin Kai can be cured, because Ganoderma lucidum can cure all kinds of diseases!

Even if it's trauma, Lin Kai can cure it!

Lin Kai took out the silver needle box from his arms, opened the box, and opened Yang Jianxiong's clothes.

Later, Lin Kai picked up the silver needle and pricked it on Yang Jianxiong's body.

A total of eight silver needles were placed in eight different positions on Yang Jianxiong.

After tying the silver needle, Lin Kai pinches the end of the needle and takes a deep breath.

Ganoderma lucidum ability launch!

Then, a strong force followed Lin Kai's fingers into Yang Jianxiong's body.

This powerful force is repairing Yang Jianxiong's lung injury.

The broken ribs are slowly repositioning.

And the damaged lobes of the lungs are also slowly repairing.

Ten minutes later, Yang Jianxiong's face was so ruddy that he didn't even need to breathe.

Yang Jianxiong took off his breathing mask and began to breathe.

Yang Jianxiong looks at Lin Kai, which is a gratitude.

Linkai saved his life!

At this time, only heard a plop, ye Miao hand directly to Lin Kai knelt down!

Ye Miaoshu is very excited!

Ye Miao's hand towards Lin Kai is a burst of kneeling down!

"Master! Master Ye Miaoshu is very excited.

Because of Lin Kai's medical skills, let him witness the miracle!

A man who couldn't even help him survived under Lin Kai!Come alive!

In today's world, ye Miaoshu is not satisfied with his medical skills, but he takes Lin Kai's.

Lin Kai is very good at using Qi to move needles.

In ten minutes, he saved a dying man!

Ye Miaoshu is ashamed of himself.

Lin Kai looks at Ye Miao hand kneeling in front of him and covers his forehead.

This is the doctor who kneels down to his knees and asks himself to accept him as his apprentice?

Sure enough, ye Miaoshu said excitedly, "Mr. Lin, would you like to take an apprentice?"

Ye Miaoshu just finished this sentence, only heard a plop, maple boundless simply also knelt down.

See maple boundless rather embarrassed scratched his head, asked: "what, Mr. Lin, I also ask, you lack of miscellaneous? The one that serves tea and pours water. "

Lin Kai looked at the two old people kneeling down. He was helpless for a moment.

Both of them are over 50 years old. Now they all kneel down to themselves. What's the matter?

Lin Kai didn't realize the grandiose faces of the Yang family.

This is black and white! They have always been very arrogant, in addition to the Yang family, they do not accept.

But now, they kneel down, Linkai!

The black and white two old men are the two masters Yang Jianxiong rescued at a high price. Since then, he has been loyal to the Yang family.

For decades, black and white have never looked down on anyone!

But facing Lin Kai, they knelt down!

What does that mean? It shows that Lin Kai is very strong!

Strong enough to let both black and white submit to it!

Strong enough to kneel down and beg Lin to accept them as disciples!

Lin Kai, a young man, looks only nineteen years old.

He is not only a master of martial arts, but also a master of both medical skills and martial arts. He is also proficient in all aspects of the world. I'm afraid there is no second such genius in the world!

At the beginning of the forest, he heard only a plop, and Yang Jianxiong knelt down.

Yang Jianxiong kowtowed to Lin Kai three times.

"The grace of saving lives is unforgettable."

If this scene is seen by the citizens of the island city, I'm afraid the big teeth will be startled.

Yang, the head of the ten families, actually did that in the hospital ward!

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